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For 1812.

Marine hospital establishment, •

Support and maintenance of light-houses, &c., $389,388 84

Six mos.of 1843. $184,548 46

114,771 73

50,134 54

Public buildings, &c., in Washington,·

[blocks in formation]

Furniture of the President's house,.

1,500 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

20,000 00

Total under direction of the Navy Dep't, 8,324,993 70 3,672,717 79

[blocks in formation]

2. Statement of the Debt of the United States, December 1, 1843.

1. Of the (old) funded debt, being unclaimed principal and interest, returned from the late loan offices,

2. Outstanding certificates, and interest to 31st December, 1798, of the (old) unfunded debt, payable on presentation,

3. Treasury notes issued during the late war, payable on presentation,

4. Certificates of Mississippi stock, payable on presentation, 5. Debts of the corporate cities of the District of Columbia, assumed by the United States, viz:

Of the city of Washington,


$900,000 00

$210,000 00
210,000 00

$208,009 34

24,214 29

4,317 44 4.320 09

$1,320,000 00

[blocks in formation]

*This sum includes $98,300, in the hands of the accounting officers.

3. Revenue and Expenditure from July 1, 1843, to March 1, 1844.

From a subsequent report of the Secretary of the Treasury, made up

to February 29, 1844, we gather the following particulars:

The balance in the treasury on the 1st of July, 1843, was $10,434,507 55 The receipts from that time till 29th Feb'y, 1844, were

From Customs,


$15,102,688 26
1,337,052 79


Loan of 1843,

84,208 62

70,231 35

Treasury notes,

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The payments for the same period have been

For civil list, miscellaneous, and for

eign intercourse,

3,530,065 18


6,174,485 13


4,703,956 13

Reimbursing treasury notes,

9,758,711 49

Interest on treasury notes,

Interest on public debt,

Balance in the treasury, 1st March, 1844,

From these data it would appear, that the amount of the national debt, including treasury notes as a part of said debt, has been reduced $7,778,680 14, between the 1st July, 1843, and the 29th February, 1844. Thus

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Statement of the Receipts into the National Treasury, from Customs, Internal Revenue and Direct Taxes, and Sales of Public Lands, fractions of a dollar being excluded.

[blocks in formation]

5. Statement of the Expenditures of the United States, exclusive of payments on account of the Public Debt, and from Trust Funds, fractions excluded.


From January 1, to March 3, 1841.
From March 4, 1842, to March 4, 1843.

23,078,047 53,264,244

† From March 4, 1841, to March 4, 1842.


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