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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Perigee, 3d day, 2h. A. | Apogee, 15th day, 7h. A. | Perigee, 28th day, 8h. M.



Passage of the Meridian (mean time) and Declination of the Planets.

[blocks in formation]

7th day. Souths. Dec. h. m.

13th day. Souths. Dec. h. m.

11 10m-15 31 11 25m-12 9 11 42m 110-15 14 11 6

73-23 20 6 56

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

19th day.

Souths. Dec. h. m.

8 0 11 59m

25th day.

Souths. Dec. h. m.

3801sa +221

-12 52 11 11 -23 31 649

-10 18 11 15
-23 36 6 42

[blocks in formation]

5 43 1 7a

4 46 0 54a

[blocks in formation]

6 57 8 33m

[blocks in formation]



-23 24 952

-22 46 937 -22 36

[blocks in formation]


1 18a +3 25

[blocks in formation]

1 0a +359 0 41a +4 33 9 24m-17 19 2m-16 52

41a +1 17 1 19a +1 25

0 57a +1 33

0 342 +1 41 0 12a +1 49


55a +2 19 1 36a +2 52

Days of Month. ひたさささ
Moon Souths.
Mean Time.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

80 25a 6 488 6 48a 6 48a 6 462 6 46a

S. 1 13a 7 532 7 522 7 508 7 458 7 45a 5th Sunday in Lent.

[blocks in formation]

6 26a 6 258 6 258 6 228 6 21a Easter Sunday.

[blocks in formation]

S. 5 56m 1 3m 0 55m 0 55m 0 40m 0 35m

31 653 151 147 1 43 1 30 1 27 30 7 122. 6 8 8 4 24 S.

30 4 25a. in

Low Sunday.

[blocks in formation]

rises. sets. rises. sets rises. sets. rises. sets. rises.sets.
h. m. h. mh. m. h. m.sh. m. h. m.jh. m. h. m.h. m. h. m. h. m.

[blocks in formation]

1 Tu. 5 43 6 26 5 45 6 24 5 46 6 23 5 49 6 20 5 49 6 19

5 56m 3 36m 156m

[blocks in formation]

6 Su. 5 34 6 32 5 36 6 30 5 38 6 28 5 42 6 23 5 43 6 22

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


13 Su. 5 23 6 40 5 25 6 39 5 27 6 35 5 33 6 28 5 35 6 25 14 M.

[blocks in formation]

41 23 39 26 36 32 29 34 26

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

19 S. 13 47 15 44 19 41 27 32 29

[blocks in formation]

20 Su. 5 11 6 48 5 13 6 45 5 17 6 42 5 25 6 33 5 28 6 30 10 28a

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

27 Su. 5 1 6 55 5 4 6 52 5 8 6 43 5 18 6 38 5 21 6 34

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Boston, &c.

New York,


Charleston, &c.

1st day.

Days of Month.ひたささき京支

Passage of the Meridian (mean time) and Declination of the Planets.

Souths. Dec. h. m.

7th day. Souths. Dec. h. m.

13th day. Souths.Dec. h. m.

19th day. Souths. Dec. h. m.

25th day. Souths. Dec. h. m.

0 42a +8 59 1 oa +14 7 1 11a +17 59 1 12a +20 16 1 1a +20 51 11 33m 1 17 11 27m-141 11 31m+ 439 11 34m-733 1138m-10 21

6 25-23 16 6 17

0 12a

0 0 11 53

-22 55 69-223760 -22 115 51
+14 11 45 +27 11 31 +3 911 18

-21 42

49 8 30 +11 88 7a +11 37 7 468 +11 59 7 26a +12 167 68 +12 27 736m+945 718m +10 28 659m +11 12 639m +11576 19m +12 42 850-21 15 834 -20 53 819 -20 32 8 2 -20 13 746 -19 55

0 20a +5 12 0 2a + 5 45 11 44

+ 6 18 11 25

+ 651 117 +7 23 8 37m-16 40 816m-16 33 754 -16 26 732-16 20 7 10-16 14 +223 10 16 +230

116+1 59 11 23 +27 11 1

Moon rises or sets. Mean time.

[blocks in formation]

+ 215 10 39

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

17 47m 2 32m 2 30m 2 26m 2 16m 2 13m 1047m. 67818 *1 7 N.

[blocks in formation]

S.11 52m 6 43a 6 412 6 392 6 33a 6 31a 2d Sunday after Easter.

[blocks in formation]

6 26a 6 238 6 21a 6 13a 6 10a 17 7 41m. gr. elon. 19 49 Ε.

[blocks in formation]

033m 0 30m 0 26m 0 15m 0 12m 28 656m. 68

8 6 23 S.

[blocks in formation]

055 29 3 41m. 6

* 031 S.

30 7 27

1 43

1 36

29 2 32a. 6h৫

6 25 S.

Days of Month.

Days of Week.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Sun's upper limb rises and sets, (corr. for refract.) M. T. High Water. M. Time.

Full Moon,

21st day, 10h. 50.1m. M.

Last Quarter, 28th "

1h. 17.0m. M.

[blocks in formation]


1 Th. 4 55 7 0 4 59 6 56 5 2 6 52 5 13 6 41 5 17 6 37
2 F.
1 57 57 1 53 12 42 16
3 S.


rises. sets. rises. sets. rises. sets. rises. sets. rises.
h. m. h. m.h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.sh. m. h. m.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

56 58 0 54 11 43 15 39

[blocks in formation]

4 Su. 4 50 7 34 54 6 59 4 58 6 55 5 10 6 44 5 14 6 40 10 10m 750m 6 10m

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

11 Su. 4 43 7 10 4 47 7 6 4 51 7 2 5 5 6 49 5 9 6 44
12 Μ.
13 Tu. 41

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

18 Su. 4 36 7 17 4 41 7 13:45 7 8 5 0 6 53 5 5 6 48 19 Μ.

8 56a

6 36a

4 56a

9 0 54



9 47

7 27

5 47

20 Tu. 35 19




10 4 59



49 10 37

8 17

6 37

[blocks in formation]

25 Su. 4 31 7 24 4 36 7 19 4 41 7 14 4 56 6 53 5 2 6 52 26 M.

[blocks in formation]

30 25 35 20 40 15 56 59 1 53 27 Tu. 29 26 34 21 40

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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