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The State is divided into eleven Circuits, with a Judge for each.


Charles S. Henry, of Chatham Co., Judge of the Eastern Circuit, $1,800

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E. Y. Hill,

Lott Warren,

John W. Flournoy,

Coweta do. 2,100

Southwestern do. 2,100

Attorney General, $250 and perquisites.

Wm. B. Fleming, of Chatham Co., Judge of Court of Oyer and



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John W. Wilde, of Richmond Co., Judge of Court of Oyer and

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Inferior Court.- An Inferior Court is held in each county, composed of five justices, elected by the people every four years. These Courts possess the powers of Courts of Probate. The justices have no salary.


[From the last Report of the Engineer of the Central Railroad.]

"The road being now completed, and in successful operation throughout its whole extent, it is proper that I should present a report of its entire cost, its present condition, and the result of its operations since the date of my last report.

"The track was extended to the depot at Macon, and a train passed over the whole line on the 13th of October, 1843; the Macon depot was open for regular business on the 1st of November. The trains have passed over the whole line every day since that period, Sundays excepted.

"The whole length of the road from depot to depot, is 190 miles, 1600 feet, and the whole cost is $2,581,723, of which $168,343 is for motive power and cars; and $68,000 damage by the freshet of 1841. Average cost of the road per mile, $12,702. Average annual cost of repairs per mile, $317." The Company has now 14 engines, and about 100 burden


The earnings of the road for 13 months ending Dec. 1, 1843, $227,531.94

Expenses of conducting the road for that period,

The earnings from Dec. 1, 1843, to March 1, 1844,

The earnings during March, 1844, about

The earnings during March, 1843,





The Western and Atlantic Railroad, according to the Governor's report, Nov. 22, 1843, had cost $2,915,008. The grading is nearly completed, with the exception of the tunnel, which is 500 yards in length. The wooden superstructure is completed 52 miles, and the iron has been procured for that distance, and 33 miles of it have been laid down. The engineer believes, that $500,000 will be sufficient to finish the road, and put on it the necessary equipments of motive power and cars.

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1. Applington, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Emanuel, Glynn, Laurens, Liberty, Lowndes, McIntosh, Montgomery, Tatnall, Telfair, Twiggs, Ware, and Wayne. Population, 69,517.

2. Baker, Decatur, Dooly, Early, Irwin, Lee, Macon, Marion, Muscogee, Pulaski, Randolph, Stewart, Sumter, and Thomas. Population, 74,506.

3. Bibb, Crawford, Harris, Houston, Monroe, Pike, Talbot, and Upson. Population, 75,529. 4. Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, Fayette, Heard, Henry, Meriwether, Newton, and Troup. Population, 71,031.

5. Cass, Chattooga, Cherokee, Cobb, Dade, DeKalb, Floyd, Forsyth, Gilmer, Gwinnett, Murray, Paulding, and Walker. Population, 70,176.

6. Clarke, Elbert, Franklin, Habersham, Hall, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Rabun, Union, and Walton. Population, 72,400.

7. Baldwin, Butts, Greene, Jasper, Jones, Morgan, Oglethorpe, Putnam, Taliaferro, and Wilkinson. Population, 68,725

8. Burke, Columbia, Hancock, Jefferson, Lincoln, Richmond, Scriven, Warren, Washington, and Wilkes. Population, 72,788.




BENJAMIN FITZPATRICK, Governor, (term of office expires on

the 1st Monday in December, 1845,)


William Garrett,

Secretary of State,

Fees and 1,000

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The Secretary of State is elected for two years; and the Comptroller and Treasurer annually; all by a joint vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly.

The Senate consists of 33 members, elected for three years, one third annually; the House of Representatives, of 100 members, elected annually. The pay of the members of both houses is $4 a day each.

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The judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts, and also the Chancellors, are elected by a joint vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly, for six years. The judges are the reporters of their own decisions, and are allowed to print, at their own expense, any number, not exceeding 500, of their reports, to be circulated out of the State.

The Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction only, - and only upon points of law, taken up from the Circuit or County Courts, by writ of error. This Court sits at Tuscaloosa, the seat of government, on the 1st Mondays of January and June.

Court of Chancery ; — established in 1839, and remodelled in 1841.

Southern Division, Anderson Crenshaw, of Greenville, Butler
Co., Chancellor,



This division includes the counties of Mobile, Baldwin, Washington, Clarke, Sumter, Marengo, Monroe, Conecuh, Covington, Butler, Dale, Coffee, Henry, Barbour, Pike, Montgomery, Lowndes, and Wilcox.

Middle Division, Joshua L. Martin, of Tuscaloosa, Chancellor, $1,500 This division includes the counties of Russell, Chambers, Randolph, Macon, Tallapoosa, Coosa, Autauga, Dallas, Perry, Greene, Tuscaloosa, Pickens, Fayette, Marion, Walker, Jefferson, Bibb, and Shelby.

Northern Division, Alexander Bowie, of Talladega, Chancellor, 1,500 This division includes the counties of Lauderdale, Franklin, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Morgan, Blount, St. Clair, Marshall, Jackson, DeKalb, Cherokee, Benton, and Talladega.

One session of the Court is held annually in each Division, and the Chancellors are required to alternate with each other, so that neither may preside twice in succession in either Division. A Chancery Court is held in Montgomery, on the 1st Monday in July in each year.

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The Circuit Court has original jurisdiction in all civil and criminal causes in the State; and appellate jurisdiction in all appeals and certioraris brought up from inferior tribunals. All Circuit Court judges and chancellors elected after the passage of an Act approved Dec. 29th, 1842, are to receive a salary of $1,500. This accounts for the inequality in the salaries mentioned above. The attorneys receive $250 and fees.

Two Criminal Courts are held in the city of Mobile, by the judge and solicitor of the sixth Circuit, on the 4th Mondays of February and June.


The total amount of outstanding bonds of the State of Alabama, on the 1st day of Nov. 1842, was $9,834,555. This amount has not been increased.

The legislature, at its session in 1843, passed an act laying a tax of 20 cents per hundred dollars on real estate, and specific taxes upon other species of property, sales at auction, &c. The taxes assessed under this act amount to $234,429, exclusive of the counties of Franklin and Randolph, which will yield $3,000 more. Mobile paid $39,010.26; Montgomery $13,346.90. The circulation of the State banks is $4,319,858.

A rough statement of the Treasurer's operations in 1843:

Cr.-Payment for valueless 16th sections for 1842,

Do. for previous years,

Expenses of government,
Expenses of banks,

Interest of State bonds,

University and school funds,

Dr.-Interest on debts due, rents, real estate, taxes,

$200,000 151,000





$1,121,000 900,000

The deficit has been paid from the capitals of the banks. The expenses of the year 1844 will be diminished. No money will be payable on account of valueless 14th sections. The expenses of the banks and government will be diminished, and we presume the interest on the schools and university funds will be reduced to six per cent. This will make a reduction of above $400,000.

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Wilson Hemingway,

Secretary of State, (term ends Nov. 1845,) $3,000

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William L. Sharkey, of Vicksburg, Presiding Judge, Nov. 1847, $3,000

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This Court, which has no jurisdiction except what properly belongs to

a Court of Errors and Appeals, holds its sessions annually at Jackson,

commencing on the 1st Mondays in January and November.

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This Court, which has jurisdiction over all matters, pleas, and complaints whatsoever, belonging to, or cognizable in, a Court of Equity, holds two sessions annually, at the city of Jackson, on the 1st Mondays of December and June, and continuing as long as business requires. It also holds two sessions a year, at Columbus and Pontotoc.

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W. Hemingway,


at Carrollton.


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