Time of holding Court. For the counties of Lowndes, Winston, Octibbeha, Kemper, Noxubee, and Neshoba, 1st Monday in May and November. For the counties of Itawamba, Pontotoc, Monroe, Chickasaw, and Tishamingo, 3d Monday in May and November. For the counties of Marshall, Coahoma, Tippah, De Soto, Ponola, Lafayette, and Tunica, 1st Monday in January and July. For the counties of Carroll, Choctaw, Holmes, Yalabusha, and Tallahatchie, 3d Monday in June and December. This Court has concurrent power and jurisdiction within the district with the Superior Court of Chancery, when the amount in controversy does not exceed $500,000. The Vice Chancellor is elected for the term of 4 years; appoints the Clerks, who hold their office for 4 years; he must be at least 30 years of age. Appeals may be made to the Superior Court of Chancery, unless by consent of both parties, when the same may be taken directly to the High Court of Errors and Appeals. District or Circuit Courts. The Judicial divisions were reorganized in 1840, and formed into 11 Districts, or Circuits. The salary of the Judges is $2,000 each. Dist. Judges. District Attorneys. Counties of the Districts. 1. George Coalter, Elbridge G. Walker, Warren, Claiborne, Washington, and Bo livar. Yalabusha, Carroll, Choctaw, and Tallahatchie. Adams, Wilkinson, and Jefferson. Smith, Copiah, Simpson, Scott, Newton, and Jackson, Jones, Green, Perry, Wayne, Jas- Noxubee, Lowndes, Kemper, Winston, and Octibbeha. Hinds, Madison, and Rankin. De Soto, Coahoma, Tunica, Ponola, Lafay- Monroe, Itawamba, Tishamingo, Pontotoc, Yazoo, Holmes, Attala, and Leake. A Circuit Court is holden in each county twice a year. This Court has original jurisdiction, in civil cases, in which the principal of the sum in controversy exceeds $50. It has chancery jurisdiction in all cases under $500; and has power to foreclose mortgages, without limit as to sum. It has also exclusive criminal jurisdiction. Judges of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, and the Chancellor, are chosen by the electors for six years; the Judges of the Circuit Courts. Attorney General, and District Attorneys, as well as all military officers, are chosen by the electors for four years; all other officers, for two years. Miscellaneous exp. of Exec. 2,701.36 Licenses to retail spiritu- 8,635.78 Pay of the Legislature,* Interest on the State debt, Internal improvement, 3,303.90 Miscellaneous, 172,619.34 Total, 319,057.84 $2,615,049.15 †Whole amount of State debt, Two millions bear 6 per cent. interest; a part of the remainder only bears interest. *The Legislature was not in session during that fiscal year; add $33,607.64 to $7,127.00, and we have $40,734.64 as the expense of legislation for the January session in 1842. +$615,049.15 outstanding warrants and funded scrip, Dec. 30, 1843. The two millions are Planters' Bank bonds. There are also five millions of Union Bank bonds, which having been issued without warrant of constitution, the State refuses to acknowledge any liability to pay. EDUCATION IN MISSISSIPPI. Proportion and Number of Whites above the age of 20 who cannot read and write-of whites above 20 - whites between 5 and 20 to educate, &c. Two new counties have been formed, one by dividing Bolivar, called "Sunflower;" and the other by dividing Washington, called " Issaquena." Dur PENITENTIARY. The number of convicts, November 28, 1842, was 56; received during one year after that date, 27; making in all 83. ing the same time, there were discharged, by expiration of sentence, 8, and by pardon, 5. Two died, and one escaped; leaving 67 on the 27th of November, 1843. The income of the institution during this time was $15,083.07; and the expenditures $15,086.71. XVIII. LOUISIANA. GOVERNMENT. ALEXANDER MOUTON, of Vermillionville, Governor, Robert C. Nicholas, of St. James, Secretary of State, Louis Bringier, Isaac T. Preston, Salary. $6,000 2,000 The Senate consists of 17 members, elected one half biennially, for the term of 4 years. The House of Representatives has 60 members, elected biennially. The legislature meets annually, and the members of both branches receive $4 a day during the session, which usually lasts 90 or 100 days. The Secretary of State, and State Treasurer, are ex officio members, and form the Board of Currency, with an additional salary of $1,200. This Court has appellate jurisdiction only in all cases where the matter do. 10th do. 2,500 James G. Campbell, of Natchitoches, These Courts, except in the 1st District, hold two terms annually. They exercise criminal jurisdiction, except in the 1st District, where it is transferred to the Criminal Court. Court of Probate.-Joachim Bermudez, Judge, City Court. Thomas W. Collens, Presiding Judge, Criminal Court. - 1st District, John Francois Canonge, Judge, Salary. $3,000 4,000 3,500 3,000 3,000 These Courts, and that of the 1st District, hold sessions for 8 months in the year. The City Court is required to be open every day, except Sundays and holydays, in the year. The legislature has lately provided "a Court of Errors and Appeals in Criminal cases," to be composed of three of the District Judges, with an additional salary of $500 per annum. The law says, "this Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only, with power to review questions of law; which questions shall be presented by bills of excep tions taken to the opinion of the Judges of the lower Court, or by assignment of errors apparent on the face of the record, taken and made in the manner and form as is now provided by law for appeals in civil cases." This court is required to hold two sessions annually in New Orleans, commencing the first Monday of February and July of each year. FINANCES. [From a Report to the Legislature, February 23, 1844.] The receipts from Jan. 1, 1843, to Dec. 31, 1843, Balance, Jan. 1, 1844, $746,797.64 652,560.43 $94,237.21 Of this balance, 42,157.14 are in notes and bonds at present unavailable. |