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of Fairfield Co.,

THOMAS W. BARTLEY, of Mansfield, Acting Governor, (term of

office expires on the 1st Monday in December, 1844,)

Samuel Galloway, of Ross Co.,

John Brough,

Joseph Whitehill, of Warren Co.,

Holderman Crary,

John M. Armstrong,

John Patterson,

E. Gale,

W. F. Sanderson,


Secretary of State,


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Chief Clerk in Dep't of Public Works,


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Joseph Lake,

of Dayton,

of Lower Sandusky,

of Columbus,






Acting Commissioner of the Canal Fund,

The Auditor and Treasurer of State are advisory Commissioners of

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The Judges of the Supreme Court, the President and Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and the Judge of the Superior Court of Cincinnati, are elected by the legislature, for seven years. Of the Judges of the Supreme Court, the oldest in commission is Chief Judge. Two of the four Judges form a quorum, who hold a court in each county once every year.

David K. Esté, of Cincinnati,

Superior Court of Cincinnati.


Salary, $1,200

This Court has concurrent jurisdiction, with the Court of Common

Pleas of the county of Hamilton, at common law and in chancery.

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The several Courts of Common Pleas are held, three times a year, by a President Judge and three Associate Judges, in most of the counties; but in the counties very recently organized, only twice a year. Three of the above-mentioned Judges receive but $730 per annum, because they were elected after the law of January, 1844, reducing the salaries of public officers, was passed. The Associate Judges receive $2.50 a day.


Balance remaining in the Treasury, November 15th, 1842, $64,361.25

Amount collected and paid by County Treasurers, in the

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State officers,

Judges and Reporter,






The following are some of the chief items of expenditure:

25,800.00 Institution for the Blind, 10,300.00

$7,600.00 Lunatic Asylum,

Ohio Legislature,

43,072.00 Board of Public Works,

Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 9,814.73 State Printer,



Amount of taxable property, and of taxes assessed during the year 1843.

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The whole amount of the State debt is $18,668,321.61. Of this, however, $1,406,267.46 are owned by the State itself, being a part of the permanent school fund. $14,345,212.50 bear interest at 6 per cent., $1,500,000 at 7 per cent., and $550,000 at 5 per cent. The annual interest on this debt is regularly paid, being provided for by the proceeds of the public works, and by a permanent tax imposed by law.


School Funds accruing during the year 1843 :

Five per cent. interest on surplus revenue,

Tax, &c., for common school purposes,

Interest on special funds for common schools,

Interest on proceeds of 16th section in every township,







The law requires minute and specific returns of the condition of the schools each year; but there are no means of enforcing this law, and it is quite generally neglected. The few returns received in 1843 are so incomplete as to be worthless. The Secretary of State remarks, that "not a few of the township superintendents lack the capacity to make a report with the form before them."

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* Including, in most cases, amount expended on construction during the year.

The following tabular statement exhibits the amount received on the Ohio and Miami Canals, and the amount paid since December 1, 1826 :

Ohio Canal.

Received for Paid col


Miami Canal.

Years. tolls, fines, and lectors and superintend- fines, and

P'd engineers, for tolls, Paidcol neers, su

water-rents. inspectors. ents, and for


Paid engi

inspect- dents, & for






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1535, 185,684.48 5,325.00 1836, 211,823.32 5,650.00 1837, 293,428.79 7,050.00

1838, 382,135.96 7,250.00

1839, 423,599.84 8,200.00

1840, 452,122.03 8,500.00

1841, 416,202.63 19,240.73 1842, 387,442.22 9,000.00

115,688.82 62,833.40 2,675

192,344.99 77,863.09 2,700

195,627.13 78,601.19 2,500

113,002.95 70,321.53 2,500

124,263.49 72,612.88 2,672

129,217.51 58,460.34 2,926






1843,322,754.829,000.00 114,897.77 68,640.09 2,500 $36,326.05

* Until 1833, when the canal was finished, repairs were charged as


† This amount includes tolls refunded.

‡ This includes expenditures on the Warren County Canal.

Received at Cleveland via the Ohio Canal.


Barrels of Flour. Bush. of Wheat. Barrels of Pork. Bushels of Coal.

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INSANITY. - In the Ohio Lunatic Asylum, there have been admitted, during the past year, 207 patients - number discharged, 69. During the five years that the institution has been in operation, 473 insane persons have been admitted, of whom 203 have been cured. The following are the causes of the insanity of all who have come under the care of the Institution since its foundation:

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JOHN S. BARRY, of Constantine, Governor, (term expires

1st Monday of January, 1846,)

Origen D. Richardson, of Pontiac,

Lieut. Governor,

Robert P. Eldredge, of Macomb Co. Secretary of State,
Charles G. Hammond, of Branch Co. Auditor-General,



Pay, $6 a day.



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The Senate consists of 18 members, elected for two years; the House of Representatives, of 53 members, elected annually. Pay of each, $3 a day, during the session of the legislature. The seat of government is at Detroit, or wherever the legislature shall direct, till 1847, when it is to be permanently established.

Edwin M. Cust, of Livingston Co.,
Edwin H. Lothrop, of Kalamazoo Co.,

President pro tem. of the Senate.
Speaker of the House.

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