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A Circuit Court for each county is held twice in each year. The jurisdiction of the Circuit Court extends to all matters of tort and contracts over 90 dollars, where the demand is liquidated, and over 50 dollars, where the agreement is parol. It has exclusive criminal jurisdiction, and superintending control over the County Courts and Justices of the Peace, subject to the correction of the Supreme Court. The Circuit Court is held in each county. The Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts are nominated by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senate; and they hold their office during good behavior, though not beyond 65 years of age.

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This is a local tribunal, established for exercising criminal jurisdiction only in the county of St. Louis. An appeal lies to the Supreme Court. The Judge is appointed by the concurrent vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly; and he holds his office during good behavior.

County Courts. The jurisdiction of the County Courts is limited to matters of probate and local county affairs, as roads, &c. A County Court sits in each county, and is composed of three justices, who are elected by the people, and hold their offices for four years. An appeal lies to the Circuit Court.

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The expenditure of the State is generally equal to its income, leaving little or no balance for a sinking fund.

Mode of authenticating deeds made in other States to lands in Mis ouri. — If a deed is acknowledged or proved in Missouri, it must be before some Court having a seal, or some judge, justice, or clerk thereof, or some justice of the peace of the county in which the real estate conveyed, or affected, is situated.

If acknowledged or proved out of Missouri, and within the United States, it must be by any Court of the United States, or of any State or Territory, having a seal, or by the clerk of any such Court.

If acknowledged or proved without the United States, it must be by any Court of any State, Kingdom, or Empire, having a seal, or by the Mayor of any city having an official seal.

The parties must be known to the officer, or proved to be such, by at least two credible witnesses.



JOHN BRANCH, Governor, (appointed August 11, 1844,)
Thomas H. Duvall, Secretary, (appointed Sept., 1841,)
Thomas H. Austin, Treasurer.

Salary. $2,500


The Legislative Council is composed of a Senate of 15 members, elected for two years, and a House of Representatives composed of 29 members, elected annually, on the 2d Monday in October. The Legislative Council meets annually at Tallahassee, on the 1st Monday in January. Pay of members, $4 a day, and $4 for every 20 miles' travel.

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The Court of Appeals, consisting of the Judges of the several Superior Courts, is held annually at Tallahassee, on the 1st Monday in January. The Territory comprises 20 counties, and the County Courts are held semi-annually by the Judges in the respective counties.



NATHANIEL P. TALLMADGE, of Madison, Governor and Super

intendent of Indian Affairs, (term expires March, 1848,)
George R. C. Floyd, of Madison, Secretary of the Territory.
Joshua Hathaway, Luther Parker, and Clinton Walworth, Canal
Commissioners. Pay, $3 a day when in service.




John Y. Smith, of Madison, Sup't of Territorial Property and Librarian, 300 Alexander Botkin,

James Morrison,

of Madison,




The government was organized in 1836. The Legislative Assembly consists of a Council of 13 members, elected for 2 years, and a House of Representatives of 26 members, elected annually, on the 4th Monday of September. Their pay is $3 a day during the session, and $3 for every 20 miles' travel. All town and county officers are elected by the people.

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District Courts.—The Territory is divided into three judicial districts, in each of which a district court is held twice a year, for each county within the district, by a Judge of the Supreme Court, assigned to the district, who appoints his own clerk, and has original jurisdiction of all real and personal actions arising under the constitution and laws of the United States and of the Territory, and appellate jurisdiction from Judges of Probate and Justices of the Peace.

Mr. Justice Dunn.

Mr. Justice Miller.

1st Dist., Iowa, Grant, and Crawford, 2d do. Green, Rock, Walworth, Jefferson, and Dane, Mr.Justice Irvin. 3d do. Brown, Milwaukie, and Racine,

The Supreme Court appoints its own clerk, and holds its session at Madison, on the third Monday of July; it has appellate jurisdiction of all cases from the District Courts, and original jurisdiction of all cases of mandamus, quo warranto, prohibition, error, &c. Its decisions are reported by an attorney appointed by the Court, and published with the laws every year. An appeal lies to the U. S. Supreme Court.




JOHN CHAMBERS, of Iowa City, Governor and Superintendent of
Indian Affairs, (term from July 15th, 1844, to July, 1848,)


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William L. Gilbert,

John M. Coleman,
Edwin Guthrie,

Territorial Agent & Sup't of Capitol, 1,000

of Fort Madison, Warden of the Penitentiary,


This country was erected into a territorial government by an act of Congress, of June, 1838, to take effect on the 4th of July following. The legislative power is vested in the Governor and a Legislative Assembly, which meets annually on the 1st Monday of December, at Iowa City, the seat of government; and it consists of 13 members of the Council, elected for two years, and of a House of Representatives consisting of 26 members, elected annually. Pay of the members, $3 a day, and $3 for every 20 miles' travel.

On the 5th of April, 1843, the people voted, by a majority of 2,400, to form a State Constitution. A convention for this purpose will meet in October, the delegates to it being chosen in August.

By a census taken in 1844, it appears that the population of this territory is now 82,254.

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The Judges are appointed for four years, and the term of the present Judges expires July 4th, 1846. The Territory is divided into three judicial districts, and the Judges perform circuit duties. The Supreme Court, composed of all the Judges, meets annually, in July, at Iowa City.


The District of Columbia is under the immediate government of Congress. The city of Washington became the seat of the government of the United States, in 1800; and it is the residence of the President, and the other chief executive officers of the national government.

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