The Union of Ireland was carried into effect January 1st, 1801: and the Parliament which sat the same month, and which included the members from Ireland, is styled the 1st Imperial Parliament; and the Parliament which assembled January 29, 1833, is styled the 11th Imperial, or 1st Reformed Parliament. The following table exhibits the succession of Parliaments since the union with Ireland: Chancellor ; High Court of Chancery.-Lord Lyndhurst, Lord High salary, £14,000:- Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls, £7,000:- Sir Launcelot Shadwell, Vice-Chancellor, £6,000. Court of the Queen's Bench. - Lord Denman, Lord Chief Justice; £10,000:- Sir J. Patteson, Sir J. Williams, Sir J. T. Coleridge, and Sir Wm. Wightman, Judges, £5,500 each. Court of Common Pleas. Sir N. C. Tindal, Lord Chief Justice, £8,000 : Sir Th. Coltman, T. Erskine, Sir W. H. Maule, and Sir C. Cresswell, Judges, £5,500 each. Court of Exchequer.· Sir Frederic Pollock, Lord Chief Baron, £7,000: Sir John Gurney, Sir James Parke, Sir E. H. Alderson, Sir R. M. Rolfe, Barons, £5,500 each. Scotland. Court of Sessions. -1st Division. David Boyle, Lord President, £4,300 : J. H. Mackenzie, Lord Mackenzie; J. Fullerton, Lord Fullerton; Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey, Judges, £2,000 each. 2d Division.-John Hope, Lord Justice Clerk, £4,000.- Alexander Maconochie, Lord Meadowbank; J. H. Forbes, Lord Medwyn; Sir J. W. Moncrieff, Lord Moncrieff, Judges, £2,000 each. Those of the Judges who are also Judges of the Criminal Court, have an additional £600 a year. Outer House; Permanent Lords Ordinary, attached equally to both Divisions of the Court. H. Cockburn, Lord Cockburn; J. Cunninghame, Lord Cunninghame; Sir J. A. Murray, Lord Murray; James Ivory, Lord Ivory; Alexander Wood, Lord Wood. Ireland. Court of Chancery. - Sir Edward B. Sugden, Lord Chancellor, £8,000 : Francis Blackburne, Master of the Rolls, £4,500. Court of the Queen's Bench.- Hon. E. Pennefather, Lord Chief Justice, £5,076. Charles Burton, Philip C. Crampton, Louis Perrin, Judges, £3,692 each. Court of Common Pleas.- Hon. John Doherty, Lord Chief Justice, £4,615. Robert Torrens, Nicholas Ball, and J. D. Jackson, Judges, £3,692 each. 1842 Ashurst Turner Gilbert, D.D. 1813 Wm. Howley, D. D., Primate. Canterbury, 1791 Edward Harcourt, D. C. L. Bishops. 1824 Charles J. Blomfield, D. D. 1830 James Henry Monk, D. D. 1837 Edward Denison, D. D. 1837 Thomas Musgrave, D. D. 1840 Connop Thirlwall, D. D. 1831 Edward Maltby, D. D. 1841T. V. Short. D. D. York, London, St. Asaph, Bath and Wells, Lincoln, Bangor, Rochester, * The bishoprics thus marked are to be abolished when they become vacant. Commons, of the staff of the Church of England: The number of curates serving benefices on which the incumbents are non-resident, is 2,711. The number of curates assistant to resident incumbents, is 2,032. Total number of curates, 4,743. WOOL, AND WOOLLEN MANUFACTURES. According to returns lately made to the House of Commons, the quantities of wool imported into Great Britain in the year 1843, were 21,132,852 lbs., the produce of British possessions, and 28,110,741 lbs., the produce of foreign countries, making a total of 49,248,093 lbs. In 1842, the total quantity imported was 45,881,639 lbs.; in 1841, 56,170,974 lbs.; in 1840, 49,436,284 lbs., and the average of 14 years, from 1830 to 1843 inclusive, 45,500,000 lbs. Of the imports of 1843, there was received from the Cape of Good Hope, 1,728,453 lbs.; from the British East Indies, 1,888,023 lbs.; from New South Wales, 11942,557 lbs.; from Van Dieman's Land, 3,993,040 lbs. ; and from Southern Australia, 1,387,514 lbs. Of the quantity imported from foreign countries, there were received from Russia, 3,511,916 lbs.; from Germany, 16,805,448 lbs.; from the States of the Rio de la Plata, 1,879,653 lbs.; and from Peru, 2,535,200 lbs. Of the foreign wool, 17,736,888 lbs. were charged with a duty of 1d. per lb.; 7,804,918 lbs. with a duty of d. per lb.; and 1,906,636 lbs. (alpaca or lama wool,) with a duty of 2s. 6d. per cwt. The total declared value of British Woollen Manufactures exported to British possessions in 1843, was £1,307,191; and to foreign countries, £5,483,041. SHIPPING IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. The number and tonnage of sailing vessels, registered in England, on the 31st day of December, 1843, was as follows: Sailing vessels which entered inwards coastwise, in the year 1843: The amount of tonnage of vessels which cleared outwards coastwise in the same period, was 12,571,031 tons. The number and tonnage of British sailing vessels which cleared inwards during the year from the colonies were The number and tonnage of British vessels to and from foreign ports POPULATION. The following is a statistical and official table of the population of France since the year 1700: The population of Paris, according to the census of 1841, amounts to 912,330; and, if the troops of the garrison and strangers are added, to 1,035,000. |