True Apparent Places of Thirty-seven of the Principal Fixed Stars, for every tenth day of the year. Epoch.-The Upper Culmination at Greenwich. Ursæ Minoris. Libræ. u Coronæ Bore- a Serpentis. 3 Scorpionis. h. m. 15 28 h. m. h. m. 。 。 1845. Jan. 1 9.81 46 61.7 40.63 48 25.0 7.27 14 14.6 38.12 54 58.2 26.03 22 30.3 8.11 54.0 43.23 33.6 9.18 9.4 40.48 52.5 28.91 36.5 27 8.73 51.1 43.50 35.1 9.42 6.5 40.72 50.4 29.15 37.3 37 9.45 48.6 43.79 36.6 9.70 3.940.93 49.3 29.43 33.2 46.23 46.0 True Apparent Places of Thirty-seven of the Principal Fixed Stars, for every Dec. 7 57.70 56.0 42.16 48.9 43.25 53.9 15.57 66.0 17 57.89 56.1 46.38 43.7 42.14 46.1 43.25 52.7 15.54 64.6 27 58.13 56.3 46.51 41.5 42.17 43.1 43.28 51.4 15.55 63.1 37 58.40 56.7 46.68 39.4 42.27 39.6 43.35 50.1 15.59 61.5 10.47 True Apparent Places of Thirty-seven of the Principal Fixed Stars, for every Dec. 7 77.7 53.49 88.4 52.43 48.6 7.69 15.5 6-13 52-2 17 10.31 75.7 53.15 86.8 52.32 49.4 7.54 15.8 6.00 51-4 27 10.19 73.3 52.85 84.7 52.24 50.2 7.41 15.8 5-89 50-5 37 10.12 70.7 52.62 82.2 52.18 51.0 7.30 15.6 5.78 49-3 55 14.51 30 2,3 Dr. Young's Refractions, the Barometer being at 30 inches, and the internal Thermometer at 50, or the external at 47, degrees; with the correc tions for + one inch in the barometer, and for one degree in the ther mometer of Fahrenheit. From page 19 of Vol. 1st of Pearson's Practical Astronomy. 50 6.43 13,5,87 50 3.52,67,79,476 41 1. 6,9 2,24,134 -1° Fa. The correction for an increase of altitude of one inch in the barometer, or for a depression of one degree in the thermometer, is to be added to the tabular refraction; but when the barometer is lower than 30 inches, or the thermometer higher than 47 degrees, the correction becomes subtrac tive. When great accuracy is required, 0,003 inch should be deducted from the observed height of the barometer, for each degree that the thermometer near it is above 50 degrees, and the same quantity added for an equal depression. Logarithm for converting Sidereal into Mean Solar Time + 9.9988126 Mean Solar into Sidereal Time + 0.0011874 A second of time, at the Equator, contains 1521 feet. |