II. METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION. I. METEOROLOGICAL TABLES FOR CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Summary of the Meteorological Observations made at the Observatory of Harvard College. By W. Cranch Bond. North Lat. 42° 22'. Lon. West of Greenwich, 71° 07'. From May 1st, 1843, to May 1st, 1844. May, June, July, 29.941 29 960 29.920.040 29.956 29.944 46.8 56.1 64.6 50.5 54.5 29.888 29.865 29.852.016 29.875 29.871 55.2 67.3 73.461.164.2 29.919 29.919 29.876 .043 29.908 29.905 61.1 71.2 78.7 65.8 69.2 30.007 29.998 29.990.008 30.003 29.999 63.6 71.1 78.5 66.5 69.9 September, 30.047 30.043 30.010.033 30.033 30.033 54.2 61.0 69.2 57.960.6 October, 29.870 29.872 29.806.066 29.833 29.845 41.8 46.5 54.7 46.1 47.3 November, 30.034 30.041 29.987.054 29.960 30.005 29.6 34.2 40.9 32.6 34.3 December, 29.989 29.966 29.915.051 29.926 29.949 23.8 26.0 32.7 25.0 26.9 1844. January, 29.948 29.895 29.891.004 29.976 29.928 10.7 14.4 21.2 15.1 15.3 February, 30.015 30.005 29.963 .042 30.003 29.996 17.4 23.7 33.1 24.0 24.6 29.982 30.012 30.005.007 29.995 29.999 29.5 34.0 39.1 32.5 33.8 30.168 30.154 30.097.057 30.120 30.135 39.5 49.1 60.244.8 48.4 29.984 29.978 29.943.035 29.966 29.968 39.4 46.253.9 43.5 45.8 March, April, 2. WINDS AND CLOUDS. Month. Monthly means of the force of Monthly means of Clouds, Mean 9 for Sun Sun- 9 3 9 Mean Am't of rain each mo. 1.7 1.5 January, 1.4 1.4 1.5 4.6 4.8 4.2 4.0 4.40 4.294 February, 1.3 1.2 1.4 0.9 1.2 4,5 5.0 5.0 5.3 4.95 2.033 March, 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.2 1.5 6.1 5.9 7.3 7.0 6.58 5.844 April, 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.2 5.0 5.3 4.6 4.9 4.95 0.342 1.33 5 .06 5.08 5.31 5.00 5.11 46.140 *The figures in this column express the difference between the two preceding columns. The greatest range of the barometer, in 24 hours, was on the 12th and 13th of February, 1.260 inches. The barometer was Lowest, February 13th, at 9 A. M.-29.044,-attached thermometer, 50° Highest, April 2d, at 9, A. M.,―30.826, 35° The mean height of the barometric column, at the hours specified above, during the year, was 29.968; its cistern being 44 feet above the mean level of high water, Charles River, at Brighton Bridge. The external thermometer, Fahrenheit's scale, has entire exposure on the north side of the building; the sun never shines directly upon it, and it is affected by reflected heat only occasionally, at the 3 P. M. observation, and this probably to a small amount; it is fixed on a bracket projecting six inches from the wall, and is six feet above the surface of the ground. The barometric observations have been corrected for capillary action, and reduced to the temperature of 32° Fahrenheit, but not for elevation. The rain gauge is a cubical box of zinc, 10 inches by the side, and rests on the surface of the ground. The hours of observation adopted in these tables, are those generally used by observers in England. The mode of notation for the winds and clouds also deserves notice. In the former case, 0 denotes a perfect calm, and 6 the greatest violence of the wind. In the latter case, 0 denotes a sky without any clouds, and 10 a sky completely overcast. As uniformity in these tables is very desirable, it is to be wished that this method should be adopted by observers throughout the country. II. METEOROLOGICAL TABLES FOR SACO, ME. Lat. 43° 31 N., Long. 70° 26′ W. By John M. Batchelder. July, Aug. Sept. (:t. Nov. Dec. 1844. Jan. Feb. Mar. April, May, June, Mean, 30.012 30.020 30.01630.016 66.74 72.00 70.97 69.90 64.64 69.74 69.51 67.96 30.097 30.093 30.133 30.108 68.71 75.52 70.32 71.52 67.36 76.03 69.61 71.00 30.101 30.089 30.100 30.097 64.07 67.26 66.53 65.95 59.93 69.90 63.00 64.28 29.948 29.955 29.957 29.953 59.65 63.22 62.97 61.95 44.81 53.63 45.48 47.99 30.072 30.06230.072 30.069 56.30 62.70 66.60 61.87 28.93 38.00 30.50 32.48 30.086 30.063 30.08230.077 55.45 63.32 62.74 60.50 22.48 31.61 24.51 26.20 30.003 29.989 29.999 29.997 52.07 62.07 64.03 59.39 6.45 20.94 14.32 13.90 30.032 30.10830.12930.090 54.59 63.86 64.69 61.05 13.56 30.41 21.55 21.04 20.065 30.061 30.095 30.074 57.29 62.61 64.23 61.38 26.61 38.18 30.42 31.07 30.223 29.866 30.21230.100 61.03 64.27 64.80 63.37 40.40 57.10 44.50 45.65 29.999 29.976 29.990 29.988 58.19 60.29 61.87 60.12 51.94 65.32 52.32 54.65 30.025 30.020 30.026 30.024 64.23 68.00 66.93 66.39 62.40 71.90 62.23 63.40 30.055 30.025 30.068 30.049 59.86 65.42 65.56 63.61 40.79 51.90 43.99 44.97 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, Years. The vapor from the falls of Saco river (which are near the place of observation) causes an average increase of temperature, in very cold weather, of about six degrees. On the morning of Jan 28, the thermometer, at the distance of half a mile from the falls, was -28'. Number of falls of snow, 24; aggregate depth of snow, 7 feet. III. METEOROLOGICAL TABLES FOR DOVER, N. H. Lat. 43 13' N., Long. 70° 54′ W. For the Years 1833-1843; by Asa A. Tufts. 1. TABLE FOR TEN YEARS. - Part. I. 27.9 20.7 29. 44. 56.9 61.3 69.4 54.4 58.8 46.3 34.9 27.5 17.4 29.8 32.6 43.6 52. 62.6 72.8 66.5 60.8 45.8 35.8 23.3 22.6 21. 29.5 40.5 53.6 64. 69.7 55.5 55.6 50.2 36. 18.4 22.1 16.1 28. 39.S 53.4 59.9 69.4 33.1 59.3 42.5 34.5 25.3 17.2 22.2 29.3 41. 50.8 63.5 66.4 64.7 56. 45.7 35.8 26.6 30.9 17.1 35.1 39.2 54.3 68.6 72.4 67.7 59.5 45. 32.1 21.6 24.3 28.3 33.9 46.6 53.2 61.2 71.8 67.5 59.4 49.7 35.7 30.3 16.5 32.8 32.8 46.5 56.4 65.6 71.9 70.3 58. 48.1 37.5 24.6 29. 21.9 34.1 40.5 54.1 68. 69.5 69.5 62.8 44.1 37.3 30.5 27. 32.2 38.5 45.3 52.7 63.4 73.4 68.2 57.3 46.8 35.5 23.4 29.6 17.1 27. 43.1 53.6 64.4 68.1 1833, 1835, 1836, -12° Jan. 19, 95° July 22, 107 45.1 99 257 40 68 63. 1834, -14 Feb. 8, 98 July 26, 112 45.2 59 255 55 55 63.5 -28 Jan. 4, 99.5 July 25, 127 43.8 52 -17 Feb. 4, 98 July 9, 115 42.8 89 1837, -18 Jan. 4, 95 July 1,113 43.3 45 1838, -12 Feb.27, 101 July 5, 113 45.3 72 1839, -14 Jan. 24, 95 July 20, 109 46.8 43 1840, -14 Jan. 17, 103 July 17, 117 46.7 82 1841, -16 Jan. 5, 98 July 21, 114 46.8 92 8 Jan. 6, 97 July 2, 105 47. 1842, 262 62 41 63.2 58 66.5 69 65.3 Mean Temperature of May, June, July, and August. The coldest day in the year was January 13th; mean of three observations, 2° above 0. The warmest day in the year was July 2d; mean of three observations, 81% above 0. The lowest temperature was 8° below 0. January 6th. The highest temperature was 97° above 0. July 2d. IV. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE FOR MENDON, MASS. |