RECAPITULATION AND REMARKS. 1st Term, 1789. Electors 69, and 69 votes for G. Washington. J. Adams had 34; John Jay (N. J. 5, Del. 3, Va. 1) 9; R. H. Harrison (Md. 6) 6; J. Rutledge (S. C. 6) 6; J. Hancock (Pa. 2, Va. 1, S. C. 1) 4; G. Clinton (Va. 3) 3; S. Huntington (Ct. 2) 2; John Milton (Ga. 2) 2; J. Armstrong (Ga. 1) 1; Ed. Telfair (Ga. 1) 1; B. Lincoln (Ga. 1) 1-total 69. Rhode Island, New York, and North Carolina did not assent to the Constitution in season to vote for President in 1789. 2d, 1793. Electors 135. 132 votes for G. Washington, and 3 (Md. 2, S. C. 1) vacancies. J. Adams received 77 votes; G. Clinton 50; T. Jefferson (Ky. 4) 4; A. Burr (S. C. 1) 1:-total, 132. 3d, 1797. Electors 138. J. Adams received 71 votes; T. Jefferson 68; T. Pinckney 59; A. Burr 30; S. Adams (Va. 15) 15; Ol. Ellsworth (N. H. 6, Mass. 1, R. I. 4) 11; G. Clinton (Va. 3, Ga. 4) 7; John Jay (Ct. 5) 5; James Iredell (N. C. 3) 3; G. Washington (Va. 1, N. C. 1) 2; J. Henry (Md. 2) 2; S. Johnson (Mass. 2) 2; Ch. C. Pinckney (N. C. 1) 1. 4th, 1801. Electors 138. T. Jefferson received 73 votes; A. Burr 73; J. Adams 65; Ch. Pinckney 64; John Jay (R. I. 1) 1. The election was carried to the House of Representatives, and Mr. Jefferson was, on the 36th ballot, chosen President by the votes of N. Y., N. J., Pa., Md., Va., N. C., Ga., Tenn., and Ky; and Mr. Burr, Vice President. After this, the Constitution was altered, so as to require the President and Vice President to be separately voted for. 5th, 1805. For a full view of the votes, see Table. 6th, 1809. For President; J. Madison 122 votes; C. C. Pinckney 47; G. Clinton (N. Y. 6) 6; 1 vacancy (Ky.): -total 176. For Vice President; G. Clinton 113 votes; Rufus King 47; J. Langdon (Vt. 6, Ohio 3) 9; J. Madison (N. Y. 3) 3; J. Monroe (N. Y. 3) 3; 1 vacancy (Ky.)- total 176. 7th, 1813. See Table. One vacancy in Ohio. 8th, 1817. For President; J. Monroe 183 votes; Rufus King 34; 4 vacancies (Del. 1, Md. 3) 4-total 221. For Vice President; Daniel D. Tompkins 183 votes; John E. Howard (Mass. 22) 22; James Ross (Ct. 5) 5; J. Marshall (Ct. 5) 5; R. G. Harper (Del. 3)3; 4 vacancies (Del. 1, Md. 3):- total 221. 9th, 1821. For President; J. Monroe 231; J. Q. Adams (Mass. 1) 1:-total 232. For Vice President; D. D. Tompkins 218; R. Stockton (Mass. 8) 8; D. Rodney (Del. 4) 4; R. Rush (N. H. 1) 1; R. G. Harper (Md. 1) 1:- total 232. 10th, 1825. For President; A. Jackson 99 votes; J. Q. Adams 84; Wm. H. Crawford 41; Henry Clay 37: - total 261. Mr. Adams was elected by the House of Representatives. See Table. For Vice President; J. C. Calhoun 182; N. Sanford 30; N. Macon (Va. 24) 24; A. Jackson (N. H. 1, Ct. 8, Md. 1, Mo. 3) 13; M. Van Buren (Ga. 9) 9; Henry Clay (Del. 2) 2; 1 vacancy (R. I.): -total 261. 11th, 1829. See Table. 12th, 1833. For President; A. Jackson 219 votes; Henry Clay 49; J. Floyd (S. C. 11) 11; W. Wirt (Vt. 7) 7; 2 vacancies (Md.):-total 286. For Vice President; M. Van Buren 189; John Sergeant 49; Wm. Wilkins (Pa. 30) 30; Henry Lee (S. C. 11) 11; Amos Ellmaker (Vt. 7) 7:-total 286. 13th, 1837. For President; M. Van Buren 170; Wm. H. Harrison 73; Hu. L. White 26; Daniel Webster 14; W. P Mangum 11:-total 294. For Vice President; R. M. Johnson 144; Francis Granger 77; John Tyler 47; Wm. Smith 23:-total 294. 14th, 1841. For President; W. H. Harrison 234; M. Van Buren 60:- total 294. For Vice President; John Tyler 234; R. M. Johnson 48; L. W. Tazewell 11; J. Polk 1:-total 294. CABINET NOMINATIONS SINCE THE 4TH OF MARCH, 1841. 1. STATE DEPARTMENT. Daniel Webster, of Mass., resigned. 2. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, resigned. Walter Forward, of Penn., resigned. C. Cushing, of Mass., rejected. J. C. Spencer, of N. Y., resigned. James S. Green, of N. J., rejected. George M. Bibb, of Ky. 3. WAR DEPARTMENT. John Bell, of Tenn., resigned. J. C. Spencer, of N. Y., resigned. J. M. Porter, of Penn., rejected. W. Wilkins, of Penn. 4. NAVY DEPARTMENT. George E. Badger, of N. C., resigned. 5. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. F. Granger, of N. Y., resigned. C. A. Wickliffe, of Ky. 6. ATTORNEY GENERAL. J. J. Crittenden, of Ky., resigned. H. S. Legare, of S. C., deceased. John Nelson, of Md. SUMMARY. Nominations, 24; confirmations, 18; rejections, 4; resignations, 10; deaths, 3. Geo. W. Crump, Chief Clerk, Salary. N. Towson, Brev. Br. Gen. & Nathaniel Frye, Chief Clerk, 1,700 Medical & Surgical Bureau. Jas. L. Edwards, Commissioner, 2,500 Thomas Lawson, Surg. Gen. 2,500 Head Quarters of the Army. 1,600 H. L. Heiskell, Surgeon. Winfield Scott, Maj. Gen. Com'nding. Engineer Bureau. 1,150 R. Jones, Brev. Brig. Gen. & Adj. Gen. J. G. Totten, Col. & Chief Engineer. L. Thomas, Maj. & Assist. do. Quartermaster's Bureau. G. L. Welcker, Lieut. & Assist. Eng. Topographical Bureau. 1,200 T.S.Jesup, Br. Maj. Gen. & Q. M. Gen. John J. Abert, Col. & Chief Top. Eng. Geo. Thompson, Chief Clerk, 1,400 Subsistence Bureau. G. Gibson, Brev. Br. Gen. & Com. General of Subsistence. Ordnance Bureau. Geo. Talcott, Lt. Col. in charge of Bur. 1,200 John C. Casey, Capt. & Assist. Com. W. Maynadier, Capt. & Assist. $1,600 Geo. Bender, Chief Clerk, Richard Gott, Chief Clerk, NAVY DEPARTMENT. John Y. Mason, Secretary. A. Thomas Smith, Chief Clerk, salary $2,000. Salary. Lewis Warrington, Chief of the Bureau of Docks and Navy Yards, $3,500 Selah R. Hobbie, 1st Assistant Postmaster Gen., Contract Office, John Marron, Chief Clerk, Post Office Department, M. St. C. Clarke, Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office, |