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published in a single work. It is given in a series of tables, presenting comparative views of the articles of import and export, tonnage, duties collected, costs of collection, drawbacks, bounties, &c., for a period of 22 years. The materials for these tables, being taken from the customhouse returns, are deserving of full credit for accuracy and completeness. An article commenced last year is continued in the present volume, giving the titles and abstracts of all the public laws passed at the last session of Congress. The subject will be resumed in each successive year, so that the series of volumes will give a full view, in the shortest compass, of the general legislation of the country. The register of colleges, theological, medical, and law schools, &c., has been revised and corrected with great care, and is quite complete. The presiding officers of these institutions will confer a favor upon the editor and the public, by forwarding to him a copy of their annual catalogue.

Under the head of the Individual States will be found a very full view of their debts and finances, and many interesting details respecting the common schools, internal improvements, and charitable establishments. The American Obituary for the year is the only full record of the kind preserved in the country, and great care is taken to render it complete and accurate. The information respecting the States of Europe, especially Great Britain, is derived from the latest authorities, and is complete enough for all common purposes of reference.

The editor again offers his best thanks to the correspondents of the work, and respectfully solicits a continuation of their kindness. Any person who may notice errors in any part of the Almanac is earnestly requested to communicate them to the editor, for correction in the subsequent volume. But information to be used in the work for the next year must be received by him before the 1st of August.

Cambridge, Mass.

October 1, 1844.


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PUBLISHER'S ADVERTISEMENT.- This number contains 10 printed sheets; the postage, under 100 miles, is 15 cents; over that distance, 25 The work will be sent by mail to any person who will remit $1 to the publisher at Boston. If the remittance be made without expense to the publisher, either by discount or postage, the Almanac will be sent by mail, postage paid.

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Consuls, Foreign, in U. S.,

Abstracts of Public Laws,.


American Obituary,
American States,

Apportionment för 28th Congress,
Army List,

Articles imported 22 years,
Articles exported, 22 years,
Baptists, Summary of,
British American Provinces,
Cabinet, Officers in the,

Cabinet Nominations since 1841,
Calendar; January, &c.,
Census, Mistakes in the,.
Chronicle of Events,
Chronological Cycles,
Church Festivals,
Circuit Courts,
Cities, Population of,
Clergy in Great Britain,
Collectors of Customs,

Commercial Statistics,

Consuls in Foreign Countries,
Corrections and Additions,.
Cottons imported in 22 years,

Countries whence goods are brought,
Darkness of the Nights,
Debt of the United States,

Departments, Officers in the,
Discs of Venus and Mars,
District Courts,
District of Columbia,

Duties and Revenue, 22 years,
Eclipses in 1845,

Elections, State,

Ephemeris of the Sun,

Episcopal Church,

European States,

Executive Government,

Expenditures, U. S., for 53 years,
Export, articles of, 22 years, .
Exports, value of, 22


Festivals of the Church,
Fixed Stars, Apparent Places of,
Florida Territory,
Flowering of Fruit Trees,
Foreign Goods imported."
Foreign Ministers,

Foreign Trade, tonnage in,


144 Governors of States, .
255 Great Britain, .



294 Import, articles of, 22 years,
97 Imports, value of, 22 years,

265 Indiana,

325 Louisiana,

5 Maine,

105 Maryland,

143 Presidents, Votes for,

178 Roman Catholic Church,








121 Intercourse with Foreign Nations,
180 Iowa,



183 Jewish Calendar,


197 Judiciary, U. S.,


294 Jupiter's Satellites, Eclipses of,
87 Kentucky,



91 Latitude and Longitude of Places,
12 Law Schools,.



154 Laws, Abstracts of,



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