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A. B. C. Powers, 123, 126

Adams, John, 97
Adams, J. Q., 68

Adamson Act, 217, 223
Aguas Calientes, 125


Allied Powers, 178, 183, 191, 232
American Constitution, 74,97, 211
American Federation of Labour,
217, 220, 226

American Federationist, 226
American People, History of, 29
American Truth Society, 234
Anti-Trust Laws, 70, 73, 95, 108
Arabic, s.s., 165, 168–9, 171, 195
Arbitration, 141
Argentina, 123, 138
Arizona, 129

Arms, Embargo on, 116, 119, 121
Army, U.S., 193, 197–8, 200-2
Asquith, H. H., 177, 178, 254
Atlanta, 20, 31

Atlantic Monthly, 107, 120

Atlantic Ocean, 251

Augusta, 15

Aurora, 13

Austria, 134, 170

Austro-Hungarians, 155
Axson, Miss E. L., 27

Bagehot, Walter, 20
Baker, Newton D., 201

Banks, 105-8

Belgium, 159, 160, 190

Bethmann-Hollweg, Dr. von, 209

"Big Business," 109
Biglow Papers, 114
Bingham, Hiram, 139
Black List, 164
Blockade, 159, 161, 162
Bolivia, 126

Bolling Miss Edith, 27
Borah, Senator, 228
Boy-Ed, Captain, 170, 195
Brailsford, H. N., 208
Brazil, 123, 138, 139
British Empire, 142

Brotherhoods, Railway, 220, 221
Bryan, W. J., 65, 71, 72, 79, 117,
122, 147, 148, 167, 198, 209, 233,

Bryce, Viscount, 28, 30, 159, 246
Bryn Mawr, 24, 27

Buchanan, President, 79, 80
Buenos Aires, 107, 139

Cabinet, 98

Cabinet Government, 22

California, 148, 149, 238, 240, 241,


Canada, 156, 193

Canning, 134

Carbajal, Francisco, 124, 125

Carnegie, Andrew, 26

Carranza, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124,

125, 127-30

Carrizal, 129

Caucus, 98

Benson, A. J., 239

Bernstorff, Count, 168–9, 171, 185

Chase, Salmon P., 102

[blocks in formation]

Derry, J. T., 17
Detroit, 157

Diaz, Felix, 119

Diaz, Porfirio, 86, 114, 131
Division and Reunion, 29
Dumba, Dr., 170, 195

Edison, T. A., 196, 201, 233
Edwards, Jonathan, 19
Eight-hours day, 221, 222-5
Election of 1912, 65-77
Election of 1916, 48, 227-43
Electoral College, 74
Eliot, Dr. C. W., 107, 120
El Paso, 129

Emery, Prof. H. C., 92

Employers' Liability, 57, 214
Entente Powers, 127, 155
Europe, 135, 251

European War, 6, 107, 113, 137,
138, 153-87, 189, 190, 192, 194,
215, 231

Constitutional Government, 29, 65 Fairbanks, Ex-Senator, 228

Continental Army, 200, 201
Conventions, Party, 70, 75, 227,

"Cooling-off" treaties, 151, 152
Corporation rule, 93
Corporations, Regulation of, 57
Corruption, 48, 49
Costa Rica, 140
Credit, 205
Cuba, 85, 136, 149
Cummins, Senator, 228
Currency Bill, 73, 102-7

Danish West Indies, 148
Davidson College, 17
Davis, Jefferson, 16, 248
Debs, Eugene, 76

Declaration of London, 161
Democracy, 47
Dernburg, Herr, 169

Federal Child Labour Act, 218, 219
Federal Farm Loan Act, 218
Federal Land Banks, 218
Federal Reserve Bank, 105, 106
Federal Reserve Board, 106, 107
186, 205, 218, 247

Federal Trade Commission, 110-
12, 247
Federalists, 67

Ford, Henry, 157, 198, 233
Foreign policy, 133-52
France, 156, 161

Franklin, Benjamin, 14
Fraternities, 37
Free Trade, 22, 31
Frémont, General, 68
Funston, General, 129

Galt, Mrs. Norman, 27
Garfield, President, 16

Garrison, Lindley M., 200, 201
Gentleman's Magazine, 20
George, D. Lloyd, 103, 154
George Washington, 29
Geran Bill, 56, 57

Gerard, T. W., 185

Germany, 138, 139, 140, 155, 161-

9, 170-6, 178, 180-2, 185-6
Gladstone, W. E., 248
Glass, Carter, 105

Gompers, Samuel, 217, 226
Graduate School, 39

Great Britain, 135, 155, 161, 162,
164, 165, 191, 207

Grey, Viscount (Sir Edward), 144,
163, 164, 209
Guatemala, 126, 140

Hague Conventions, 159
Hale, W. B., 73
Hamilton, Alexander, 67
Harvey, Col., 65
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 144
Hayti, 138

Hesperian, s.s., 165, 169, 171
Holy Alliance, 134
House of Commons, 20
Huerta, Victoriano, 117, 120-4, 153
Hughes, Charles Evans, 228, 229,
230, 233, 235-42
Hyphenated, 171, 232

Illinois, 235, 236, 239, 240
Immigration, 148, 149
Inaugural Address, 78, 267
Income-tax, 70, 100
Indianapolis, 126

Industrial workers of the world,

Initiative, 84

Interlocking directorates, 94, III
International Review, 23, 31, 98
Inter-State Commerce Commis-

sion, III, 221, 222, 224, 247

Jackson, Andrew, 68, 80, 97, 238
Japan, 136, 138, 148, 149, 150
Jefferson, Thomas, 67, 97, 135, 245
Johns Hopkins, 24

Johnson, Andrew, 17, 135
Johnson, Hiram, 240, 241, 249
Joint Commission (Mexico), 129,


Kansas, 199

Knight, E. C., 109, 214

Labour, 213-26

Labour boycott, 109, 112
Labour, Department of, 80
La Follette, Senator, 83, 217
Land Banks, 218

Lane, Franklin K., 131
Lansing, Robert, 142, 163, 167,
171, 172, 181

Latin America, 131, 134, 140, 143,
152, 193, 252
Lawrence, 215

League of Nations, A, 208
League to Enforce Peace, 166,
183, 189, 207, 208-11, 252
Lincoln, Abraham, 15, 16, 68, 97,
155, 202

Lind, Ex-Governor, 121
Lloyd George, see George.
Lobbying, 100, 101

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 107, 122,

Long Branch, 234

Lowell, James Russell, 246
Lucy, Sir Henry, 20

Lusitania, s.s., 126, 165-7, 169,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Proctor, W. C., 39
Progressives, 55, 72, 73, 217, 229,
230, 235, 240, 241, 242, 246, 249
Prohibition, 243

Public Utilities Commission, 58

Railway unrest, 220-4

Recall, 84

Reconstruction, 17
Referendum, 84

Renick (and Wilson), 20, 23
Rio Grande, 116, 143
Roosevelt, T., 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 81.
84, 110, 115, 117, 130, 135, 138,
146, 169, 198, 228-9, 241, 245, 254
Root, Elihu, 107, 122, 207, 228
Ross, Prof. E. A., 251
Rural credits, 70, 108, 218
Rush, Richard, 134
Russia, 134
Russo-Japanese War, 136

[blocks in formation]

Seamen's Act, 217
Seamen's Union, 218
Senate (New Jersey), 50
"Seven Sisters," 60
Sherman Act, 108-10, 216
Sherman, W. T., 15, 16
Shipping Act, 203, 204, 230
Shipping Board, 205, 247
Smith, James, 49-52

Social reform, 213-26

Socialists, 235

South, the, 15, 235

South America, 131, 134, 138, 139,
187, 193

South Dakota, 240

Southern Pacific Railroad, 93

Spain, 134, 150, 155
Spanish-American War, 130, 136,
149, 169

Spoils System, 47

Standard Oil Company, 109, 215
State, The, 28

State, the American, 43, 44
States rights, 68, 87, 248
Staunton, 15
Steubenville, 14

Stone, Senator, 173
Strikes, 215, 219-22
Submarines, 159, 162, 172, 177, 185
Sumter, Fort, 17

Supreme Court, 109, 148, 215, 216,
219, 224, 228

Sussex, s.s., 165, 174, 186
Swann Bequest, 39

Taft, William H., 69, 72, 76, 77,
78, 81, 116, 144, 150, 207, 228,

Tampico, 121

Tariff Act (1913), 98–101, 104, 216
Tariff Commission, 101, 247
Tariffs, 22, 70, 91, 96

Taussig, Prof., 102

Taylor, Zachary, 114
Texas, 114, 129
Times, The, 157, 237
Titanic, s.s., 217

Trade Disputes Act, 112, 216

Underwood, Oscar, 99, 101, 146
United States Steel Corporation,
92, 95

Universities, American, 30
Uruguay, 126

Venezuela, 135

Vera Cruz, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127,

Villa, Gen., 119, 121, 124, 125,

127, 130

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