THE HE honour you have done this Work, by fuffering fuch parts of it as you have feen to pafs without cenfure, makes me defirous of offering it to the Publick, under your Lordship's protection. WHEN the many admirable improvements which you have made in that branch of law, which relates to Infurances, are confidered, any treatife upon the fubject must be admitted to be the exclusive property of your Lordship. Your labours in this refpect, were there no other caufe, would be fufficient to render your Lordship immortal in a country,whofe grandeur is founded on commerce; and your extenfive knowledge, joined to an unwearied application to every part of commercial jurifprudence, during a long and a glorious career in the administration of justice, has endeared your Lordfhip's name to the Merchants of London, has made it the boast of Britain, and the admiration of Europe. |