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tive troops, in which the British lost 3,400 men ! including several distinguished officers-(50 European,) among whom was Sir Robert Salethe loss on the part of the natives being as stated 30,000 men. The result is called as great and glorious a victory as ever crowned the British arms, and equalled only by the field of Waterloo! The Sikhs' army crossed the Sutlej with, at the lowest estimate, 80,000 men, (of whom 20,000 or 30,000 were cavalry,) and 150 pieces of cannon of the largest calibre, moveable in the field, and exquisitely finished. It is said that in one of their engagements, thousands of the poor Sikhs, in attempting to cross a bridge, were swept by English cannon into the river; and so much blood was shed that the water was literally colored. This for Christian England! This is the way she treats her enemies-made enemies by her ungodly conduct toward them. Instead of loving them, she kills them-instead of praying for them, she curses them.

An English writer in addressing Elihu Burritt, the learned Blacksmith, who is engaged in sending his Olive Leaves abroad in the world, speaking of the christianity of England, says :"There is a sort of religion that would sharpen the sword itself on the stone tables of Moses. There are a good many of these pious lovers of

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gunpowder, who somehow or other will insist on turning up the regimental uniform with pages of the Bible and the Testament. To make a man particularly the care of Heaven, they think it only necessary to dress him in red clothes, put a feather in his cap, ball cartridges in his cartouch box, and a musket in his hand. And these folks, they've been doing it in the House of Commons only a week ago,-always give the sham glory of slaughter to "His Arm that gives all battles!" And so according to these people, the army of Martyrs should be an army with forty-two pounders, and a rocket brigade. Their christianity is christianity humbly firing on one knee. Their incense for the altar is not myrrh and frankincense, but charcoal and salt-petre. Our Sir Robert Harry Inglis, for instance, who in the House of Commons speaks for pious Oxford, was quite delighted that the Governor General of India had put so much religion into the bulletin that published the slaughter of nine thousand SIKHS, as they call them. They were all killed, according to Sir Robert, not by the cold iron of the English infantry, but by a heavenly host; the bayonet, in truth, did not do the work; no, it was the friendly sword of the angels, and praises were sung to them accordingly.

And this is the christianity of the Gazette, though I can't find it in the New Testament."

And how stands Christian America (?) The model government of the world, so called? Let us come home my friends and see if we have not stained our escutcheon with our brother's blood. What means this WAR that we are now carrying on against Mexico? Call you it a christian WAR? Was there ever a christian WAR? But a few weeks ago flaming handbills were circulated all over our country, headed "GLORIOUS NEWS." One bill said 700 Mexicans had been killed-glorious news. In all 1900 of our brothers killed by Christian America-by a nation filled with churches, and ministers, and bibles-a nation that professes to be governed by the principles of Jesus Christ.-Glorious News. O what a shame and disgrace are such things to our nation! Only 1900 killed-only a few hundred wives widowed-only a few hundred children made orphans! For what? Why that we may retain a few acres of dirt, on which to raise and fatten slaves. That is all! A very harmless affair surely, as our ministers who are called very good men, do not say anything about it! Only a few hundred Mexicans and Americans, officers and privates, killed. And then it were not best to feel very bad about it. for if they had

not been killed upon the field of battle, they would have died some other way. We must stand up for our rights, you know. Yes, we must not allow men of other nations to trample us in the dust. Glorious News.-1900 killed!!

"Soon after General Washington was raised to the Presidency, he was visited by Warner Mifflin a distinguished quaker. "Will you please, Mr. Mifflin," said W. "inform me on what principle you were opposed to the revolution?" "Yes, friend Washington," replied the quaker, "on the same principle that I should now be opposed to any violent change in the government. All that was ever gained by revolutions is not an adequate compensation to the poor mangled soldier for the loss of life or limb, much less of his soul, a gem of more value than all the kingdoms of this world." Washington, after some pause and reflection, replied, "Mr. Mifflin, I honor your sentiments, there is more in them than mankind have generally considered!"

But not to leave this Mexican WAR too abruptly, as it demands more than a passing notice; I have been enabled to collect a few incidents touching its horrors, and will present them to you, for your serious consideration. Ponder upon them, and then blush for the barbarism of

the age that can coolly sanction such hellish, bloody doings!

Says a writer-"I went to visit the different hospitals. There are wounded and dying. The stench that arose from them, from the want of police, was disgusting. You could tell at a glance the wounded of Palo Alto, or Resaca de la Palma. The latter were mostly bullet wounds, whereas the amputated limbs told of the cannon's fearful execution in the former. Beside one poor fellow, a beautiful girl of 17 was seated keeping off the flies. She was his wife. In another corner, a family group, the mother and her children, were seated by their wounded father. One bright eyed little girl quite took my fancy, and my heart bled to think that thus early she should be introduced to so much wretchedness. On one bed was a corpse; on another was one dying, holding in his hand the grape shot that had passed through his breast; he showed it to us with a sad countenance. left the hospital shocked with the horrors of WAR! The army have left their wounded comrades with very little attention to their wants."


Yes, General Taylor who is now looked upon as a sainted hero, who has immortalized his name by killing a few hundred Mexicans, and who, it is believed by many, will be the next

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