Advertisements, on gross receipts for all receipts for, to the amount of $1,000 3 per cent. Exempt. in all newspapers whose circulation Banks, on dividends and sums added to surplus or Binder's board Bone, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Brass, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for rolled in rods or sheets Bristles, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Bridges, on gross receipts for tolls Canal and Turnpike Companies, on interest and di Exempt. 3 per cent. *3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 1 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. Calfskins, American patent 5 per cent. Candles, of whatever material made 3 per cent. vidends 3 per cent. Carpets made to order, (see Decision No. 37) : : Exempt. 3 per cent. it has been dyed, printed, bleached, or prepared in any other manner, (see Sec. 30 New Law) Cotton, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Copper, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Cotton cloth, and all textile or knitted or felted fabrics of, before the same has been dyed, printed, bleached, or prepared in any other manner Diamonds, (see Decision No. 39) Emeralds, (see Decision No. 39) Express Companies, on gross receipts Ferry boats, on gross receipts Flax, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Furs of all description, when made up or manufactured Glass, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Goat skins, curried, manufactured, or finished Gold, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Gold leaf, per pack Gutta percha, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Hemp, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Hog skins tanned and dressed Horse skins tanned and dressed Hose, conducting, of all kinds Horn, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for not exceeding $10,000, on the excess over exceeding $10,000, on the excess over $600 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 1 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 2 per cent. 11⁄2 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 3 per cent. 15 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 4 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. MANUFACTURES, ARTICLES, AND PRODUCTS. 5 per cent. 14 per cent States, owned by any citizen of the same residing abroad and not in the employment of the government of the United States derived from interest upon notes, bonds, or other securities of the United States India rubber, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Insurance companies, on all dividends and sums added foreign, doing business in the Iron, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for in pigs and bars, and iron not advanced beyond Ivory, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Jute, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Kid skins Lead, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for (See Decisions, Nos. 2 & 3) Legacies (See section 111) Morocco skins Manufacturers of materials not otherwise provided for, (see Decision No. 71) 17 5 per cent. 11⁄2 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 1 per cent. 1 per cent. 3 per cent. Exempt. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 3 per cent. Marine engines, (see Decision No. 72) 3 per cent. Paints 5 per cent. Painter's colors: 5 per cent. Preserved fruits, meats, fish and shell fish, in cans or Do. on bonds, on the amount of interest on same Sails, tents, shades, awnings, and bags Sheepskins Shooks, (see Decision No. 60.) Silk, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for Decision No. 73.) 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 2 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. Steel, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. Umbrellas of every material 3 per cent. Varnish 5 per cent. Willow, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for • 3 per cent. Wood, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. Wool, cloths, and all textile or knitted or felted fabries of, before the same have been dyed, printed, or 3 per cent. Yarns, etc., (see Decision No. 53) exempt. 3 per cent. Enumerated articles and the tax levied thereon. Ale, per barrel of 31 gallons, (fractional parts of a barrel Carriages, including harness used therewith, valued at $75 or over, when drawn by one horse drawn by two horses or more, and valued at $75 and not above $200, including harness valued above $200 and not exceeding $600 valued above $600, (see Decision No. 21) Cassia, ground, and all imitations of same, per pound Cattle, horned, exceeding 18 months old, slaughtered for sale, per head Cement, made wholly or in part of glue, to be sold in a 60 cents. 60 cents. $10 00 10 cents. $1 00 200 5 00 10 00 1 cent. 20 cents. 5 cents. ENUMERATED ARTICLES AND THE TAX LEVIED THEREON. 19 25 cents. Chocolate, prepared per pound Cigars, valued at not over $5 per M., (see Decisions Nos. 48, 76) valued over $5 and not over $10 per M., (see valued over $10 and not over $20 per M., (see 1 cent. $1 50 $2 00 2 50 valued at over $20 per M., (see Decisions Nos. 3 50 Clocks and time pieces, and clock movements uncased . 3 per cent. the trade as pea coal and dust coal) per ton N.B. On all contracts of lease of coal lands made before the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the lessee shall pay the tax. 31 cents. Cocoa, prepared, per pound 1 cent. Coffee, ground, and all substitutes, per pound 3 mills. Cotton, raw, per pound + cent. Confectionery, made wholly or in part of sugar, valued at Gelatine, in solid state, per pound Glue, in liquid form, per gallon Coal, all mineral, except pea coal and dust coal, per ton Gas, when the product shall be not above 500,000 cubic above 500,000 and not exceeding 5,000,000 cubic feet Ginger, ground, and all imitations of the same, per pound in solid state, per pound Gunpowder, valued at 18 cents per pound, or less valued above 30 cents per pound Hogs, exceeding 100 pounds, slaughtered for sale Iron, railroad, per ton railroad, re-rolled, per ton 3 cents. 1 cent. 2 cents. 20 cents. 5 cents. 10 cents. 15 cents. 5 mills. 1 cent. 25 cents. 5 mills. 5 mills. valued above 18 cents, not exceeding 30 cents 1 cent. 6 cents. 6 cents. $1 50 75 cents. band, hoop and sheet, not thinner than No. 18, wire gauge, per ton $1 50 all kinds advanced beyond slabs, blooms, or loops, 1 50 plate, less than 4 inch in thickness, per ton 2 OC band, hoop, and sheet, thinner than No. 18, wire cut nails and spikes, per ton plate, not less than tinch in thickness, per ton 200 1 50 100 50 cents. hollow ware, per ton of 2,000 pounds $1 50 in pigs or bars, and not advanced beyond slabs, blooms, or loops, (see sec. 1 new law) Exempt. Lager Beer, per barrel of 31 gallons, (fractional parts barrel to pay proportionably,) per barrel castings, exceeding 10 pounds in weight, per ton $1 50 of a $1 00 patent or enamelled, per square foot 5 mills. patent, japanned splits, used for dasher leather, per square foot 4 mills. patent or enamelled skirting, per square foot 11⁄2 cents. rough and sole, made from hides imported east of the Cape of Good Hope, per pound 5 mills. rough, tanned in whole or in part with oak, per pound 1 cent. sole, tanned in whole or in part with oak, per pound 1 cent. rough and sole, all other, hemlock tanned, per tanned in the interest of the parties currying Mustard, ground, and all imitations of, per pound 1 cent. Nails and spil spikes, cut, per ton 2 cents. Newspapers, (see Decision No. 25.) Oil, animal and vegetable, pure or adulterated, per gallon 2 cents. coal, per gallon 10 cents. |