Schedule (B) of Stamp Duties on Documents. ACKNOWLEDGMENT (vide Conveyance). Duty. Dolls. cts. Exempt. AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT (other than those hereinafter speci fied) for each sheet or piece thereof AMICABLE ACTION, (Am. Sci. fa.) with Confession of Judgment without APPRAISEMENT, general; each sheet APPROBATION OF OVERSEERS in insane and spendthrift cases SHIPPING, 66 ASSIGNMENT Of Mortgage, Lease, or Policy of Insurance is sub ject to the same stamp duty as that imposed on the " Bond with covenant or guarantee of the amount due thereon, or of collection thereof Bill of Lading Judgment • ATTESTATION--(vide General Certificate). upon places other than the place of issue, at sight or on demand, pay the same rates of duty as Bank Checks Bills of Exchange (inland), Drafts, etc., exceeding $20,00, otherwise than at sight or on demand; and all promissory notes (except circulating Bank notes), for every sum of $200, or fractional part thereof, if payable on demand, or not exceeding thirty-three days including the grace from the date or sight Exceeding 33, and not exceeding 63 [N. B.-Premium, Deposit and Stock Notes issued BILLS OF EXCHANGE (foreign) or letters of credit, drawn out of [N. B. The acceptor is required to affix and cancel 2 1 2 3 4 6 10 Bills of Exchange when drawn in but payable out of the Duty. Dolls. cts. 3 5 66 250 500 10 and for every additional $2,500, or part thereof 30 BILL OF LADING or receipt, (other than Charter Party,) for foreign ports, except ports in Br. No. America 10 for U. S. ports Exempt BILL OF SALE of vessels where the consideration shall not ex ceed $500 25 Exceeding $500 and not exceeding $1000 50 For every $1000 or fractional part of $1000, in excess 50 ،، BOND given as security for the payment of money. (See Given as security for the payment of money. (See Official, "for the due execution or performance of the Custom House, such as Warehouse, Enrolment and Li- CERTIFICATE OF STOCK in any incorporated Co. (See Deci- The power to transfer or sell the Stock usually given Where the transfer is made directly by the holder of CERTIFICATE OF PROFITS, or any Certificate or memorandum 25 Exempt 25 Duty. Dolls. ets. of any Incorporated Company for a sum not less than 10 Exceeding $50 25 CERTIFICATE of damage or otherwise, and all Certificates or documents issued by any Port Warden, Marine Surveyor, or other person acting as such 25 [N. B.-When the Collector or Inspector of the Port Of deposit in any bank, or Trust Company, or with any Of any other description. than those specified. (See [N. B. This clause covers the official certificates of 2 5 5 Certificates of Marriage; Certified copies of Re- CHATTEL MORTGAGE. (See Mortgage.) exceeding 150 tons $1 00 Exceeding 600 tons Exceeding 150 tons and not exceeding 300 tons CHECK, draft, or order for the payment of money, at sight or 3 00 500 10 00 2 Any memorandum, check, receipt, or other written CLEARANCE. (See Manifest.) 10 * The stamp duty on Certificates of Record has been abolished by Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1863. CONTRACT for purchase or sale, or loan of money on security, (see Sec. 4 of Amended Law,) for every $100 CONVEYANCE, deed, instrument, or writing, whereby any lands, tenements, or other realty sold, shall be granted, assigned, transferred, or otherwise conveyed to or vested in the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons by his, her, or their direction, when the consideration or value exceeds $100 and does not exceed $500, Duty. Dolls, cts. 50 50 Exceeding $500 and not exceeding $1,000 100 2,500 200 2,500 10,000 20,000 20 00 Every additional $10,000, or part thereof over $20,000 20 00* [N.B.-Conveyance of lands in trust, which shall be intended only as security, and redeemable before the sale or other disposal thereof, either by express as mortgage.] When property is sold subject to a mortgage the Ground Rent. (See Conveyance.) [N.B. The acknowledgment of a deed or other instrument before a Justice of the Peace or other DESPATCH, TELEGRAPHIC.-Any despatch or message, the When the charge for the first ten words exceeds twenty 1 3 * The stamp duty in no case to exceed $1,000. In all cases of conveyance of real estate by deed, the stamps used must answer to the value of the estate conveyed. When the consideration is nominal, the value of the property conveyed is the measure of the stamp duty. ENTRY of any goods, wares, or merchandise at any custom- This is construed to refer to the owner's entry. Exceeding one hundred dollars and not exceeding five Exceeding five hundred dollars in value : : : ENTRY for the withdrawal of any goods or merchandise from bonded warehouse GUARANTY, Covenant of, When given with assignment of mortgage, as of GUARDIAN OF MINOR. Bond Appraisement : INSURANCE (LIFE). - Policy of insurance, or other instrument When the amount insured shall not exceed one thou- Exceeding one thousand and not exceeding five thou- Exceeding five thousand dollars : Receipts for payments of premium on life policies Duty. Dolls. ets. 25 50 100 50 50 5 25 50 100 INSURANCE (MARINE, INLAND, AND FIRE).-Each policy of insurance or other instrument, by whatever name the same shall be called, by which insurance shall be made or renewed upon property of any description, whether against perils by the sea or by fire, or other peril of any kind, made by any insurance company, or its agents, or by any other company or person, on which the premium or assessment shall not exceed $10 (see Decision No. 29) N.B. If the payment of the annual interest due, or to accrue upon deposit and premium notes used by many companies, forms the basis of a contract 10 * Renewal receipts and certificates, or indorsements of renewal, require the same stamp as the original policy. |