| 1862 - 656 страница
...Balloon Telegraphing in Battle, 236. Possession Nine Points of the Law, 240. NEW BOOKS. ТПЕ TAX BILL. An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government and pay Interest on tho Public Debt. Published by The Tribune Association : Now York. Six cents. This i - a neat, well-printed... | |
| Alabama. Supreme Court - 1877 - 714 страница
...by the act of congress of July 13, 1866, entitled, " An act to reduce internal taxation, and amend an act, entitled, ' An act to provide internal revenue to support the government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes,' approved June 30, 1864, and acts amendatory... | |
| Sir William Howard Russell - 1861 - 1102 страница
...of Representatives of the Knurling cían»« United State» of America in Congress assembled, That " An act to provide internal revenue to support the...approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, be, and the same hereby is, amended as hereinafter set forth, namely : That wherever any written notice,... | |
| United States - 1862 - 148 страница
...internal revenue or tax bill : SEC. 25. And be it further enacted, That the 95th section of theact entitled " An act to provide internal revenue to support...and pay interest on the public debt," approved July 1, 1862, be so amended that no instrument, document, or paper, made, signed, or issued, prior to the... | |
| William B. Dana - 1862 - 616 страница
...'24. And be it further enacted, That the ninety-fifth section of the act entitled " An act to piovide internal revenue to support the government and pay...public debt," approved July first, eighteen hundred and bixty-two, be so amended that no instrument, document, or paper, made, signed, or issued prior to the... | |
| 1862 - 606 страница
...confer with the Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Eepresentatives in relation to the " Bill to provide internal revenue to support the government and pay interest on the public debt." Our objections against the Bill related chiefly to Section 101 and Schedule C, which are as follows... | |
| William B. Dana - 1862 - 588 страница
...receipt of letters containing inquiries relative to the construction of the seventy-fifth section of the act entitled "An act to provide internal revenue to support the Government, and to pay interest on the public debt." The magnitude of the interest involved in these inquiries is such... | |
| 1863 - 734 страница
...¡шЛ rt^nacted by this act. SEC. M. And be it further enacted, That tho ninety-fifth section of the act entitled "An act to provide internal revenue to...the Government and pay interest on the public debt," appruved July 1, 1862, be so amended, that no instrument, document, or paper, made, signed, or issued... | |
| Boston Board of Trade - 1863 - 190 страница
...Bill, and, with the concurrence and aid of the Post Office Department, they prepared the draft of " An Act to Provide Internal Revenue, to support the Government, and Pay Interest on the Public Debt, with Explanatory Remarks," a large edition of which was printed and formally laid before the Committee... | |
| United States - 1863 - 324 страница
...assessors, collectors, and deputy collectors, .appointed, or who may be appointed, under the provisions of an act entitled " An act to provide internal revenue to support the government and to pay interest on the public debt," approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and all subsequent... | |
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