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Agents employed to collect information relative to the ma-

nufactures in the United States

Agents, Indian. Accounts of

Alabama, Legislature. Memorial of, relative to South Caro-


Alabama, Legislature, relative to nullification

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American Institute, of New York, for protecting duties
Appalachicola harbor, in Florida. Improvement of
Applications for the benefit of the navy and privateer pen-

sion fund-

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March, 1825
Appropriations for the support of Government for 1833.
Estimates of
Appropriations for public improvements in the City of Wash-
ington in 1832. Report of the expenditures
Appropriations, additional, for the Engineer Department for
1833. Estimate of

Appropriations for removing the obstructions in the Poto-
mac river, making a free road and a free bridge at the
Little Falls -

Appropriations increased for the General Land Office.
lative to

Appropriations for the Navy Department for 1832.

ment of the -

Appropriations made 2d session 22d Congress

Appropriations for the War Department for 1832. State-

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Arkansas. Road from Little Rock to Villemont, in

Armories, National. Expenditures on, and arms made at

in 1832

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of the Paymaster General

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of the Ordnance Department

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Army. Documents accompanying the President's message, viz.
Report of the Major General of the

of the Quartermaster General

of the Chief Engineer

of the Board of Visiters of the Military Academy

Army. Documents accompanying the President's message, viz.
Report of the Bureau for Indian Affairs -

of the Second Auditor

of the Third Auditor

Arms manufactured at the National Armories in 1832, and


Army. Relative to the enlistment of minors in the
Army in 1832. Contingent expenses of the


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Asylum, Female Orphan, of Georgetown, D. C. Memorial

of the

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Asylum, Female Orphan, of Alexandria
Attorneys, district, and other officers of the United States
Courts. Fees of S


Balances against receivers of public moneys on account of
lands sold. List of, by the Comptroller of the Trea-

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Balances on the books of the Second Auditor
Balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor
Balances on the books of the revenue, due three years

[ocr errors]

3 148


on the 30th September, 1832
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. Memorial of the 3
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.


3 127



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citizens of Washington relative to the
Baltimore merchants in favor of taking the duty off common,
and imposing them on mineral or fossil salt -

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Banks in the District of Columbia. Condition of
Bank of the United States. Report of the agent appointed
to inspect the concerns of the

Bank of the United States. Correspondence of the Treasury
with the, relative to the payment of the three per cent.

Banks of the different States. Condition of the
Bays, harbors, rivers, creek, roads, &c. Report of the Chief
Engineer relative to the improvement of

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Bounty land, half pay, commutation, &c., of certain revolu-
tionary officers. Construction of the resolution of
Congress of 15th May, 1778.

Bounty Land Office. Report from the

Bridge over the Potomac river at Washington City

Bridge over the Potomac river at the Little Falls. Remov-
ing obstructions in the river: citizens of George-
town in favor appropriations for erecting

Brooke, Edmund


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Buildings, Public. Report of the Commissioner of the
Bullion, gold and silver, value of. Report of the Director

of the Mint -

Bureau, Pension. To establish a

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Carpon, Seth, et al., revolutionary soldiers. Memorial of 1 14
Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Memorial of inhabitants of
Pennsylvania in favor of
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company.

Clerks in the Navy Department. Names and compensa-

tion of

Clerk House of Representatives. Report of the, relative to
the expenditures of the contingent fund
Clerks in the State Department. Names and compensation

of the

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Memorial of the


2 93

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1 28

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Names and compen-


Clerks in the War Department. Names and compensation

of the

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Names and compen-

Coins, foreign, at the Mint of the United States. Assays of
Columbia. Fourth annual report on the Penitentiary in
the District of

Commutation bounty land, half pay of certain revolutionary

officers. Construction of the resolution of Congress
of 15th May, 1778, relative to

Commerce and navigation of the United States
Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. Report of the

Congress, members of, appointed to office since 3d March,

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Connecticut. Citizens of Litchfield, opposed to a reduction

of the tariff -

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Constitution of the United States. Acts of the several States

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Contracts made by the War Department in 1832

Contracts made by the Navy Commissioners in 1832. List of *1
Contracts, payments, and expenditures, &c., relative to light-

houses. Collection of the revenue marine hospitals -
Convention. Resolutions of South Carolina for calling a
Constitution of the United States. Legislature of Georgia
for calling a convention to revise the

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Convention, New York. Memorial of the, in favor of do-
mestic manufactures, &c. &c.
Convention between the United States and the King of the

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Courts of the United States. Fees of officers of
Creeks, rivers, bays, harbors, roads, &c. Report of the

Chief Engineer relative to the improvements of

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Custom-house. Memorial of merchants and others for the
erection of, at Plymouth, Mass.

Customs. Emoluments of the officers of, and expenditures

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Debtors of the United States, insolvent. Report relative to 2
Delaware Legislature. Resolutions of the, relative to the
ordinance of South Carolina

Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. Report rela-

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District attorneys, and other officers of United States courts.

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Fees of
District of Columbia. Petition of the Female Orphan Asy-
lum of Georgetown, in the

District of Columbia.
tiary in the -

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Fourth annual report of the Peniten-

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Domestic manufactures.
the progress, &c., of-
Draper, Simeon, et al., revolutionary soldiers. Memorial of 1
Duty on imported hemp. Merchants of Boston against the


Duties on imports. American Institute of New York for

Duties on imports. Philadelphia importers of hardware
for amendment of the 10th and 12th articles of the
second section of the act of 14th July, 1832, imposing 2

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Duties and drawbacks on imports
Duties. Documents relative to the exemption of merchan-
dize imported under certain circumstances from the
payment of -


Citizens of Huntington county, Pennsylvania, for
a reduction of

Duties on imports. Legislature of Rhode Island in favor of

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Duties on imports. Legislature of Pennsylvania opposed to
any alteration of

Duties on imports. Merrimack Manufacturing Company op-

posed to lowering the existing

Duties. Inhabitants of Easton, Pennsylvania, opposed to
nullification, and in favor of existing

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Duties on imports. Memorial of the New York Convention
of the Friends of Domestic Industry in favor of pro-
Duties on imports. Resolutions of citizens of Philadelphia
opposed to nullification, and in favor of protecting
Duties imposed by the act of 14th July, 1832. Philadelphia
merchants in favor of an alteration of the
Duties. Legislature of Massachusetts opposed to nullifica-
tion, and in favor of the existing

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