OFFICIAL EDITION 121 Jul.26 REPORTS OF CASES HEARD AND DETERMINED IN THE APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. JEROME B. FISHER, REPORTER. VOLUME CXXII. 1908. J. B. LYON COMPANY, ALBANY, N. Y. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year nineteen hundred and eight, BY JOHN S. WHALEN, SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, In trust for the benefit of the People of the said State, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. JUN 10 1908 J. B. LYON COMPANY, LYON BLOCK, ALBANY, N. Y. Every tenth volume of Hun's Reports from vol. 20 to vol. 90, and every tenth volume of Appellate Division Reports from vol. 10 to vol. 70 contains a Table of the Causes, published in Hun's Reports, which have been passed upon by the Court of Appeals. Volume 100 App. Div. contains a table collecting all the causes published in the Appellate Division Reports passed upon prior to the issue of that volume. The tables published in vols. 108, 110 and 120 contain causes passed upon from the issue of vol. 100 to November 23, 1907. iv JEROME B. FISHER, Reporter. CAUSES in which the decisions contained in the Appellate Division Reports have been passed upon by the Court of Appeals. ALLISON . HUBBARD Judgment affirmed: 190 N. Y. 517. AMERICAN FRUIT PRODUCT Co. v. WARD.......... 115 App. Div. 894 113 App. Div. 319 Judgment and order affirmed: 190 N. Y. 533. AMERICAN MORTGAGE CO. v. MERRICK CONSTRUCTION Co.... 120 App. Div. 150 Order affirmed: 190 N. Y. 526. APPLETON . CITIZENS' CENTRAL NAT. BANK. 119 App. Div. 889 Judgment reversed: 190 N. Y. 417. APPLETON. MARX ............. .... 117 App. Div. 206 .... 114 App. Div. 626 Judgment affirmed: 191 V. Y. 81. AUGSBURY . SHURTLIFF.... Order affirmed and judgment absolute ordered against appellant on the stipulation: 190 N. Y. 507. BARNUM . WILLIAMS. (No. 1) Judgment affirmed: 190 V. Y. 539. BAXTER 7. AUBURN & SYRACUSE ELEC. R. R. Co........... BEARD . CITY OF NEW YORK....... Judgment reversed and new trial ordered: 190 V. Y. 439. Appeal dismissed: 190 N. Y. 524. BEST . EASTMAN KODAK CO .. 115 App. Div. 694 118 App. Div. 919 119 App. Div. 894 .......... 102 App. Div. 621 BIRCH v. CITY OF NEW YORK... 120 App. Div. 74 Judgment of Appellate Division reversed and that of trial court affirmed: 190 CITY OF NEW YORK . THIRD AVE. R. R. Co...... 115 App. Div. 899 CLARK . SCOVILLE.. 116 App. Div. 923 Judgment affirmed: 191 N. Y. 8. COHEN. SMALL....... Order affirmed, both questions certified answered in the affirmative: 190 N. Y. 568. 120 App. Div. 211 V |