WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK CITY Examined to ascertain condition December 31, 1918. Report dated March 14, 1919. Examiner: Richard A. Elmer. Financial Condition A statement of the assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1918, is as follows: Agency balances for month of December, 1918, not shown on Salaries, rents and expenses due or accrued.... Estimated reserve for federal, state and other taxes.. Commissions due or accrued... 5, 205, 483 53 25, 000 00 150, 000 00 15, 000 00 $6, 223, 574 09 $1, 000, 000 00 500, 000 00 500, 000 00 592, 813 07 2,592, 813 07 $8, 816, 387 16 |