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these proceedings and declared purposes, which exhibit a deliberate disregard of the principles of humanity and the rules of civifized warfare, and which must give to the existing war a character of extended devastation and barbarism, at the very moment of negotiations for peace, invited by the enemy himself, leave no prospect of safety to any thing within the reach of his predatory and incendiary operations, but in manful and uni. versal determination to chastise and expel the invader. Now, therefore, I, James Madison, president of the United States, do issue this my proclamation, exhorting all the good people thereof to unite their hearts and hands in giving effect to the ample means possessed for that purpose. I enjoin it on all officers, civil and military, to exert themselves in executing the duties with which they are respectively charged. And more especially, I require the officers commanding the respective military districts to be vigilant and alert in providing for the defence thereof; for the more effectual accomplishment of which they are authorised to call to the defence of exposed and threatened places portions of the inilitia most convenient thereto, whether they be or be not parts of the quotas detached for the service of the United States under requisitions of the general government. On an occasion which appeals so forcibly to the proud feelings and patriotic devotion of the American people, none will forget what they owe to themselves, what they owe to their country, and the high destinies which await it; what to the glory acquired by their fathers, in establishing the independence which is now to be maintained by their sons, with the augmented strength and resources with which time and Heaven have blessed them.


representatives,-Notwithstanding the early day which had been fixed for your session of the present year, I was induced to call you together still sooner, as well that any inadequacy in the existing provisions for the wants of the treasury might be supplied, as that no delay might happen in providing for the result of the negotiation on foot with Great Britain, whether it should require arrangements adapted to a return of peace, or further and more effective provisions for prosecuting the war.

"The result is not yet known: if on one hand the repeal of the orders in council, and the general pacification of Europe, which withdrew the occasion on which impressments from American vessels were practised, suggest expectations that peace and amity may be established, we are compelled on the other hand, by the refusal of the British government to accept the offered mediation of the emperor of Russia, by the delays in giving effect to its own proposals of a direct negotiation, and, above all, by the principles and manner in which the war is now avowedly carried on, to infer that a strict hostility is indulged more violent than ever against the rights and prosperity of this country.-This increased violence is best explained by two important circumstances, that the great contest in Europe for an equilibrium, guaranteeing all its states against the ambition of any, has been closed without any check on the overbearing power of Great Britain on the ocean, and that it has left in her hands disposable armoury, with which, forgetting the difficulties of a remote war against a free people, and yielding to the intoxication of success with the example of a great victin to it before her eyes, she cherishes hopes of still further aggrandising a power already formidable in its abuses to the tranquillity of the civilized and commercial world. But whatever may have inspired the enemy with these more violent purposes, the public councils of a nation, more able to maintain than it was to acquire its independence, and with a devotion to it rendered more ardent by the experience of its blessings, can never deliberate but on the means most effectual for defeating the extravagant measures of unwar"Fellow citizens of the senate and house rantable passion, with which alone the war

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be fixed to these presents Done at the city of Washington, the first day of September, in the year of our Lord 1814, and of the independence of the United States the 39th.


By the president,


'JAS. MONROE, sec. of state."


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frontier have also acceded to stipulations which bind them to the interest of our United States, and to consider our enemy as theirs also.

can now be pursued against us. In the events of the present campaign, with all its augmented means and wanton use of them, he has little ground for exultation, unless he can feel it in the success of his recent enter- "In the recent attempts of the enemy on prise against this metropolis and the neigh- Baltimore, defended by militia and volunbouring town of Alexandria, from both of teers, aided by a small body of regulars and which his retreats were as precipitate as his seamen, he was received with a spirit which attempts were bold and fortunate. In his produced a rapid retreat to the ships, whilst other incursions on our Atlantic frontier, his a concurrent attack by a large fleet was sucprogress, often checked and chastised by the cessfully resisted by the steady and well directmartial spirit of the neighbouring citizens, ed fire of the fort and batteries opposed to it. has had more effect in distressing individuals In another recent attack by a powerful force and in dishonouring his arms, than in pro- on our troops at Plattsburg, of which regumoting any object of legitimate warfare.- lars made a part only, the enemy, after a perAnd in the two instances mentioned, how- severance for many hours, was finally comever deeply to be regretted on our part, in pelled to seek safety in a hasty retreat, our his transient success, which interrupted for a gallant bands pressing upon him. On the moment only the ordinary public business at lakes, so much contested throughout the war, the seat of government, no compensation can the great exertions for the command made accrue for the loss of character with the world, on our part have been well repaid on Lake by his violation of private property, and his Ontario. Our squadron is now, and has destruction of public edifices, protected as been for some time, in a condition to confine. monuments of the arts by the laws of civilised that of the enemy to his own port, and to warfare. On our side we can appeal to a se- favour the operations of our land forces on ries of achievements which have given new that frontier. On lake Champlain, where lustre to the American arms. Besides the our superiority had for some time been unbrilliant incidents in the minor operations of disputed, the British squadron lately came the campaign, the splendid victories gained into action with the American, commanded on the Canadian side of the Niagara by the by captain Macdonough: it issued in the American forces under major-general Brown, capture of the whole of the enemy's ships. and brigadiers Scott and Gaines, have gained The best praise of this officer and his infor these heroes and their emulated compa- trepid comrades, is in the likeness of his nions the most unfading laurels; and having triumph to the illustrious victory which imtriumphantly proved the progressive disci- mortalized another officer, and established, pline of the American soldiery, have taught at a critical moment, our command of anothe enemy that the longer he protracts his ther lake. On the ocean, the pride of our hostile efforts, the more certain and decisive naval arms has been amply supported: a sewill be his final discomfiture. On the south- cond frigate has indeed fallen into the hands ern border victory has continued also to fol- of the enemy, but the loss is hidden in the low the American standard. The bold and blaze of heroism with which she was defendskilful operations of major-general Jackson, ed. Captain Porter, who commanded her, conducting troops drawn from the militia of and whose previous career had been distinthe states least distant particularly of Tenes- guished by daring enterprise and by fertility see, have subdued the principal tribes of hos- of genius, maintained a sanguinary contest tile savages; and by establishing a peace with against two ships, one of them superior to them, preceded by recent and exemplary his own, and other severe disadvantages, till chastisement, we have guarded against the humanity tore down the colours which vamischief of their co-operations with the lour had nailed to the mast. This officer British enterprises which may be planned and his comrades have added much to the against this quarter of our country. Impor- glory of the American flag, and have merited tant tribes of Indians on our north-western all the effusions of gratitude which their

country is ever ready to bestow on the champions of its rights and of its safety.

"Two smaller vessels of war have also become prizes to the enemy, but by superiority of force, which sufficiently vindicates the reputation of their commanders; whilst two others, one commanded by captain Warrington, the other by captain Blakely, have captured British ships of the same class with a gallantry and good conduct, which entitled them and their commanders to a just share in the praise of their country.

"In spite of the naval forces of the enemy accumulated on our coasts, our private cruisers also have not ceased to annoy his commerce, and to bring their rich prizes into our ports: contributing thus, with other proofs, to demonstrate the incompetency and the illegality of a blockade, the proclamation of which has been made the pretext for vexing and discouraging the commerce of neutral powers with the United States.

"To meet the extended and diversified warfare adopted by the enemy, great bodies of militia have been taken into the service of the public defence, and great expenses incurred. That the defence every where may be both more convenient and more economical, congress will see the necessity of immediate measures of filling the ranks of the regular army, and enlarging the provisions for special corps, mounted and dismounted, to be engaged for a longer period of service than are due from the militia. I earnestly renew at the same time a recommendation of such changes in the system of the militia, as by classing and disciplining on the most prompt and active service the portion most capable of it, will give to that resource for the public safety all the requisite energy and efficiency. "A part of the squadron on lake Erie has been extended to lake Huron, and has produced the advantage of displaying our command of that lake also. One object of the expedition was the reduction of Mackinan, which failed, with the loss of a few brave inen, among whom was an officer distinguished for his gallant exploits; and the expedition, ably conducted by both land and naval commanders, was otherwise valuable in its effects.

"The monies received into the treasury

during the nine months ending the 13th of June last, amounted to 32 millions of dollars, of which 11 millions were the proceeds of the public revenue, and the remainder derived from loans. The disbursements for public expenditures during the same period exceed 34 millions of dollars, and left in the treasury on the 1st of July near five millions of dollars.

"The demands during the remainder of the present year, already authorised by congress, and the expenses incident to an extension of the operations of the war, will render it necessary that large sums should be provided to meet them. From this view of the national affairs, congress will be urged to take up without delay, as well the subject of pecuniary supplies, as that of military force, and on a scale commensurate with the extent and character which the war has assumed.

"It is not to be disguised that the situation of our country calls for its greatest ef forts: our enemy is powerful in men and money, on the land and on the water: availing himself of fortunate circumstances, he is aiming with an undivided force a deadly blow at our growing prosperity, perhaps at our national existence. He has avowed his purpose of trampling on the usages of civilised warfare, and given earnest of it in the plunder and wanton destruction of private property.

"In the pride of maritime dominion, and in his thirst of commercial monopoly, he strikes with peculiar animosity at the pro-gress of our navigation and manufactures: his barbarous policy has not even spared those monuments of taste with which our country had enriched and embellished our infant metropolis. From such an adversary, hostility in its greatest force and worst forms may be looked for. The American people will face it with the undaunted spirit which, in their revolutionary war, defeated his unrighteous projects; his threats and his barbarities, instead of dismay, will kindle in every bosom an indignation not to be extin guished but in the disaster and expulsion of such cruel invaders. In providing the means necessary the national legislator will not distrust the enlightened patriotism of his


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Having forborne to declare war until to other aggressions had been added, the capture of nearly 1000 American vessels, and the impressment of thousands of seafaring citizens, and until a final declaration had been made by the government of Great Britain, that her hostile orders against our commerce would not be revoked but on conditions as impossible as unjust, whilst it was known that these orders would not otherwise cease but with a war which had lasted nearly 20 years, and which, according to appearance at that time, might last as many more-having manifested on every occasion, and in every proper mode, a sincere desire to meet the enemy on the ground of justice, our resolution to defend our beloved country, and to oppose to our enemy's persevering hostility all our energy, with an undiminished disposition towards peace and friendship on honourable terms, must carry with it the good wishes of the impartial world, and the best hopes of support from an omnipotent and kind Providence.


That part of the message of the president which related to finances was referred to a committee of ways and means, who made their report in the course of the same month. It begins by stating that the resources for carrying on the war must consist in taxes, loans, and treasury notes. With respect to the first, they could not be collected in time to meet the immediate demands of the war; as to loans, a reliance on them, under the circumstances of the country, must be uncertain; and, if obtained, the terms would be exorbitant. Treasury notes, therefore, must be had recourse to; and they would be of general service to supply a medium of circulation, which would pass current in every

part of the United States. At present, the principal banks in the middle states had stopped payment; while the notes of those banks which still were in credit would not pass out of the particular state where they were issued. In order to secure the circulation of the treasury notes, it would be proper to issue them in small sums for the ordinary purposes of society; to allow the holders to fund them, with an interest of 8 per cent.; to make them payable to bearer; to make them receivable in all payments for public lands and taxes; to pledge for the payment of the interest, so much of the internal duties as shall be necessary.

With regard to new taxes, the committee remarks that several manufactures, which had grown up in the United States, in consequence of the war having shut them out from foreign markets, were in such a flourishing condition that they would bear to be taxed; and with taxes on them, they propose to unite a pledge of the public faith for the continuance of the double duties till these taxes were repealed. They then give in the resolutions which they deem necessary: 1st, to continue the direct tax, and to increase it to 50 per cent.: 2d, to increase the duty on spirits by an additional duty of twelve and a half cents on the gallon: 3d, to add 100 per cent. to the duties on sales by auction: 4th, to add 50 per cent. to the duty on the conveyance of papers and letters: and lastly, to impose a duty on different manufactured


The estimate of the amount of the pro. posed increase, and of the new duties, was 11,635,000 dollars; while the revenue under the old system of taxation was only 10,800,000: thus, at one stroke, doubling the taxation.

The list of the manufactured articles that it was proposed to tax, and the amount of the tax laid on each article, give us some insight into the progress of manufactures in the United States: from this list it appears that the manufacture of hats is in a flourishing condition; the amount of the duties to be levied on them is 600,000 dollars: the next article points out the improvements which the United States have made in the manufacture of cotton: "cotton-yarn, spun. by the aid of machinery, worked by steam

or water, 400,000 spindles at 25 cents, 100,000 dollars." The various manufactures of leather are calculated to consume 18 million pounds; and even the manufacture of goat and sheep skins to resemble Spanish leather, appears to be so far advanced as to be able to bear a tax. The next class of manufactures taxed are those of iron; viz. 300,000 tons of pig-iron, 100,000 tons of castiron, 100,000 tons of bar-iron. The quantity of beer, ale, and porter, manufactured and taxed, is estimated at 6,000,000 dollars. The next article of taxation is a singular one: it is called the furniture tax; excluding beds, kitchen furniture, carpets and curtains of domestic manufacture; and also all furniture which on the whole is not of the value of 200 dollars. The estimate of this tax is made on a supposition that the United States contain 800,000 families; of which there are 259,000 exempt, as possessing less than 200 dollars worth; 300,000 families who possess between 200 and 400 dollars; 100,000 who possess between 400 and 500: 75,000 who possess between 600 and 1000; 25,000 who possess between 1000 and 1500: 15,000 who possess between 1500 and 2000; 10,000 who possess between 2000 and 3000; 10,000 who possess between 3000 and 4000; the same number who possess between 4000 and 6000; 5000 who possess between 6000 and 9000; and 1000 who possess furniture worth above 9000 dollars. The next important article is paper, which however is taxed only to the amount of 30,000 dollars. The number of vats is estimated at 2000. Nails made by machinery appear to be of considerable consequence, as their weight is estimated at 20 million pounds, and they are taxed at one cent per pound. The number of gold watches is estimated at 250,000: of silver ones at the same number; and of playing cards at 400,000 packs.

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should be preserved and made complete with the least possible delay; that a permanent force, consisting at least of 40,000 men, in addition, should be raised for the defence of the cities and frontiers; that the corps of engineers be enlarged; and that the ordnance department be amended. This letter was accompanied with explanatory observations, which detailed a plan of a still more formidable description, for augmenting the military force of the United States. In these observations there were several remarkable passages: it was distinctly stated, that if the United States sacrificed any right, or made any dishonourable concession to Britain, the spirit of the nation would be broken. "The United States must relinquish no rights, or perish in the struggle: there is no intermediate ground to rest on. A concession on one point leads directly to the surrender of every other." "To bring the war to an honourable termination, we must not be content with defending ourselves. Different feelings must be touched and apprehensions excited in the British government." cannot be doubted that it is in the power of the United States to expel the British forces from this continent." From this view of the subject, the secretary at war concluded it would be necessary to bring into the field next campaign not less than 100,000 regular troops.



For this purpose a bill was brought into congress, entitled, An act to provide for filling the ranks of the regular army, -by classifying the free white male population of the United States:" the first section of this act directs, that all the white male inhabitants between 18 and 45 be classed-classes of 25 in each to be made under the authority of the assessors of the United States; where there are no assessors, under marshals; both of whom are to be bound under penalty to complete the classification in a given time; each class to furnish one able-bodied man between 18 and 45, to serve during the war; to be delivered over to the assessor or marshals, and by them to be delivered over to the United States' officers authorized to receive him: the marshals and assessors were to determine the precincts of each class, so that the property in each division shall be as

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