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Mr. Grosvenor moved that the Senate proceed to the election

of permanent officers;

Which motion prevailed.

On motion of Mr. French,

The Senate proceeded to the election of Secretary, with the following result:

[blocks in formation]

William A. Bryce was declared duly elected Secretary of the


On motion of Mr. Moore,

The Senate proceeded to the election of a Sergeant-at-Arms,

[blocks in formation]

William H. Brockway was declared duly elected Sergeant-at


On motion of Mr. Grosvenor,

The Senate proceeded to the election of Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, with the following result:

[blocks in formation]

Resolved, (the House concurring.) That the joint rules of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the rules in joint convention of the last Legislature, be and are hereby adopted as the rules of the present Senate and House of Representatives, until otherwise ordered;

Which was adopted.

Mr Fowler offered the following:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate, the Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk, and the Sergeant-at-Arms, are, with the advice and consent of the President of the Senate, hereby authorized to appoint one assistant each.

Which was adopted.

Mr. Grosvenor offered the following:

Resolved, That the President of the Senate be and is hereby authorized to appoint four messengers and two firemen.

Mr. Robertson moved to strike out "two," and insert "one.' Mr. Babcock called for a division of the question.

The motion to strike out "two" prevailed.

Mr. Blackman moved to insert "one" instead thereof.

Which motion prevailed.

Mr. Babcock moved to strike out "four."

Which motion did not prevail.

The resolution was then adopted.

On motion of Mr. Gidley, it was

Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to wait on the House of Representatives, and inform that body that the Senate is organized, and ready to proceed to business.

Senators Gidley and Grosvenor were appointed said committee.

Mr. Monroe offered the following:

Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed by the President, to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the Senate is now organized, and prepared to receive any communica tion he may desire to make.

The resolution was adopted, and

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Senators Monroe and Robertson were appointed said committee.

The committee appointed to wait upon the House, and inform that body of the organization of the Senate, reported that duty performed.

Mr. French offered the following:

Resolved, That the resident clergymen of Lansing be invited to officiate alternately, as Chaplains of the Senate; Which was adopted.

Mr. Fowler offered the following:

Resolved, That the committee on printing order 500 copies of the Daily Journal, for the use of the Senate;

Which was adopted.

The committee appointed by the Senate to wait upon the Governor and inform him of the organization of the Senate, reported that duty discharged, and that the Governor would communicate in person with the Senate and House of Representatives, in joint convention assembled, to-morrow, at 11 o'clock.

The Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant-at-Arms, and. Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk elect presented themselves, severally subscribed the constitutional oath of office, and en tered upon the discharge of the duties of their offices.

Mr. French offered the following:

Resolved, That the Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk be instructed not to make the appointment of deputy until the same shall be deemed necessary by the committee on enrolled bills. Which was adopted.

Mr. Grosvenor offered the following:

Resolved, That each Senator be allowed five dollars for sta tionery, and that the committee on supplies be required to furnish the President, Secretary, Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, and the chairmen of standing and select committees, such stationery as may be necessary for their use. Which was adopted.

Mr. Lamb offered the following:

Resolved, That the rules of the last Senate of the State of Michigan, be adopted as the rules of this body, until otherwise ordered;

Which was adopted.

The Senate took a recess for 15 minutes, at the expiration of which time,

The Senate was called to order by the President.

Roll called: a quorum present.

A committee of the House of Representatives appeared and announced that the House was organized, and ready to proceed to business.

Mr. Babcock offered the following:

Whereas, Intelligence has been received that Moses Wisner, an eminent and accomplished citizen of this State, identified with, and favorably known in its whole history, and its former Governor-the patriot soldier who threw his life into the scale when vile treason sought to crush free institutions-has fallen a victim to disease in the midst of his labors, at the head of a portion of the brave troops of our State, who marched with him to protect the general govern nent and the integrity of the nation;

And whereas, By his death the State has lost one whom the people of this commonwealth have often delighted to honor, and whose distinguished abilities, and pure patriotism have honored the State; therefore

Resolved, That in respect to the memory of the lamented deceased, and in token of our sorrow for the loss which the State and the cause of our common country suffers by his death, the Senate do now adjourn;

Which were adopted.

On motion of Mr. Babcock,

The Senate adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

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