COBBETT'S POLITICAL REGISTER. VOLUME LXXVIII. FROM OCTOBER 6, TO DECEMBER 29, 1832, INCLUSIVE. and Jam, 5 March 30, 1833. LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, 11, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET. 1832. VOLUME 78. C6 No. 1. Progress in the North. -Sunderland No. 8.. Account of Scotland: No. VI.-Politics Address.-Bath Election.-Paper-Money. -Meeting of the Unemployed Workmen of Birmingham.-Paper against Gold. - - No. 2. Progress in the North. Newcastle No. Corporation.-North Shields and Tyne- mouth Address. Northern Political Union's Address to Lord Grey.-Paper 9. Westminster Election.-To the People of Oldham and Manchester, and to all our No. 10. Mr. Cobbett's Address to the Electors No. 3. Account of Scotland: No. I.-Advice No. 4. Account of Scotland: No. II.-Second Address to the Chopsticks of the South Newmilns Address to Mr. Cobbett.GoNo. verning of Scotland.-Glasgow Election. -To the Electors of Berkshire Letter 1. -To Correspondents The Lord Mayor's No. 5. Account of Scotland: No. III.-The Devil Grinding his Teeth and Cursing.- News for London.-Dissolution of Par- liament.-Scotch Representation.-Sir J. Maxwell's Address to the Electors of Paisley.-Renfrew Pledges.-Mr. Fairie's Address to the Electors of Greenock.— Speech of Mr. Pease.-Paper against Gold. dress of the Trades of Glasgow to Mr. No. 7. Account of Scotland: No. V.-Whig- War.-Account of Scotland.-To the Peo- ple of Oldham.-South Durham Election. 11. To the Readers of the Register.- Marylebone Election.-Finsbury Elec- tton.-Tower Hamlets, Southwark, Lam- beth, and Greenwich Elections.-Manches- No. 12. To the Cobbettites on the Elections, and more particularly those of Oldham and Manchester.-To the Electors of Oldham. -Rights of the Labourers.-Mr. Ford- ham's Letter on Boarding and Lodging in the Farm Houses.-Mr. Cobbett's Answer. 13. Mr. Cobbett's Answer to Mr. Stanley's Manifesto.-Poulett Thomson among his "Constituents" at Manchester.-Letter of Mr. Groves.-Mr. Cobbett's Answer.- Ah, Ah!-Lower still.-The Speaker.- Renfrewshire Election.-Sir Henry Steu- art's Letter on Tree Planting -Public Dinner at Oldham.-Trevor's Defeat at Durham.-Wolverhampton Election. COBBETT'S WEEKLY POLITICAL REGISTER. VOL.78.-No. 1.] LONDON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6TH; 1832. 131548 Bancroft Library PROGRESS IN THE NORTH. North Shields, 25. Sept. 1832. [Price Is. 2d. there is the Custom-house; and there is the Billingsgate, only with the fish a little fresher, and with fishwomen not quite so drunken nor quite so nasty; and there is the "Fish-street-hill," just as much like "t'other place" as if it had been spit out of its mouth, only that it has not a lying monument as t'other place has. NEWCASTLE is al really solid fine town; just such streets as the city of London; just such shops; andjust such industrious and busy-looking I CAME here this forenoon, and am to people. Nor is it (worse is its luck! lecture at the theatre this evening. This destitute of a corporation, yielding, as place is about eight miles from New-far as I can find, in point of wisdom, castle, down the river TYNE towards justice, honesty, fair dealing with the the sea; and as much like Wapping it people, not one jot to CHARLEY PEARis as any two peas were ever like each soN, FIGGINS the printers' tinker, and other. SOUTH SHIELDS is just opposite, the rest of the THING under which we on the other side of this "LITTLE have the happiness to live in Middlesex. THAMES," called the TYNE; and such To be sure, there is here not such ample places for stir and bustle, on the scope for guttling and guzzling; but sides of the river and on the river, this corporation, too, is allowed to raise never were seen, except at London it- taxes on the river; it has the fingering self; and, really, these places seem to of public property of various descrip surpass even London in this respect. tions; and I am well assured, that the To describe to an inhabitant of London manner of its management, and the apthis famous group of towns, NEWCASTLE, plication and distribution of the funds, NORTH SHIELDS, GATESHEAD, and are such, that CHARLEY PEARSON'S SOUTH SHIELDS, a very few words are Common Council and HUGHES necessary; the Tyne is the Thames HUGHES'S Court of Aldermen have no Newcastle is the city of London reason to blush at hearing the corpora Gateshead is Southwark; the bridge tion of NEWCASTLE called their legiti that connects these is old London- máte offspring. Not to be deficient in bridge; North Shields is Wapping; anything belonging to the parent, the and South Shields is Deptford: and all child has a DEBT, too; a funded debt; these are so precisely like the big thing and, like t'other THING, which, again, in Middlesex and Surrey, that it would resembles the great THING of all at almost make one believe that the WESTMINSTER, it can never pay off! former place had bred, and that this So that in all things this famous town was a young one. As you go over the of Newcastle resembles the city of bridge from GATESHEAD to Newcastle, London; and GATESHEAD and the two there are the ships innumerable, lying SHIELDSES resemble those bustling apbelow the bridge as far as you can see pendages before-mentioned. It is imdown the river; and there are the possible, by the use of any words, to barges and the boats above the bridge; give an adequate idea of the stir and and all the same sort of people at work; bustle upon this river, of which there and all the same sort of work going on. seems to be scarcely any square yard of When you get over the bridge there is water which experiences one half hour the Thames-street turning round the at a time without something or other corner to the right and to the left; and being floating upon it. 953990 |