MY FATHER'S GRAVE. "My father's grave," I heard her say, And marked a stealing tear, Oh, no! I would not go away My father's grave is here! A thousand throbbing sympathies The lonely spot endear, Some human tears unbidden start, Young hope may blend each color gay, And fairer views appear; But no! I would not go away GRATITUDE. THE bridegroom may forget the bride Was made his wedded wife yestreen; The monarch may forget his crown, That on his head an hour hath been; The mother may forget the child PROVERBS. "Many hands make light work." This proverb is a proper inducement to animate persons to unite in any virtuous attempt, either for the relief of the distressed, the succor of the oppressed, or the vindication and defence of religion and property. The attempt that is insurmountable to an individual, becomes easy to an united force. "Pennywise and pound foolish." This proverb severely reflects on such persons, who are thrifty to an error in small, but necessary expenses, yet profusely extravagant in unnecessary ones. “Little pitchers have great ears." This proverb is a good caution to parents and others, not to use too much freedom in discourse before children, because their simplicity often divulges what their elders would have kept secret. "Proffered service offends." This proverb shows the perversity of those who contemn all civilities that are offered to them voluntarily, and set a value upon none but what are obtained with difficulty. "He that reckons without his host, must reckon again." This proverb is usually applied to persons, who are apt to be partial in their own favor, flattering themselves with the advantages they fancy to be on their side, in any affair, and making no allowance for the disadvantages, that will, or may, attend them. “ He looks one way, and rolls another." The point of this proverb is directed at sycophants and hollow-hearted hypocrites, who, while they pretend to be carrying on the interest of their friends, are at the same time undermining them. 1 TWO ROSES. - SIR WALTER SCOTT. 141 THE TWO ROSES. A FABLE. Two roses grew together near the brink of a pond, made in a flower garden. One was very modest, though beautiful, but the other was very vain of what beauty she possessed. One day, she was looking with much pride on her fair form, as it was reflected in the water, when her companion warned her, that though she was beautiful, she was frail, and it was folly to be proud of that which she might lose in an hour; the warning had no sooner been given than an east wind suddenly blew a killing blast, when she withered, and died. SIR WALTER SCOTT. An Englishman and lady, recently travelling in Scotland, and having a strong desire to see Sir Walter Scott, sent him a note expressive of their wish to have an interview with the "Lion of the North." Sir Walter sent an immediate answer, observing that the lion was seen to the most advantage at his feeding hours, and would be very happy to see them that day at dinner. They went accordingly, and, it is needless to add, were most hospitably entertained. CONDUCT TO EQUALS. Be kind, pleasant and loving, not cross nor churlish to your equals; and in thus behaving yourselves, all persons will naturally desire your familiar acquaintance, and every one will be ready and willing, upon opportunity, to serve and assist you. Your friends will then be all those that know you, and observe your sweetness of deportment. This practice, also, by inducing a habit of obliging, will fit you for society, and facilitate and assist your dealing with men in riper years. CONSCIENCE. A FOLLOWER of Pythagoras had bought a pair of shoes from a cobler, for which he promised to pay him on a future day. He went with the money on the day appointed, but found that the cobler had in the interval, departed this life. Without saying anything of his errand, he withdrew, secretly rejoicing at the opportunity thus unexpectedly afforded of gaining a pair of shoes for nothing. His conscience, however, would not suffer him to remain quiet under such an act of injustice; so taking up the money, he returned to the cobler's shop, and casting in the money, said, "Go thy ways, for though he is dead to all the world beside, he is alive to me." THE APOSTLES. THE apostles were persons chosen by our Saviour, upon his first entrance on his public ministry, to be witnesses of the purity of his life, the doctrines he should teach, and of the miracles he should perform. If we look into the character of the apostles, we shall find nothing of craft and deceit, no appearance of fraud and wickedness in any part of their behaviour. Their principles were worthy, and their religion rational; their tempers open and free, their manners humble and benevolent. These genuine marks of probity and piety leave no room for any candid judge to suspect their veracity, or look upon them as impostors. VILLAGE BELLS. - PHILIP OF MACEDON. 143 THE VILLAGE BELLS. Who does not love the village bells ? The lark in sunshine sings his song; And dress'd in garments white and gay, The village lasses trip along, For this is Susan's wedding day. Ah! gather flowers of sweetest hue, So passes life!--the smile, the tear, PHILIP OF MACEDON. No warrior was ever bolder, or more intrepid in the field than Philip of Macedon. Demosthenes, who cannot be suspected of having flattered him, gives the following testimony, as to his courage. "I saw," says this orator, " this very Philip with whom we disputed for sovereignty and empire. I saw him, though covered with wounds, his eye struck out, his collar broke, maimed both in his hands and feet, still resolutely rush into the midst of danger, and ready to deliver up to fortune, any part of his body she might desire, provided he might live honorably and gloriously with the rest." |