ON A GOLDFINCH STARVED TO DEATH IN HIS CAGE. TIME was when I was free as air, But gaudy plumage, sprightly strain, And of a transient date; For caught and caged, and starved to death, Soon pass'd the wiry grate. Thanks, gentle swain, for all my woes, THE IMPROVEMENT OF TIME. MAKE it a rule never to allow yourself to be idle, when your health and circumstances will allow you to be active. If you once form an industrious habit, you will never afterwards be able to content yourself in a state of inactivity; and on the other hand, if you begin life with a habit of indolence, you will probably never after acquire a relish for vigorous exertion. Consider the first inroads of indolence as a melancholy harbinger of the wreck of your usefulness, and the loss of your reputation. THE INQUISITIVE MONKEY. A FABLE. A MONKEY seeing his master hiding something in his garden, marked the place with his eye; and when his master's back was turned, went and raked up the earth to see what he had concealed so curiously; when suddenly his paw was caught in a trap, and he cried out most bitterly. His master, who, from a distance, had seen him prying about the spot, hastened to warn him of his danger; and when he heard his cries, he rescued him from his painful situation, writhing under the smart occasioned by the trap, and gave him this admonition - "Be not too curious to know what does not concern you." PROVERBS. EVERY fool can find faults that a great many wise men cannot mend. Friendship cannot stand all on one side. God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. He that will steal a pin, will steal a better thing. He who commences many things, finishes only a few. He that knows himself best, esteems himself least. He that wad eat the kernel, maun crack the nut. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. ON ONE IGNORANT AND ARROGANT. THOU mayst of double ignorance boast, An old man had many sons, who were often quarrelling with one another. When the father had exerted his authority, and used other means to reconcile them, but all to no purpose, he at last had recourse to this expedient. He ordered his sons to be called before him, and a short bundle of sticks to be brought; then commanded them each to try if, with all his might and strength, he could break it. They all tried, but to no purpose; for the sticks being closely and compactly bound up together, it was impossible for the force of After this, the father ordered the bundle to be untied and gave a single stick to each of his sons, at the same, time bidding him try to break it. They all did this, with great ease, upon which, the father addressed them to this effect: "Oh, my sons, behold the power of union! For if you would but keep yourselves strictly joined in the bonds of friendship, as the sticks united in one bundle, it would not be in the power of any mortal to hurt you; but when once the ties of brotherly affection are dissolved, how soon you become exposed to every injurious hand that assaults you." man to do it. MORAL. Union is Strength. PATIENCE. IF what we suffer has been brought on us by ourselves, patience is eminently our duty, since no one ought to be angry at feeling that which he has deserved. If we are conscious that we have not contributed to our own sufferings, if punishment falls upon innocence, or disappointment happens to industry and prudence, patience, whether more necessary or not, is much easier, since our pain is then without aggravation, and we have not the bitterness of remorse to add to the asperity of misfortune. It seems as reasonable to enjoy blessings with confidence, as to resign them with submission, and to hope for the continuance of good which we possess without insolence or voluptuousness, as for the restitution of that which we lose without despondency or murmurs. 318 OPPORTUNITY. - НОРЕ. - BEAUTY. OPPORTUNITY. To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life. Many wants are suffered, which might once have been supplied, and much time is lost in regretting the time which had been lost before. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once, may breathe out his life in idle wishes, and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Men's behaviour should be like their apparel, not too strait, but free for exercise. Neglect no opportunity of doing good, nor check thy desire of doing it, by a vain fear of what may happen. ،، Opportunity is the cream of time." THE VALUE OF HОРЕ. CEASE, every joy, to glimmer on my mind, UNOBTRUSIVE BEAUTY. As lamps burn silent with unconscious light, |