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[blocks in formation]

dissatisfaction watched for in, 160
discipline tightened in, 164

functions of, as outlined by Stalin,

increased prestige of, 156

not considered as a source of po-
litical opposition, 164
Party control over, 161–163
Party membership in, 158–159
personnel in, in re age and educa-
tion, 158

political commissars in, 161–163
principle of social selectivity used
in recruiting for, 157–158
share of, in political activity, 159–

traditional apparatus reintroduced
in, 161

Bakhunin, Mikhail, as a forerunner

of Lenin, 79

works of honored by Soviets, 175
Belinsky, V. G., works of honored
by Soviets, 175

Beria, Levrenti, considered as Stalin's
successor, 231, 232-234

first head of NKVD; member of
Politbureau, 144

nominated Malenkov as Chairman
of Council of Ministers, 232
reunited MVD and MGB, 234
tried and executed, 232–233
Bernstein, Eduard, concept of revo-
lutionary development, 63
influence of theories of, 65
Bolsheviks, as branch of Social Dem-
ocratic Party, 64

called Communists after July,
1918, 21

contrasted to Mensheviks, 67-68
decided to take leading part in
bourgeois revolution, 68

formed own party, 1912, 73
frustrated democratic trend in

1917, 78

Kerensky's attitude toward, 19
on necessity of forcing progress
on society, 75

origin and character of, 14
slogans and strategy in March,
1917, 20-21

telescoped two revolutions, 73–74
unable, in 1917-1918, to precipitate
world revolution, 74
Bolshevism, as administered by prej-

udiced but sane leaders, 255-258
as compounded of Marxism and
Bakhuninism, 242

as species of distorted Marxism,

as undemocratic creed, 67
influence of agrarian conditions
upon, 67

necessary modifications of Marxist
tenets of, 69-70

Bourgeois class, as creator of mod-
ern Proletariat, 45

as civilizing catalyst, 43
as exploiter of masses, 41-42

Bourgeois class-(Continued)
economic ramifications of, 42
origin of, 40

productive powers of, 43
revolution of, distinguished from
that of Proletariat, 50-51
Budenny, Marshal, 160
Bukharin, Nikolai, as opponent of
regime, 171

confessed mistakes, 235
Bulganin, Nikolai, as military figure
in Politbureau, 160
as "Party general," 238

as top military figure in Soviet
government, 236-237

as Malenkov's suc-

cessor, 234
Bureaucratic apparatus, and red
tape, 153-154

as having a vested interest in con-
fusion, 146

as instrument of control, 124
authoritarian and equalitarian pres-
sures in, 154-155

checks and confusion in, 149
replaces checks and spurs of a
capitalist democracy, 145

the three ladders of authority in,


Business folkways in Soviet econ-
omy, 153-154

Cadets, as moderate liberals, 19
Capital investment in Soviet econ-
omy, 101-102

Catherine II, peasant riots under, 7
Central Auditing Commission, 135
Central Committee of Communist

Party, chooses Party Presidium,

function of, 138

nature of, 135-137

Chekhov, Anton, works of honored
by Soviets, 175

Chief Administration, as responsible
for security control, 142

City Committee, 146

Clark, Champ, Senator, referred to
by Soviet visitors, 203

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Inertness (Continued)

in re internal opposition in USSR,


Industrial Revolution, Russia missed
original impetus of, 11-12
Industry in USSR, agricultural free
market in, 103

"basic resources" and "circulating
resources" in, defined, 96-97
capital investment in, 101–102
capitalist motives in, 106-107
characteristics of, 92-108
distribution of goals in, 102-106
during period of War Commu-
nism, 101

economic failure as a "sin" in, 99
factory canteens organized in, 103
how general production goals are
decided in, 92-93

incentives for factory managers in,
95, 98

individual savings as source of
plant construction in, 101
inefficiency of factory managers
in, 100

inefficiency of system of retail
distribution in, 103-106

lack of popular participation in
planning for, 94

limitations of profit motive in,
97-98, 99

materialist culture produced by,


noneconomic checks and incen-
tives in, 99

place of Director's Fund, and
Prombank in, 98

place of Secret Police in, 100
place of socialist competition in,


place of factory manager in, 95,
96, 97

price fixing in, 95–96
rationing in, 103

relative socialist success of, 107
salary bonuses for plant managers
in, 98

sources of state revenue in, 102
speed-up in, 99

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