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between Spain and her Colonies. I begged leave, however, to furnish him with a Copy of the Despatch, (as you had permitted,) in order that he might lay it before the Emperor. Accordingly on the 2nd of July, a Copy of your Instructions, together with a short Introductory Note, was sent in.

I conclude from my knowledge of the modes of proceeding in all matters of general concern, that the Proposition is in consideration between The Allies; it being a fundamental maxim with them not to take any determination in matters affecting the general policy, without the mutual consent of the Parties to this Alliance.

I trust that I need not add, that every endeavour shall be made, on my part, to give effect to your proposition.

I have the honour to be, &c.

The Hon. H. Clay.



(4.)-Mr. Middleton to Mr. Clay.-(No. 49.)

St. Petersburgh, August 27, (Sept. 8,) 1825.

I HAVE the honour to forward herewith a Copy of the Answer of the Russian Secretary of State, to my Note of 2nd July last, by which I had communicated to this Government, in extenso, the Instructions I had received by your Despatch No. 1.

I think I am warranted in considering this Answer to be, in substance, (when divested of diplomatic garb,) in every respect as favourable to the views developed in your Despatch, as could possibly be expected to be given by this Government, standing in the predicament it now does. We are left to infer from it, that the Proposal that the Emperor shall lend His aid towards the conclusion of the War between Spain and her Colonies, by interposing his good offices in the form of pacific Counsel to the Mother Country, has been communicated to the Allied Cabinets, and I am fully of opinion, that the majority, if not the whole of them, will agree to it. If such should be the event, the Diplomatic Committee sitting at Paris will be instructed accordingly. The chief difficulty to be overcome will be in the Cabinet of the King of Spain, where it is understood that all Parties are opposed to the Independence of the Colonies. The necessity of the case, however, begins to be so crying, that a hope may be entertained that even there the counsels of wisdom may ere long be listened to. For obvious reasons we must not expect to learn, officially, that such advice, as that alluded to above, has been given, unless it should be attended to. I have the honour to be, &c.

The Secretary of State.


(5.)-Count Nesselrode to Mr. Middleton.

[Translation of a Paper with Mr. Middleton's No. 49.]

THE Undersigned, Secretary of State, directing the Imperial Admi

nistration of Foreign Affairs, hastened to submit to the Emperor the Note with which Mr. Middleton, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, did the honour to address him, on the 2nd July last*, accompanying a Copy of the Despatch from Mr. Clay, in which that Minister, in the name of the Cabinet at Washington, urges the necessity of confirming the general peace, by terminating the Contest of the Spanish Colonies against the Government of His Catholic Majesty; of securing to Spain the peaceful possession of the Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico; and of effecting these objects by the impartial intervention of Russia.

The principles of the Emperor were sufficiently known to the Government of The United States, to justify the perfect confidence that, in expressing a wish for the continuance and confirmation of the peace enjoyed by the World, it did but represent the most sincere desire of His Imperial Majesty; that, in professing a generous solicitude for the rights of Spain, over her Islands in the West Indies, it avowed principles that had long since been adopted by Russia, as the basis of her Political System; and that, in anticipating perfect impartiality and true disinterestedness from her intervention, it was not deceived as to the sentiments of the Emperor, in relation to all Arrangements in which Foreign Powers might be pleased to claim or admit his good offices.

His Imperial Majesty felicitates himself with having inspired this confidence in The United States of America, and the Undersigned is charged to invite Mr. Middleton to convey to his Government the assurance of the high value at which the Emperor estimates those sentiments, of which new evidence is furnished by its present Propositions.

The opinions of His Imperial Majesty, as to the Question discussed by Mr. Clay in his Despatch, cannot be concealed from the Cabinet of Washington. His Imperial Majesty has ever thought that justice, the Law of Nations, and the general interest in having the indisputable titles of Sovereignty respected, could not allow the determinations of the Mother Country in this important case, to be prejudged or anticipated. On the other side, whenever Spain has wished to discuss the future condition of South America, she has addressed overtures to all the Allied Powers of Europe. It will not be possible, therefore, for His Imperial Majesty to change principles in this Negotiation, nor to institute it separately (isolement); and until positive information has been received of the ulterior views of Spain, in regard to her American Possessions, of her decision upon the Proposition of The United States, and of the opinions of her Allies in relation to the same subject, Russia cannot give a definitive answer.

She is, however, in the mean while, pleased to hope, that The * See Page 490.

United States, becoming every day more convinced of the evils and dangers that would result to Cuba and Porto Rico from a change of Government, being satisfied, as Mr. Clay has said in his Despatch, with the present Commercial Legislation of these two Islands, and deriving an additional motive of security from the honourable resolution of Spain, not to grant to them any longer Letters of Marque, will use their influence in defeating, as far as may be in their power, every enterprise against these Islands, in securing to the rights of His Catholic Majesty constant and proper respect, in maintaining the only state of things that can preserve a just balance of power in the Sea of the Antilles, prevent shocking examples, and, as the Cabinet of Washington has remarked, secure to the general peace, salutary guarantees.

The Undersigned seizes with pleasure this occasion, &c. St. Petersburgh, August 20, 1825.



(6.)-Mr. Clay to Mr. Middleton.-(No. 2.)

Department of State, Washington, Dec. 26, 1825. YOUR Despatches, Nos. 48 and 49, have been duly received, and submitted to The President. He sees with much satisfaction, that the appeal which has been made through you to the Emperor of Russia, to employ his friendly offices in the endeavour to bring about a peace between Spain and the New American Republicks, has not been without favourable effect. Considering the intimate and friendly relations which exist between the Emperor and His Allies, it was perhaps not to be expected that, previous to consultations with them, language more explicit should be held, than that which is contained in Count Nesselrode's Note. Although very guarded, it authorizes the belief that the preponderating influence of Russia has been thrown into the scale of peace. Notwithstanding predictions of a contrary result, confidently made by Mr. Secretary Canning, this decision of the Emperor corresponds with the anticipations which have been constantly entertained here, ever since the President resolved to invoke his intervention. It affords strong evidence, both of his humanity and his enlightened judgment. All events out of Spain seem now to unite in their tendency towards peace; and the fall of the Castle of St. Juan d'Ulloa, which capitulated on the 18th of last month, cannot fail to have a powerful effect within that Kingdom. We are informed, that when information of it reached The Havannah, it produced great and general sensation: and that the Local Government immediately despatched a fast sailing Vessel to Cadiz, to communicate the event, and, in its name, to implore the King immediately to terminate the War, and acknowledge the New Republicks, as the only means left of preserving Cuba to the Monarchy.

In considering that further Measures could be adopted by this Government, to second the pacific exertions which, it is not doubted, the Emperor is now employing, it has appeared to the President, that a suspension of any military expedition, which both, or either of the Republicks of Colombia and Mexico, may be preparing against Cuba and Porto Rico, might have a good auxiliary influence. Such a suspension, indeed, seemed to be due to the friendly purposes of the Emperor. I have, accordingly, addressed Official Notes to the Ministers of those Republicks, accredited here, recommending it to their Governments; an Extract from one of which (the other being substantially the same) is herewith transmitted. You will observe it intimated in those Notes, that other Governments may feel themselves urged, by a sense of their interests and duties, to interpose in the event of an invasion of the Islands, or of contingencies which may accompany or follow it. On this subject, it is proper that we should be perfectly understood by Russia. For ourselves, we desire no change in the possession of Cuba, as has been heretofore stated. We cannot allow a transfer of the Island to any European Power. But if Spain should refuse to conclude a Peace, and obstinately resolve on continuing the War, although we do not desire that either Colombia or Mexico should acquire the Island of Cuba, the President cannot see any justifiable ground on which we can forcibly interfere. Upon the hypothesis of an unnecessary protraction of the War, imputable to Spain, it is evident that Cuba will be her only Point d'appui, in this Hemisphere. How can we interpose, on that supposition, against the Party clearly having right on his side, in order to restrain or defeat a lawful operation of war? If the war against the Islands should be conducted by those Republicks in a desolating manner; if, contrary to all expectation, they should put arms into the hands of one race of the inhabitants to destroy the lives of another; if, in short, they should countenance and encourage excesses and examples, the contagion of which, from our neighbourhood, would be dangerous to our quiet and safety, the Government of The United States might feel itself called upon to interpose its power. But it is not apprehended that any of those contingencies will arise, and, consequently, it is most probable that The United States, should the War continue, will remain hereafter as they have been heretofore, neutral observers of the progress of its events.

You will be pleased to communicate the contents of this Despatch to the Russian Government. And as, from the very nature of the object which has induced the President to recommend to the Governments of Colombia and Mexico, a suspension of their expeditions against the Spanish Islands, no definite time could be suggested for the duration of that suspension, if it should be acceded to, it must be allowed, on all hands, that it ought not to be unnecessarily protracted. Therefore, you will represent to the Government of Russia, the expe

diency of obtaining a decision from Spain, as early as possible, in respect to its disposition to conclude a Peace.

Mr. Henry Middleton.


(7.)-Mr. Clay to Mr. Salazar.

I am, &c.


Department of State, Washington, Dec. 20, 1825. DURING the last Spring, I had the honour to state to you, that the Government of the United States had addressed that of Russia, with the view of engaging the employment of its friendly offices to bring about a Peace, if possible, between Spain and the New American Republicks, founded upon the basis of their Independence; and the Despatch from this Department, to the American Minister at St. Petersburgh, having that object, was read to you. I have now the satisfaction to state, that it appears, by late Advices just received from St. Petersburgh, that this appeal to the Emperor of Russia has not been without good effect; and that there is reason to believe that He is now exerting his friendly endeavours to put an end to the war. The first would be naturally directed to His Allies, between whom and His Imperial Majesty, it was desirable that there should be, on that interesting subject, concurrence of opinion and concert in action. Our information from Europe authorizes the belief that all the great Powers are now favourably inclined towards Peace; and that, separately or conjointly, they will give pacific counsels to Spain. When all the difficulties exterior to Spain, in the way of peace, are overcome, the hope is confidently indulged, that those within the Peninsula cannot long withstand the general wish. But some time is necessary for the operation of these exertions to terminate the War, and to ascertain their effect upon the Spanish Government.

Under these circumstances, the President believes that a suspension, for a limited time, of the sailing of the Expedition against Cuba or Porto Rico, which is understood to be fitting out at Carthagena, or of any other Expedition which may be contemplated against either of those Islands, by Colombia or Mexico, would have a salutary influence on the great work of peace. Such a suspension would afford time to ascertain if Spain, resisting the powerful motives which unite themselves on the side of peace, obstinately resolves upon a protraction of the War. The suspension is due to the enlightened intentions of the Emperor of Russia, upon whom it could not fail to have the happiest effect. It would also postpone, if not for ever render unnecessary, all consideration which other Powers may, by an irresistible sense of their essential interests, be called upon to entertain of their duties, in the event of the contemplated invasion of those Islands, and of other contingencies which may accompany or follow it. I am directed, therefore, by the President, to request that you will forthwith communicate the views here disclosed to the Government of the

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