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BOOKS Received.

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CHANNING, E. A Student's History of the United States. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898.

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AUGUST, 1898.


Imperialism, True and False; Administrative Problems of an Imperial Policy; State Railroad Purchase in Switzerland.


HE terms of peace may be agreed upon between Spain and the United States while the present number of the YALE REVIEW is passing through the press. To discuss the possibilities of the treaty in detail would therefore be inopportune. Yet the general questions of foreign policy, so suddenly brought into prominence by the war, cannot be considered as settled by a single treaty, and for some time to come we must expect that the colonial question will vie in importance with, and indeed powerfully influence, the questions of domestic policy which have hitherto engrossed our attention. The importance of the problem thus presented may be seen from the manner in which the reconcentrados, for whose benefit the war was ostensibly waged, have apparently dropped from the public mind, while empire is on the lips of every one.

The question is indeed of the first magnitude, and before committing ourselves to what may be irrevocable, we should carefully consider what we mean by empire. The term is most incongruous in a democratic country. As originally used, imperium meant military despotism, and it was the rule of the commander of the army, to which Rome had to submit when the Republic decayed and self-government had become a lost art. It meant, primarily, the substitution of an autocracy for a republic. It also meant a large area governed, and often grossly misgoverned, for the advantage of the imperator and of

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