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The Pottsville (Pa.) Mining Register alluding to the cheapness of land in that quarter a few years ago, says now an acre of coal land is worth $18,000. Many set down a higher figure. In the South basin, (that is, from the Sharp Mountain to the Mine Hill,) where we have all the veins, (thirteen, including, red and white ash,) the whole thickness of the coal is ninety feet. Allowing one-half of this for fault and waste in mining, we have 45 feet, or 15 yards in thickness, of merchantable coal. There being 48,000 square yards to the acre, we have, by multiplying this number by the thickness, 72,000 square yards or tons of coal per acre; which at a rent of 25 cents per ton, brings $18,000. This is a fair estimate of the real value of an acre of our coal land, without exaggeration or embellishment. It is not strange, therefore, that our lands have, and are still increasing in value. In England, coal lands not possessing near the intrinsic value of ours, sell at from one to two thousand pounds sterling per




MARTIN TAKEMTHROUGH-who must be a son or grandson of old GoAHEAD PUTEMTHROUGH-through the medium of the Palmetto State Banner, gives the following advice to his nephew, JACK GOINGTHROUGH :—

MY DEAR NEPHEW:-I am rejoiced to learn that you are in good health, and are just commencing business on your own account. I have heretofore remarked your shrewdness in commercial transactions in which you were engaged for the benefit of others, and I feel confident, that having launched upon your own boat, and started on your own hook, you will still maintain a character which weighs so greatly in my estimation. Being so nearly related to myself, it is of course my desire that you shall meet with the most complete success. You are intelligent and enterprising-two qualities, without which, little or nothing can be achieved.

Thirty years ago, I launched my bark upon the same tempestuous sea. I had nothing to begin with, it is true; but I did not despair-I know that others had succeeded in making the same voyage. I tried it, on the square, for some time, that is to say, I did not take any of the little advantages of which others availed themselves, for purposes of gain. But I soon found that, riches being the object in view, I must adopt their plan or I would never succeed in business. It is too late in the day for one to think of acting upon the principle that "honesty is the best policy "—it is an erroneous doctrine-it won't do in the 19th century. Men must suit their consciences to their interests-have easy consciences. They must know and acknowledge but one rule for their guidance upon every occasion-that rule is short and pointed— embraced in one word-"SKIN!"

Occasionally you may find one, who, in his folly, strictly acts up to his vaunted principle, honesty. What is the consequence? He remains poking and groveling in the mud for a life-time, while every day he beholds his neighbors, who are not so squeamish as himself, rearing their palaces and reveling in luxuries to him unknown. He may be thought well of by a few poor fellows (dupes of honesty) like himself, but the majority having a different standard of excellence, will give him the cold shoulder and keep him jammed to the wall. Such a fate should never be mine, and if I am at all acquainted with your spirit it will never be yours. I got along gradually at first. Ten per cent satisfied me then, but I found it wouldn't do, so I commenced increasing and continued to increase. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, and sometimes one hundred per cent. Complaints, of course, I had almost any quantity-but what of that? Where I lost one customer I would gain two others. Some couldn't use my sugar; they said it was all sand, but this was a vile misrepresentation-only thirty per cent was sand, and that of the cleanest kind. Sand is wholesome: it is an invaluable aid to digestion. I was actually contributing to the health of the silly beings, by mixing sand with my sugar; but they knew it not, and the manufacturer had to bear the blame, of course, as I would not acknowledge my agency. They said my liquor was half water; well, so it was, and so much the better for it. All parties were benefited.

Liquor, we all know, is hurtful-if, then, I weakened its strength, by adding a portion of that delightful beverage appropriated for the use of the whole human family, and made it less powerful for evil, I was undoubtedly entitled to commendation rather than abuse. At all events I put cash into my pocket by the operation, and received their curses in a philosophical spirit, that could not have been excelled by Socrates himself. So with coffee and tea-the first was half rocks, and the last almost entirely composed of sloe leaves. You cannot conceive how I was vilified-but what of that‍! I was making money like dust-folks knew it, and I was outwardly respected accordingly. I was a rising man then, and I have been rising ever since.

You must SKIN in self-defence. There are but two classes in the world-the Skinner and the Skinned. The former are wise men; the latter are fools. If you do not skin, you must assuredly be skinned-so you can make your choice. Pay no attention to derogatory remarks, but skin on.

We are no worse than the majority of business men. There is trickery in all trades and professions. Each is trying with might and main to get the advantage of the other. The lawyer, the doctor, the merchant, the workman-all are on an equality. Some ignorant people may call it swindling-but, poor souls! they know no better, and deserve to be bitten for their egregious ignorance. They learn soon that the only way to keep from being bitten to death, is to bite back. They make your sharpest biters, those who have been well torn. They bite all mankind for what they think is an injury inflicted on them by one. A dog blessed with the hydrophobia is not a eir

cumstance with them!

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It is perfectly safe, if you manage right. Your eye-teeth must be cut before you venture out into deep water. As for conscience, as I before intimated, no business man can keep one and succeed in the world. It is nothing but a dead weight, always holding him back, when it is evidently his interest to go forward. If you have not already come to the conclusion to discard it, I must beg you to do so, by all means. No merchant, with a conscience, ever gets fat—no such a one ever sleeps well of nights. I assert with perfect truth, when I say that I never feel better than when I have just gone through with a skinning operation. My spirits are revived, and I number my gains with a joyousness utterly astonishing to weak nerves. Do not boggle at what some call lying. Men are born liars." Lie with emphasislie with seriousness-lie with impudence. Never lie unless you can see a chance to make something thereby-then lie boldly. A man, especially a merchant, who always tells the truth, and nothing but the truth, must frequently be the victim of disappointment. He cannot succeed, and it is perfectly useless for him to think of it. I told the truth once, and I have repented it to this day. I lost a thousand dollars. I could have made it just as easy as winking. That sum, singly, is not much to me now, but just think-in the ten years since I committed that offence, how much might have been made with it. It would have quadrupled itself at the least calculation. I took a solemn oath, never to catch myself again!

Be always on hand. Never lose a chance. Remember, it is the early bird that snaps up the worm. Every human gudgeon is hooked up by somebody; so take your chance. They are curious-show them your elephant. Keep a little good liquor to treat them with. Don't drink yourself, but fill them to the muzzle before commencing trade. They purchase with desperation when about half or three parts fuddled. Anything-everything-nothing comes amiss. Backbite your neighbors-declare they are knaves, swindlers, cheats, thieves-wouldn't trust them out of sight. Then, when you have got them well screwed in your vice, squeeze, until they are as dry as dust. That is the way, my dear nephew, to show yourself worthy of the appellation of a business man, and to do honor to my instructions. Your loving uncle,



The Madrid Gazette contains a decree extending the line of custom-houses through the province of Zaragosa, from Justinana and Navarre, as far as the province of Huesca. This measure has been taken in consequence of the increase of smuggling and the complete and dangerous organization of smugglers in that department. The gov ernment begins to find that it is impossible to maintain its protective system without recourse to custom-houses in the interior.

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Mercantile Miscellanies.


The Poughkeepsie Eagle reports an interesting law case which has recently been decided in the Circuit Court of Oyer and Terminer, in that place. It seems that a gentlemen by the name of Whinfield, belonging to Poughkeepsie, took passage at New York on the steamboat Oregon, buying a through ticket to Albany, as, owing to the competition, a through ticket could be bought for a less price than a way ticket. When the boat reached Poughkeepsie, Whinfield offered his through ticket and attempted to go ashore; but the officers of the boat forcibly resisted him, and carried him against his will to Albany. Whinfield brought a suit against the owners and officers of the boat for assault and false imprisonment; contending that a through ticket entitled the holder to land wherever he pleased on the way. The court sustained this position; ruling, that a through ticket entitled a passenger to land at any place where the boat stopped; and that in fact all the passengers had a right to walk ashore at any place. That a passenger not paying his passage, when demanded, was liable to be put on shore immediately; but if the steamboat came to Poughkeepsie or any other dock, a passenger who had not paid his passage had a right to go ashore without any detention from the owners or employees of the boat; and that in fact the owners must collect the passage money before starting; and that if not collected at that time, it was a debt, and to be collected as other debts; and that it was false imprisonment to detain any passenger from landing. Under this ruling the jury found a verdict of $150 and costs against the captain, clerk, and ticket agent of the Oregon.


After years of mathematical labor and mechanical results, Professor Willis, of Rochester, has completed and has now in constant operation a self-winding clock, which determines the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years of time with unfailing accuracy, continuing in constant motion, by itself, never requiring to be wound up, never running down, but moving perpetually so long as its components exist. It might easily be called a perpetual motion, and it is so in one sense, but the inventor very properly makes no such claim. The scientific will at once understand this upon inspection. The Rochester Democrat says that the clock stands upon two uprights about six feet high, with a large highly-finished dial. Its mechanism is all exposed to the closest scrutiny, and the movement of its simple escapement and its direct motion is as plain to the eye as the truth and force of its well applied principles to the mind.


It appears from the report of a committee appointed by the city council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the number of steamboats that arrived there during the boating season of 1851 was 353, and the number of departures 352. Dubuque exported 4,287 tons of merchandise of the value of $233,207 59; and imported 24,663 tons of the value of $1,175,207 40. The number of immigrants who have been landed from steamers we find to be 2,824. The articles embraced in the above summary of exports consist chiefly of the agricultural products of the soil, lead, horses, cattle, and hogs. The imports were mostly made up of dry goods, groceries, queensware, machinery, leather, lumber &c. The amount of insurance by merchants and others upon exports was in and about the sum of $1,749, and that paid upon imports $8,814, making the aggre gate paid for insurance the sum of $10,563,


An act was passed by the legislature of New York on the 20th March, 1852, "exempting vessels and persons engaged in the coasting trade between the port of New York and the Capes of Virginia, from Quarantine," as follows:

SEC. 1. Article first, title second, chapter fourteen, of the first part of the revised statutes, entitled of the place of quarantine, and the vessels and persons subject thereto, shall not apply to Vessels and persons engaged in the coasting trade between the port of New York and any of the Capes of Virginia; and all such vessels and persons may at all times enter the port of New York without being subject to quarantine, the same as if they did not pass to the south of Cape Henlopen, except in case there may be sickness on board, when they shall be subject to the existing provisions of laws.


1.-Five Years in an English University. By CHARLES ASTOR BRISTED, late Foundation Scholar of Trinity College, Canibridge. 2 vols. New York: G. P. Putnam, 155 Broadway.

Mr. Bristed's book has a right to a place among the latest voyages to unexplored regions, and by the side of the last journey to the interior of Africa. Polar seas and regions are rather better known to the American public, than the modes of life and course of studies in the Great English Universities. Our ignorance in this respect, is the more striking from our familarity with the German Universities, with which numerous books, learned and familiar, and the experience of many an American student have made us acquainted. In the colonial times, young Americans of aspiration used to repair to the English Universities, but very few have found their way there since. Mr. Bristed's experience, therefore, was something unique and well worth narrating. Mr. Bristed has very decided talent for description, the minuteness of observation, the eye for details, which give vividness and life. His pictures of university life are as piquant as Howitt's similar sketches of German student life. Having graduated at New Haven also, he is enabled to contrast his experience of the American with the English College system, much to the disadvantage of the former. The book, in fact, under a narrative form is much more; it is a formal expose of the defects of American classical scholarship, of the superiority of English, and of the mode by which the inferiority is to be removed, which is the substitution of the English system. We confess we were more struck in Mr. Bristed's Companion, with the points of resemblance than of difference, between the English and American system of college study and discipline. They were both formed on the same model-the monastic discipline; both breathe the sanie school-boy spirit. The difference is a difference of degree, not of kind. The American collegian euds his college course at twenty, the English begins at about that age; the American devotes about seven years to the classics, the English student, twelve or more; and above all, the English student pursues his course at a mature age. But the system is the same; competition, artificial incitements, coaches, steam, petty restraints, study to pass examination, not to learn. The fact is, England and America must alike acknowledge the literary sovereignty of Germany in classical learning. The best labors of English scholars consist in working up the results of German erudition, translating German treatises, editing German editions. What is Liddel and Scott's Lexicon, cited by Mr. Bristed as proof of Oxford industry, but a translation in the main? When the classics are studied by men, as a profession, such results may be expected, but we study them as an inferior branch, preparatory to law, divinity, or medicine, not, like the faculty of Philosophy in Germany, co-ordinate with them. Mr. Bristed's book, however, is full of valuable suggestions; it is written in a frank, manly spirit, with much earnestness, and withal good humor, full too of those personal details which make such interesting reading. For how many pleasant hours is the world indebted to the amiable egotism of its Pepyses and Berneys! At the same time we cannot too much applaud this race instead of an American man of wealth earnestly laboring in the cause of good letters. We think Mr. Bristed underrates American scholarship. We have not space to show how; but really it seems scarce confirmation of his complaint, when in a book so professedly scholarly, there occur such errors as indagimus facile andiisse, etc., which we can of course call nothing but misprints. Is it impossible to have Latin and Greek correctly printed in New York?

2.-Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. 4. December, 1851, to May, 1852. 8vo., pp. 863. New York: Harper & Brothers.

A fourth volume of Harper's Magazine was completed with the May number. It is unnecessary to repeat what all the world in the United States and the Canadas well know, that nowhere else can be found the same amount of agreeable reading, at the same expense, as in these pages. The good taste of the work, the excellence of its varied contents, and the discrimination in their choice are well appreciated. The aid of such writers as the Abbotts, and the entertainment and instruction of their articles cannot be too highly valued. It is a work that should be received into every family. Each volume improves in appearance. Many of the articles in these pages are profusely illustrated with well executed cuts. Indeed no labor or cost seems to be spared to make this work as complete, and tasteful, and perfect as possible.

3.-Philadelphia as it is in 1852 Being a Correct Guide to all the Public Buildings; Literary, Scientific, and Benevolent Institutions; and Places of Amusement, Remarkable Objects, Commercial Warehouses, and Wholesale and Retail Stores in Philadelphia and its Vicinity. With Illustrations, and a Map of the City and its Environs. By R. A. SMITH. 12mo., pp. 452. Philadelphia: "Lindsay & Blakiston. The title of this work explains its contents at length. It is sufficient to say that it is issued in very good taste, and contains many well executed cuts.

4.-The World Here and There; or Notes of Travelers. From "Household Words." Edited by CHARLES DICKENS. No. 4, 12mo., pp. 231.

5.-The Existence of a God and Human Immortality Philosophically Considered, and the Truth of Divine Revelation Substantiated. By J. BovEE DODS. 12mo., pp. 215. New York: Fowlers and Wells.

This author is a pleasant and easy writer. In his discussion of the subject of the existence of the Deity he has presented many strong facts in a forcible and popular


6.-The Hive and the Honey-Bee; with Plain Directions for Obtaining a Considerable Annual Increase from this Branch of Rural Economy. To which is added an Account of the Diseases of Bees, with their Remedies. Also Remarks as to their Enemies, and the Best Mode of Protecting the Bees from their Attacks. By H. D. RICHARDSON. With illustrations on wood. 8vo., pp. 72. New York: C. M. Saxton.

7-Journey to Iceland, and Travels in Sweden and Norway. Translated by CHARLOTTE F. COOPER. 12mo., pp. 270. New York: G. P. Putnam,

Madame Pheiffer, the author of this volume, is the woman who through curiosity made the tour of the world. The same motive led her to Ireland. She is shrewd, sensible, and often striking in her observations, and the reader will follow her with interest throughout her trip. The volume forms number eight of Putnam's Cheap Library.

8.-Les Aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Par M. FENELON. D'apres l'edition de M. CHARLES BRUN. 12mo., pp. 395. New York: Leavitt & Allen.

Fenelon's Telemachus is a work too well known to the public to require explanation. For two hundred years it has been the admiration of mankind. This edition is issued in very good taste, in clear and distinct type, and substantial paper. The sig nification of the most difficult words is added at the foot of each page, and a brief compendium of ancient history and geography, so far as may be necessary, to increase the intelligibility of the work, is placed at the close, as an appendix. We have never seen a better edition for youth.

9.-Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Book of Revelations. By ALBERT BARNES. 12mo., pp. 506. New York: Harper & Brothers.

This is an excellent work on a subject upon which so much has been written, and so little is actually known. The author entered upon the task of exposition not precisely from any previous purpose, or to establish a theory of his own, but rather in the coarse of his private studies. Finding much in historical writers to confirm the views which arose in his own mind, he was led to complete and publish them. His well known ability and success in biblical investigations are such as to entitle this work to a cordial reception.

10.—Miscellanies. By Rev. JAMES MARTINEAU. 12mo., pp. 472. Boston: Crosby & Nichols.

The contents of this volume consist of articles which have heretofore appeared in the English periodicals, but they treat of such high themes, and possess such a lofty tone, clearness of moral discrimination, affluence of imagery, and vigorous precision of language, that they not only made quite an impression upon their first appearance, but have been regarded, and with justice, as worthy to be reproduced in a more permanent form. The titles of some of the articles are the following:-"The bat tle of the Churches;" "The Church of England;" "Church and State;" "Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold ;" and among liberal Christians this volume will find great favor, and they will regard its appearance, in the present state and tendencies of opinion, as very timely.

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