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dispensed with, between the hours of nine and midnight. Nobody knows how many thousand people answered to his excellency's invitation. An ocean of humanity was noted, and all was happiness. Suffice it to say that it was one of the grandest events Madison ever witnessed.

Parties receiving guests were: Governor and Mrs. Rusk, Miss Ida Rusk, Hon. John Eaton, United States Commisioner of Education, Gen. Samuel Fallows, President T. W. Bicknell and wife, and J. L. M. Curry, of Richmond. Lueders' band made superb music all the while.

Graded Examples in Long Division.

FIRST.-Examples in which the 1st figure of the divisor into the first one or two figures of each partial divdend gives each quotient figure right at first. From Pendleton's Arithmetic Cards-21,2 means divisor 21, example 2, and so for the others21,2; 22,1,5; 31,9; 32,1,5; 33,2; 42,6; 43,9; 44,8; 51,2; 52,8; 54,3; 62,1,5; 63,2,6; 72,1,5,10; 74,1,5; 83,9; 84,2; 92,8,9, and nearly every number of 72bj, 304, 612, 816, 70992. Also in multiplication examples from the cards, the multipliers used as divisors-21,2; 22.2; 31,2,5; 32,2; 33,2; 42,2,8; 43,5; 51,2; 54,10; 62,2,8,9; 72bj; 72,xn,10; 74,2,8; 83,2,5; 84,2,3; and 304, 612, 816, 70992. These are found by noticing that the 2nd figure of the divisor is small, and no figure of the quotient is greater than 5, and there, no doubt, are others—some by leaving out last 1 or 2 figures of dividend and quotient.

SECOND.-Examples in which the trial quotient figure, gotten as above, is sometimes too large, which are any others in the cards in which the 2nd figure of the divisor is not greater than 5.

THIRD.-Examples in which the 2nd figure of the divisor is greater than 5, when the trial quotient figure, gotten by dividing by I more than the 1st figure of the divisor, is sometimes too small. In this case it is better to find out whether it is too small, not by the remainder, but by multiplying the two left-hand figures of the divisor by figures larger than the trial quotient figure.

It is well, when divisors have been selected for the day, to practice the class in mental arithmetic time in multiplying the two left-hand figures of each divisor by each of the 9 digits mentally.

After a class have been thoroughly taught in dividing by any number of two figures, they will know how to divide by numbers of more than two figures, as the trial quotient figure is always tested by multiplying it into the first two left-hand figures of the divisor.

In practical questions combining addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, two or more, write questions on blackboard and over the large numbers put small numbers for them which can be worked in the mind, and let the question be read with the small numbers, then other small numbers, &c., until the class understand the ideas of the question and find out from the operations with the small numbers, what operations to perform on the given large numbers, and as a further test change the large numbers (and even the words) to other large numbers, and see if they work out right with them.

S. T. P.

Prize for Spelling.

Messrs. Clark & Maynard, 734 Broadway, New York, propose to give a copy of "Reed's Word Lessons" to any scholar in your school who will spell correctly the following fifty words, without any PREVIOUS DRILL OR STUDY:

[blocks in formation]

These words must be written on a slip of paper, numbered from 1 to 50, inclusive, with scholar's name attached. Only one trial on each word, and no after-correction allowed.

Every word omitted in the written list will be considered a failure.

On receipt of the perfect list, with the teacher's signature to attest the genuineness of the work, they will send the book in return.

THE ART OF EARLY RISING.-The proper time to rise, says the Lancet, is when sleep ends. Dozing should not be allowed. True sleep is the aggregate of sleeps, or is a state consisting in the sleeping or rest of all the several parts of the organism. Sometimes one and at other times another part of the body, as a whole, may be the least fatigued, and so the first to awake, or the most exhausted, and therefore the most difficult to arouse. The secret of good sleep is, the physiological condition of rest being established, so to work and weary the several parts of the organism as to give them a proportionally equal need of rest at the same moment; and, to wake early and feel ready to rise, a fair and equal start of the sleepers should be secured; and the wise self-manager should not allow a drowsy feeling of the consciousness or weary senses, or an exhausted muscular system, to beguile him into the folly of going to sleep again when once he has been aroused. After a very few days of self-discipline the man who resolves not to doze― that is, not to allow some sleepy part of his body to keep him in bed after his brain has once awakened-will find himself, without knowing why, an early riser.-From Popular Science Monthly for August.

-APPEAL TO THE FRIENDS OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS.-The Commissioner of Education has requested the President of the Froebel Institute of North America to arrange for the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans an exhibit of the character and status of the kindergarten. Such an exhibit involves, as its chief feature, an actual kindergarten in operation during the six months of the Exposition, before the eyes of all who may wish to study its working.

For obvious reasons this kindergarten should, in all its appointments, be as complete, as near the ideal, as possible. At the same time, the special needs of the South render it desirable that there should be two departments-one for white and another for colored children.

The Exposition will furnish a building for the purposes indicated. The Bureau of Education will defray the expenses of transportation, but the funds for the conduct of the kindergarten must be provided by benevolent friends who appreciate the missionary character of the enterprise.

In order to open and carry on one of the kindergartens proposed, it will be necessary to provide $2,000., The second kindergarten will call for $1,000. A portion of this sum is already promised. For the purpose of raising the remainder, the Froebel Institute appeals for aid to all who see in educational progress the safeguard of the free and humane spirit of our institutions.

Contributions of five dollars or less may be sent at once to the President of the Froebel Institute. Friends who desire to contribute larger sums may send promissory notes, payable November 1st, November 15th, or December 1st, 1884.

On the 1st day af November, or sooner, a corps of efficient teachers will proceed to New Orleans to take charge of the work during the six months of the Exposition. They will prepare monthly reports of the condition and progress of the work, and these reports, together with a monthly financial statement, will be sent to all who may have subscribed two dollars or more to the fund.

The President of the Froebel Institute will be glad to correspond with friends who may have advice to offer, or who may desire additional information concerning the work on hand.-W. N. Hailmann, President Froebel Institate, N. A., La Porte, Indiana.

-THE WORLD'S EXPOSITION.--The World's Exposition that is to be opened at New Orleans, is so far perfected in all its departments that it is now in order to state that it will be the largest world's fair ever held. The buildings are larger than those erected for the Philadelphia Centennial. The exhibits outnumber those of any previous exposition. Each of the States, except possibly one or two, will be represented by an exhibit. Congress has made a loan of $1,000,000 in favor of this centennial exposition. The United States government will make a special exhibit, the largest it has ever attempted, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, and to that end a mammoth building is being erected in the group of exposition buildings. The Mexican government has appropriated $2,000,000, and will erect a special building for its unique display. The Central American republics have been aroused from their long slumber and will be fully represented, for the first time, among the great nations of the earth. At the exposition one may learn more about the natural resources of those regions than by any ordinary visit to Mexico or Central America. To lovers of music a visit to the exposition will be highly gratifying, as there is a music hall capable


of seating 11,000 persons, and a stage large enough to hold 600 musicians. Grand concerts will be given during the season.

-The Normal Teacher, heretofore published by J. E. Sherrill, Danville, Ind., has been purchased by W. H. F. Henry, who for some time past has contributed large aid to its management. It will be issued hereafter from Indianapolis. The size has been diminished, but the amount of reading matter will be about the same. No doubt the success it achieved under its former proprietor will attend the present proprietor.

-The Teachers' Co-operative Association, of Chicago announce a new branch office at Lincoln, Neb., Miss L. Margaret Pryse and Miss Jennie Denton, editors of School Work, managers. All applicants are registered at Allentown, Penn., and Lincoln, Neb., without extra charge.

---OPENING AT ROANOKE COLLEGE.-It will be gratifying news to the friends of Roanoke College throughout the country to learn that the thirty-second session was begun on the 17th instant, with a large increase over the attendance last year. A steady gain for five years—and larger this year than formerly-may well encourage the faculty and friends of the college. The number of Virginia students has increased, and Roanoke has, as usual, representatives from many States and Territories. Among the students are four Mexicans, two of whom are cousins of President Diaz, of Mexico.-Salem (Va.) Times-Register, Sept. 19, 1884.

-In the number of students at Roanoke, the States coming next to Virginia are North and South Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland and Louisiana. -UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. The prospects of a prosperous session are fine. The improvements rendered possible by the appropriation of the last Legislature are being pressed to completion. The dormitories, dwellings, etc., are receiving much needed repairs. An elaborate and thorough system of drainage and sewerage has been advancing towards completion all summer. The improvement in the water supply is delayed only to determine whether the town of Charlottesville will unite with the authorities of the University in the construction of the works. The McCormick observatory is nearly completed. The new chapel will be begun in the fall, The donations to the University since the war amounted last year to more than $445,000. The appraised value of the estate recently bequeathed to the University, as residuary legatee, by Mr. Arthur W. Austin, of Massuchusetts, is $472,000, together aggregating $917,000. The present available receipts of the University are between $85,000 and $90,000 a year.


-WASHINGTON And Lee UniveRSITY.-This institution has existed as a corpora. tion 102 years. It is proposed to celebrate, next June the centennial of the first graduating class. It has recently received, under the will of Mr. C. H. McCormick, $20,000. The bequests of Mr. V. L. Bradford, of Philadelphia, consist of his valuable law library of more than 1,000 volumes, his splendid collection of paintings, the endowment of the Chair of Civil Law and Equity Jurisprudence, and the contingent endow. ment of the Chair of Constitutional and International Law. Several valuable scholarships are open for competition, and the alumni and friends of the institution propose to endow another. Changes in the course of study give the degree of A. B. as the result of the successful completion of any one of three courses of study, and the degree of A. M. as the result of the successful completion of either of two courses.


The article in our last issue entitled "The Teacher's Scrap-Book" should have been credited to the New York School Journal, instead of The Educational Record.

NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION.-The location of the next meeting is being considered by the officers of the National Educational Association. The place to be selected must have adequate railroad facilities, good hotel accommodations, sufficient room for the meetings of the eight departments, and a hall capable of seating at least 2,000 persons. Several places have extended invitations to the Association, but further suggestions are desirable, and should be addressed at an early date to the President, F. Louis Soldan, in St. Louis.

PROBLEM I. A reader asks this question: "Why will any number composed of two full periods, each period containing the same figures arranged in the same order, be divisable by 7, 11, and 13?"

2. [Will some of our readers give a clear arithmetical Solution.-ED.] A and B bought 280 acres of land for $630. A says to B, if you will let me run my line here I will give 75 cents more per acre than you. How many acres of land will each get, each spending the same amount of money? Prove it.


News and Notes.

-The office of the Louisiana Educational Society, Room No. 7, Imperial Building, New Orleans, La., will be the headquarters for educators visiting the "World's Exposition," to be held in that city this winter. Any information needed in reference to the Exposition will be promptly furnished by the Secretary of the Society, Rev. I. L. Leucht,

-To any one of our readers who will send to Miss F. Cassey, Oberlin, O., a specimen (small) of stone, or shells, or old coins, or anything suited for a cabinet collection, she proposes to send complete directions for making a plating-machine that will plate gold, silver, and nickel.

-The American Normal Institute, Flemington, N. J., Professor R. F. V. Pierce, President and Superintendent, has been established for the benefit of such teachers as are unable to take a regular course at a normal school. By systematic study five or six hours a week, directed through correspondence by the President, such teachers as avail themselves of its advantages secure in three years, at their homes and in the midst of their regular duties, a fair knowledge of the subjects taught in a normal school.

-The impression seems to be that the School Board of Manchester, Va., will shorten the school session to seven months.

- HAMPDEN Sidney CollegE.-The Rev. Richard McIlwaine, D. D., President Hampden Sidney College, states that the prospect is flattering for a large number of

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