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worked out in a democracy? 12. Why can a government like that of Germany not even be admitted to a partnership for keeping peace? 13. What is said of Germany's spy system among us? 14. What was in the intercepted note to the German Minister in Mexico? 15. The world must be made safe for democracy." Remember this phrase: It explains why this country joined in the war. 16. What hope is expressed as to our future relations with the German people? 17. How are we advised to treat the loyal Americans of German origin? 18. God helping her, she can do no other." When Martin Luther, a German priest of the fifteenth century, took his stand against his church, he used these words: "Here I stand. God help me; I cannot do otherwise."

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To be studied with the Glossary: Destination, proscribed, retaliation, legitimate, tragical, feasible, dislocate, instigation, extirpate, indemnities, animus, fealty, allegiance, malignant.

Phrases: Minimum of right, scruples of humanity, moderation of counsel, temperateness of judgment, status of belligerent, concert of purpose, critical posture of affairs, criminal intrigues, gage of battle, nullify its pretensions, running amuck.



The diacritical marks employed are those used in Webster's New International Dictionary.

An unmarked vowel is a slighted short vowel, usually unaccented.

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abashed (a bǎsht'), confused, made | ambuscade (ăm bŭs kād′), a lying conbashful. cealed ready to attack.

abominations (a bom'ĭ nā'shŭnz), hate- ambush, a hiding place from which to

ful or shameful things.

abyss (a bĭs'), a bottomless depth.
acclivity (ǎk kliv'i ty), slope of a hill.
adage (ǎd'aj), old saying.
adamant (ăd'a mant), hard rock.
adjudged (ăd jŭj'd'), awarded, decided


Adonis (A dō'nis), a beautiful youth

loved by Venus, a nature god. adoration (ăd ō rā'shŭn), religious worship.

adroitness (a droit'ness), ready skill. advantage, chance.

agility (a jil'i ty), the power of moving the limbs quickly.

agitate (ǎj'i tat), to stir, to excite.


amiable sex, women.

amphibious (ăm fib'ĭ ŭs), able to live both on land and in water. amphitheater

(ăm fĩ thē'ā tēr,


ăm fi the a'ter), an oval building with rising tiers of seats about an open space called the arena.

an expedient of peace, a means of gaining peace.

anan (a năn′), an interrogation, meaning something has not been understood. ancient parchments, old documents of the government.

andirons (ǎnd'ĭ ŭrnz), utensils for supporting wood in a fireplace.

agony of conflict, extreme pain of the anguish (ăng'gwish), agony.

gladiatorial struggle, p. 270.

animus, angry spirit.

agrimony (ǎg'ri mō ny), one of the rose anointed children of education, civilized


akimbo (ǎ kim'bō), bent (at the elbow).
a lonely bark foundering, a single ship

ale of father Adam, cold water.
aliment (ǎl'ĭ měnt), that which nourishes.
all and sundry, all and several (a law

allegiance (ăl lĕ'jans), loyalty to a ruling

allurement (ăl lūrʼment), attraction. alluvium (ăl lū'vi ŭm), deposit of sand

or mud made by rivers. Alonzo Pinzon (pēn thōn'), a Spanish navigator, commander of the Pinta. aloof (a loof'), apart.

ambassador (ăm băsʼsa dẽr), a minister of the highest rank representing his country in a foreign state.

white people.

anonymous (ǎn on'i mus), without a name, unknown.

anthem (an'them), a hymn from the Scriptures.

antique majesty (ăn tēk'), lofty dignity combined with great age.

anvils, iron blocks on which metals are hammered.

apathetic (ǎp a thět'ik), indifferent, without feeling.

apostolic dignity (ăp ŏs tŏl'ik), the dignity worthy of a follower of Christ. Appalachian (ǎp a lǎch'ĭ an or åp a lāchi an), a great mountain system in eastern North America.

appalling (ǎp pôl'ling), terrifying. apparition (ăp pa rish'un), unnatural appearance, ghost.

appellation (ǎp'pel la'shun), title of awful benediction, this blessing on their heads had filled them with solemn wonder.


apprehension, fear.

Arabic sentence, a mysterious saying in Azores (a zōrz'), a group of islands 800 Arabic language, p. 1. miles west of Portugal.

arcabucero (Spanish är ka bʊʊ thāʼrō), azure-eyed, with sky-blue eyes.

a man with a musket.

architecture (är'kĭ těk tūr), art of build- Babylonish jargon (băb ĭ lōn'ish järʼgon), ing.

ardent (är'dent), eager-spirited, hot or burning.

confused speech. See Genesis XI for the tower of Babel where every one spoke in a different tongue.

ardor of enterprise, enthusiasm of under- baldric, a broad belt.
taking some bold attempt.
arduous (är'dū ŭs), requiring great exer-

arena (a rē'na), the sanded area of the

amphitheater, place of contest. argent (är'jent), white on a coat-ofarms, representing silver.

argosy (är'gō sy), a large ship, a merchant vessel.

Baltus (baul'tus), father of Katrina Van

Barcan wilderness (bärʼkan), a desert in
northern Africa.

barometer (ba rom’ē tẽr), an instrument for indicating changes in the weather. bastions (bǎs'chŭnz), a part of a fortification projecting from the main inclosure.

aromatic (ăr ō mătʼik), having a spicy beguiled (bē gīl'd'), carried them on fragrance. without their knowledge, p. 13. arrant jockey (ǎr'rant jõk'y), a rascally belligerent (běl lĭj'ẽr ent), warlike. boy who rides horses. bemoan (bē mōn'), to mourn for.

arrogance (ǎr'rō gans), insolent haughti- benedictions, blessings.


benign (bě nin'), health-giving.

arsenal (är'sē nal), a storehouse for Berserk (bēr'sẽrk), a wild warrior of arms and ammunition. heathen times in Scandinavia.

artificer (är tif'ĩ sẽr), a skillful workman betrothal (bě trŏth'al), plighting their in some art. troth, or the marriage ceremony, p. 119.

artless, unaffected and sincere.

assiduity (as să dū'ĭ ty), close and con

stant attention to some business.

beverage (běv'er aj), a prepared drink. bevy (běv'y), an assembly of ladies.

astral (ǎs'tral), a kind of lamp giving a bigoted (big'ŭt ed), narrow-minded, prejbrilliant light.

asunder (a sun'der), in two parts.

atoning (a tōn'ing), making satisfaction for wrong.

udiced in regard to religion or his own party.

bivouac (biv'wǎk), an encampment for the night.

atrocities (a tros'ĭ tiz), enormous wicked- blanched, white faced.


augmented (awg ment'ed), increased. august (au gust'), creating great respect and admiration.

austere (aws tēr'), severe.

authorized (aw'thor iz'd), warranted. autocratic (aw tō krǎt'ik), like one who

holds supreme power.

avarice (ǎv'a ris), greed for money. avowal (a vow'al), open declaration.

blazon (bla'z'n), a coat-of-arms.

blind usages, customs with no reasons for existence.

blocks, frames inclosing pulleys for

bodiced zone, a girl's waist fitted closely
with a bodice or outer vest.
bow (bou), the forward part of a vessel.
broadside, a discharge from all the guns
on one side of the ship, at once.

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