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THIS Number of THE BOY'S PENNY MAGAZINE brings us to the close of a Volume, and we take the opportunity of furnishing a brief outline of our plans and purposes for next year.

We have found our space too limited to allow of introducing those feature of novelty and interest which it is our object to bring before our readers. We have found that our tales and articles of general literature have been necessarily so brief as to interfere with the amusement and instruction they were intended to convey. Hundreds of Correspondents, also, in our "Notes and Queries " department, have been omitted every month; and these things altogether, taken in connection with the interest evidently excited and sustained by our serial, lead us to the one inevitable conclusion-we must increase the size of the Magazine.

Our publication will henceforth bear the name of "THE BOY'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, in which is included The Boy's Penny Magazine." It will consist of forty-eight instead of twenty-eight pages, will be stitched in a coloured or ornamental wrapper, and each number will be illustrated with two beautifullyexecuted Full-page Engravings, printed on tinted paper, together with smaller designs incorporated in the text. The Engravings will be prepared expressly for this Publication, and every Article introduced will be Original. The Price of THE BOY'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE will be Twopence the original price of "The Boy's Own Magazine."

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Among the Novelties to be introduced will be Two New Tales: firstA Story of absorbing interest, full of enterprise and adventure, entitled "PAUL MASCARENHAS," a vivid and startling picture of life in the Island of Sumatra-a story inferior only in interest to Defoe's immortal "Crusoe." Second—a graphic dashing Story of Military Life, entitled "THE YOUNG DRAGOON," written by one who has served for years, and shared in the Balaklava Charge.

A series of lively Pen-and-ink Sketches will also be given, under the title of "Town Boys, by One of Them," including the Street Boy, the Pot Boy, the Printer's Boy, the Doctor's Boy, the Playhouse Boy, the Steamboat Boy, the Newspaper Boy, the Telegraph Boy, the Charity Boy, the Italian Boy, the Barge Boy, the Thief Boy, &c. &c.

A series of Articles will also appear on Popular Science,a distinct and separate subject being discussed each month, and appropriately illustrated, when wood engravings will really illustrate the letter-press.

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