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326 newspapers arrayed against work-
ingmen, 322-relations between labor and
capital before and after War of Rebellion,
323-claims of working classes, 324-rail-
way statistics, 324- right of laborer to be
shareholder, 325-responsibility of rail-
way companies, 326.



War in the East, The, article on, by George
B. McClellan, 35–59 — decrease of Turk-
ish power, 35 progress of Russia in
military strength, 36-national differences,
37-ambitions of Russia, 38. -resources
of Russia and Turkey compared, 39-to-
pographical features of Turkey, 41
roads of Turkey, 50- operations of Mar-
shal Paskévitch in 1828 and in 1829, 53-
probable plan of Russians, 55 - outline of
campaign of 1828 and 1829, 56-depen-
dence of belligerents upon action of other
powers, 58.- Part II., 246-270-miscal-
culation of Russian forces, 247-unex-
pected advance of Turks, 247 - victory of
Russians at Taghir, 248-attack and re-
pulse of Turks, 249-rout of Turks at
Bayazeth, 249-defeat of Russians at Ze-
vin Dooz, 250-battle with doubtful re-
sult at Batoum, 250- advantages pos-
sessed by Turks in control of Black Sea,




Russian occupation of Principali-
ties, 253-crossing Danube, 255- Turk-
ish Quadrilateral, 258 - defeat of Turks
at Shipka Pass, 262- capture and loss of
Plevna by Russians, 263- - disaster of
Russians before Plevna, 264.- Part III.,
439-461-positions of forces, 439-im-
portance to Russians of holding Shipka
Pass, 441-contest upon summits of
Balkans, 443-bad management of Turks,
445-ability of Skobeleff's generalship,
446-small engagements near the Kara
Lom, 447 -operations of Suleiman pre-
dicted, 448-description of Plevna and
vicinity, 449-fortifications of Plevna,
450 Lovatz and its surroundings, 451-
attack upon Lovatz by Russians, 452 - its
capture, 453-attempt by the Turks to
repossess it, 454-renewal of Russian
operations against Plevna, 455- carrying
of two points by Russians and ineffectual
effort to regain them by Turks, 456-battle
of Eshek Kalias, 457- -massacre of Chris-
tians by Turks, 458-Turks driven to Bay-
azeth, 459-height of Kazil Tepe taken
by Turks, 460.


Whetham, J. W. Boddam, his Across Cen-
tral America, notice of, 383-384.

THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW will continue to be conducted in the same enterprising and liberal spirit with which the new management has sought to impress it. From its foundation, sixty-two years ago, the Review has been the organ of the most cultivated and scholarly minds of the country, and no efforts will be spared to maintain this position in the future. The objection had been made, and not without reason, that its pages were addressed to a limited class, and failed to deal with topics of immediate interest to the public at large. That objection it has been sought to remove during the past year. The editor has endeavored, without in the least abandoning the high standard of excellence set up by his distinguished predecessors, to combine perfection of form and finish with a keener appreciation of the requirements of the age, and to present not merely discussions upon which no practical results depend, but such as shall aid men to form opinions for the guidance of their conduct as citizens and as members of society. Following the counsel of one of our best-loved American poets, his desire is to act for the living present rather than for the dead past, and to make the Review a vehicle for the intellectual forces which are at this moment working in men's minds. That this course has been approved by the public is shown not only by the rapid and immense growth in the circulation of the Review, but also by the increased weight of its authority on all matters of public interest.

The subjects with which the REVIEW will deal will be limited by no programme laid down in advance; whatever topics are at the time prominent in the public mind will be taken up and treated with thoroughness and vigor. In Politics, in Finance, in Philosophy, Literature, Religion, and all other subjects, the REVIEW will not only welcome, but will take active steps to procure, the contributions of representative men of all opinions and from every quarter, the only criterion of acceptance or rejection being the importance of the subject and the ability of the writer.

It is assumed that the readers of the REVIEW, conforming to the growing liberality of the age, desire to see the great and grave issues of the day treated by recognized authorities of every opinion, no matter how varied or how opposite. It will be the aim of the editor to meet this requirement. To that end he has already put himself in communication with the best thinkers, not only of this country but of Great Britain and France, hoping to lay before the public, in addition to the best productions of American authors, articles by such distinguished writers as the RT. HON. W. E. GLADSTONE, ROBERT BROWNING, CARDINAL MANNING, PROFESSor GoldWIN SMITH, FREDERIC HARRISON, J. A. FROude, ProfessOR HUXLEY, the BISHOP OF ORLEANS, ERNEST RÉNAN, EDMOND ABOUT, and others, whose works are familiar, by reputation, on this side of the Atlantic, although hitherto known only through the pages of English and French periodicals.

For greater convenience of editing, printing, and distribution, the place of publication will be removed from Boston to New York, and on the 1st of January, 1878, the NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW will be published by D. Appleton & Co. It is scarcely necessary to say that this change, neither implying change of proprietorship nor management, will in no wise affect the choice of matter or the general spirit which characterizes the Review.

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