Слике страница

Between Portland and

229 U.S.

Statement of the Case.

following rates, fares and charges being those so established and the distances being as given below:

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Wilson. Sycamore. Jenne.. "6. That the distance between Lents and the limits of the City of Portland on said plaintiff's line of railroad is 3.50 miles. That the station of Hazelwild on plaintiff's said Mt. Scott line, is a mile and one half from Lents, and two miles outside the limits of the City of Portland. That the distance on the line of the said Portland Railway Company from the terminus of said Company near First and Alder Streets in the said City of Portland, to the terminus in the City of St. Johns, Oregon, is to-wit: nine miles. The distance from the said terminus in the City of Portland, Oregon, to the city limits of the said

229 U. S.

Statement of the Case.

city of St. Johns is about seven miles, and from there to the terminus in the said City of St. Johns proper is about two miles.

"7. That the aforesaid places are suburbs of the City of Portland.

"8. That plaintiff's predecessor acquired about four miles of track and right of way which extended from Mt. Tabor Junction and Lents, on the 13th day of April, 1901, by and pursuant to an agreement wherein and whereby it was agreed in consideration thereof that not more than a five cent fare should be charged by plaintiff's said predecessor, its successors and assigns, for any ride between Lents and Portland, the plaintiff is carrying out said agreement. The said track and right of way are facilities, among other facilities, used by the plaintiff in the transportation of passengers between Lents and Portland.

"9. That before and at the time said Lents contract was entered into, the population of the territory contiguous to said railroad was small. That now the population of said territory is about 10,000; and the value of real estate in Lents and said territory has increased rapidly. That the said increase in population and land values has been and is due in a great measure to the fact that the plaintiff has charged and is charging but five cents for transportation of passengers between First and Alder Streets in the City of Portland, and Lents, and intermediate points.

"10. That at the time said Lents contract was entered into the town of Milwaukie had a population of about 500 people; that at all times since said Lents contract was entered into the plaintiff and its predecessor companies has charged ten cents for the transportation of passengers between First and Alder Streets in the City of Portland and the town of Milwaukie. That since the five cents fare between Lents and Portland has been in

Statement of the Case.

229 U. 8.

operation it has caused the said Lents and Lents territory to increase in population as aforesaid, and said land values in said Lents and Lents territory to increase in value as aforesaid, and has stagnated the growth and population of the town of Milwaukie territory and its business has not appreciably increased.

"11. That by reason of the fact that the inhabitants of the town of Milwaukie are charged double the fare charged the inhabitants of Lents for transportation between their respective residences and the City of Portland, the inhabitants of the town of Milwaukie have paid to the plaintiff large sums of money in the aggregate for transportation from the town of Milwaukie in excess of the charges made inhabitants of Lents for transportation from Lents to First and Alder Streets in the City of Portland, to the great injury to the said inhabitants of Milwaukie; and that a just and reasonable rate, not discriminatory to be charged to persons between First and Alder Streets in the City of Portland and the town of Milwaukie, Oregon, is five cents.

"12. That the bulk of the inhabitants of the town and territory of Milwaukie are employed in the City of Portland, and go to and from their homes on the lines of plaintiff's said railroad to work mornings and evenings daily.

"13. That the population and territory between and including Lents and Hazelwild a distance of one and one-half miles, on plaintiff's Mt. Scott line, are substantially the same territory and population between Golf Junction on the City Limits of Portland and Milwaukie, a distance of 1.31 miles, on plaintiff's Oregon City Division. That the conditions and circumstances under which plaintiff transports passengers between First and Alder Streets in said City of Portland, and the stations on the Mount Scott line from Hazelwild to Lents inclusive, are substantially the same as the circumstances and conditions under which plaintiff transports passengers

229 U. S.

Statement of the Case.

from said First and Alder Streets to stations on the Oregon City line from said Golf Junction to Milwaukie inclusive, except as to the rate of fare charged and the giving of transfer privileges as hereinafter set forth, which fares and transfer privileges are in favor of the inhabitants of the territory from Hazelwild to Lents inclusive.

"14. That Nickum is a station on the plaintiff's Springwater Division, 1.15 miles easterly from Golf Junction, and about 3,000 feet outside the city limits of the city of Portland, Oregon. That the plaintiff operates but seven trains per day through Nickum, between Cazadero and Portland, in either direction. That otherwise, except as to the rates of fare charged and the giving of transfers, and conditions and circumstances as to the transportation of passengers between Nickum and the plaintiff's terminus at First and Alder Streets aforesaid, are substantially the same as between said terminus and Milwaukie, and except also that the travel between Milwaukie and Portland is greater than between Nickum and Portland.

"15. That from points on the Mt. Scott Division without the City of Portland, and Nickum on the Springwater Division, and other points on said division, the plaintiff furnishes to passengers who pay fare to First and Alder Streets in the City of Portland, transfers, entitling the holder thereof to transportation over the lines of the street railway of said Portland Railway Company in the City of Portland, and the City of St. Johns, and that such transfers are not furnished to the citizens of Milwaukie traveling and paying fare from Milwaukie to said First and Alder Streets.

"16. That the evidence does not show that, considered by themselves, or in comparison with other lines of travel, the charges of the plaintiff upon the Oregon City Division are unreasonable, but that compared with the charges made by the plaintiff upon the Springwater and Mt. Scott

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