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Telephone Company.

their legal status, § 119, vol. 1.

liability, in tort, § 118, vol. 1.

[ocr errors]


rights in fixtures. See Fixtures.

liability for nuisance. See Nuisance.

Tenant in Common.

one holds possession of premises for all, § 528, vol. 2.
when maintain trespass, § 528, vol. 2.

Termination of Action.

necessary to maintain malicious prosecution, § 420, vol. 1.
grand jury ignoring bill, § 420, vol. 1.
by nolle prosequi, § 420, vol. 1.
discharge from bail, § 420, vol. 1.


discharge by magistrate, § 420, vol. 1.
because proceeding void, § 420, vol. 1.

not an assault, § 200, vol. 1.


legal aspect of railroad ticket, § 346, vol. 1.

modern tickets and views as to, §§ 346, 347, vol. 1.
effect of conditions in, § 347, vol. 1.

Tidal Streams.

pollution of by discharge of sewage by city, § 686, vol. 2.

[blocks in formation]

discussion of definition, §§ 4, 5, vol. 1.
author's definition, § 4, vol. 1.

privity in, § 6, vol. 1.

the rule, § 6, vol. 1.

its application, § 6, vol. 1.

as a separate subject, § 2, vol. 1.

extent and magnitude of, § 2, vol. 1.
general scope of, § 3, vol. 1.

its relation to contract, § 5, vol. 1.
election, § 5, vol. 1.

definition, § 4, vol. 1.

[blocks in formation]

Torts (Continued).

and crimes, § 8, vol. 1.

civil remedy not suspended, § 9, vol. 1.
how committed, § 10, vol. 1.

mere intent not sufficient, § 10, vol. 1.

when force involved, question discussed, § 10, vol. 1.

[blocks in formation]


right to, § 645, vol. 2.

infringement of, accompanied by fraud and injurious effects,
§ 645, vol. 2.

the right to use, how acquired, § 646, vol. 2.

statutes of registration, effect upon property right, § 646,
vol. 2.

definition and characteristics, § 647, vol. 2.

must be such that its use by another is fraud, § 647, vol. 2.
it must be used that public become familiar, § 647, vol. 2.
must be truthful, § 648, vol. 2.

generic terms not protected, § 648, vol. 2.
geographical names, § 648, p. 1259, vol. 2.

"Lackawana,” p. 1260, vol. 2.

"United States," F. 1260, vol. 2.

[ocr errors]

'Elgin," p. 1260, vol. 2.

proper names, § 648, vol. 2.

"Johnson," p. 1260, vol. 2.

[ocr errors]

"Richardson, p. 1260, vol. 2.
"Guenther," p. 1260, vol. 2.
"Clark," p. 1260, vol. 2.

"A. J. White," p. 1260, vol. 2.

descriptive words, p. 1260, vol. 2.

"Health preserving,” p. 1261, vol. 2.

words denoting characteristics, p. 1261, vol. 2.
"Headache Wafers,' etc., p. 1261, vol. 2.

[ocr errors]

infringements and their remedy, § 649, vol. 2.

imitation and adoption of methods of doing business, § 649,

vol. 2.

business, § 649, vol. 2.

by a counterfeit, § 649, vol. 2.

for different illustrations, see p. 1263, vol. 2.

use of one's own name, § 650, vol. 2.

infringement of, and unfair competition closely identified, p. 651.

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falling into, § 322, vol. 1.

Travelers in Roads and Streets.

persons on foot and in vehicles have equal rights, § 270, vol. 1.
equality of right requires what, § 270, vol. 1.

pedestrian and driver of vehicle, 270, vol. 1.

ordinary care required of both to avoid injury, § 270, vol. 1.
foot-traveler must be on lookout, § 270, p. 576, vol. 1.
care to be observed by pedestrian in crossing street, § 270, p.
576, vol. 1.

mistake in calculations as to crossing, 270, vol. 1.
kind of lookout to be observed by pedestrian in crossing, § 270.
p. 577, vol. 1.

should look up and down street, § 270, p. 577, vol. 1.

rule as to crossing railroad tracks not applicable to street
crossing, p. 577, vol. 1.

crossing street other than regular crossings, § 270, p. 578, vol. 1.
passing of, which must give way, § 271, vol. 1.

fast driving in streets, § 272, vol. 1.

racing, 272, vol. 1.

injury caused by city fire department, § 277, vol. 1.
no liability if care in driving observed, § 273, vol. 1.
from fright, § 273, vol. 1.

of unhitched team, § 273, vol. 1.

leaving horse unhitched in street, § 274, vol. 1.

evidence of negligence, § 274, vol. 1.

character of horse, 274, vol. 1.

ordinances against, § 274, vol. 1.

defective harness, § 275, vol. 1.

injury from breakage of harness, § 275, vol. 1.
ambulances, care required in use of, § 276, vol. 1.
must sound gong, § 276, vol. 1.

city, no liability, § 276, vol. 1.

injury caused by city fire department, § 277, vol. 1.
automobiles, their use in roads and streets, § 278, vol. 1.
bicycles, their legal status, §§ 279, 281, vol. 1.

relative rights of bicycle traveler and others, § 280, vol. 1.
bicyclist entitled to same privileges as others, § 280, vol. 1.
personal injury in use of, § 281, vol. 1.

injury caused by bicyclist colliding with pedestrian going
in same direction, § 281, p. 586, vol. 1.

use of lights and bells, § 281, p. 586, vol. 1.

riding into one on sidewalk, § 281, p. 587, vol. 1.

injury to, by street railways, § 282, vol. 1.

See Street Railways.

steam railway crossing, § 293, vol. 1.


ownership of, standing on boundary line, § 690, vol. 1.
projection of over lands of another, § 690, vol. 2.


upon dangerous premises, duty of owner toward, § 323, vol. 1.

Trespass to Personal Property.

right injured by, § 573, vol. 2.

what constitutes, 8 574, vol. 2.

wrongful intent not essential, § 574, vol. 2.

forcible dispossession unnecessary, § 574, vol. 2.

may be by accident, mistake, negligence, § 574, vol. 2.
injury must be immediately caused by, § 575, vol. 2.
infant using horse with such cruelty that he dies, § 575,
p. 1106, vol. 2.

unlawfully distraining animal, § 575, p. 1106, vol. 2.
killing dog, § 575, p. 1106, vol. 2.

taking away dissevered fixtures, § 575, p. 1106, vol. 2.
burning property, § 575, p. 1106, vol. 2.

kinds of possession necessary, § 576, vol. 2.
who may maintain the action, § 577, vol. 2.
bailee, 577, vol. 2.

general or special claim, § 577, vol. 2.
stranger or wrongdoer, § 577, vol. 2.
officer holding property, § 577, vol. 2.
servant cannct, § 577, vol. 2.

by officers serving writs, § 578, vol. 2.

under writ not regular on its face, § 578, vol. 2.

if he transcends limits of his authority, § 578, p. 1109, vol. 2.

mere omission or neglect, § 578, p. 1109, vol. 2.

carelessly or roughly handling property, § 578, p. 1109,

vol. 2.

levying upon wrong property, 8 578, p. 1109, vol. 2.

taking property by mistake or willfully, § 595, vol. 2.

constructive possession will sustain, § 523, vol. 2.

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