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Trespass to Real Property (Continued).

nature of the wrong and the right injured discussed fully,
524, vol. 2.

it is injury to the possession, the right of exclusion,
§ 524, vol. 2.

the breaking of the close is the wrong, § 524, p. 999,
vol. 2.

injury to land is the incident, § 324, p. 999, vol. 2.
what constitutes, § 525, vol. 2.

elements of damages, § 526, vol. 2.

cutting and carrying away crops, trees and like acts
shown in text, are incidents, § 526, vol. 2.
tenant may recover from landlord for loss of trade,
§ 526, p. 1003, vol. 2.

who may maintain, § 527, vol. 2.

tenant, § 527, vol. 2.

at will or sufferance, § 527, vol. 2.

owner of present estate in unoccupied lands, § 527,
vol. 2.

reversioner, remainderman, when, § 527, p. 1005, vol. 2.
owner may not when occupant wrongfully in possession,
$527, p. 1005, vol. 2.

when tenant and landlord may, § 528, vol. 2.
licensee may bring, § 528, vol. 2.

when tenants in common may, § 528, vol. 2.

liability of public authorities, when taking from streets and
highways more than they have the right, § 531, p. 1014, vol. 2.
in removing sandbar in stream, § 537, p. 1028, vol. 2.
mooring vessels in navigable stream, not, § 537, p. 1028, vol. 2.
interference with abutters' rights on non-navigable stream, § 538.
disturbing thatch, not, § 540.

in erecting poles in streets and highways, in full, § 541, vol. 2.
in cutting off trees projecting over sidewalk, § 541, p. 1034,

vol. 2.

by animals, § 542, vol. 2.

at common law, § 542, vol. 2.

legislation affecting, § 542, pp. 1035, 1036, vol. 2.

duties of owners dependent upon nature of animals, § 542,
p. 1036, vol. 2.

all liability depends upon language of statutes, § 542, p.
1037, vol. 2.

by turning loose in highway unattended, § 542, p. 1037,
vol. 2.

effect of partition-fence laws upon, § 542, p. 1037, vol. 2.
driving animals along highway, § 542, p. 1037, vol. 2.

who liable for, exceptional cases, § 543.

based upon command of law, § 544, vol. 2.

Trespass to Real Property (Continued).

based upon right to possession, § 544, vol. 2.

by forcible entry and detainer, 544, p. 1042, vol. 2.
averment of title in defendant a good defense, § 545,
p. 1043, vol. 2.

close may be broken by stealth, § 545, p. 1043, vol. 2.
based upon necessity, § 546, vol. 2,

streets rendered impassable by act of God or man,
§ 546, vol. 2.

traveler may go on private land, § 546, p.

destruction of property, § 546, p. 1044, vol. 2.

based on consent, § 547, vol. 2.

granting of easements or license, § 547, p. 1046,

vol. 2.

limitations upon, transgressing, § 547, pp. 1047,


licenses defined, § 548. See Licenses.

use of in cases of, § 557, vol. 2.

taking property by mistake or willfully, § 595, vol. 2.

cutting trees, working them into different form, the law in

respect to, in full, § 595, with full note of excerpts, p. 1151.


as defense to libel or slander, § 390, vol. 1.

Unloaded Gun.

pointing, 195, p. 445, vol. 1.

Unfair Competition.

using names, means, representations calculated to represent busi-
ness as that of another, § 644, vol. 2.

and infringement of trademarks compared, § 651, vol. 2.


liability of married women for torts, § 39, n. 96, vol. 1.


liability of married women for torts, § 39, n. 96, vol. 1.

Vicious Animals. See Animals.

Walls. See Dangerous Premises.

falling, liability for injury from, § 330, vol. 1.


of tort, suit upon contract, § 5, vol. 1. See Infants.

Warrant. See Arrest; False Imprisonment.


false. Indexed in full under Fraud and Deception.


liability of married women for torts, § 39, n. 96, vol. 1.


Waste (Continued).

when sale of petroleum constitutes, § 566, p. 1093, vol. 2.

when land leased there are no oil wells, § 566, p. 1093, vol. 2.
how where well already bored, § 566, p. 1093, vol. 2.

where salt well may be used, § 566, vol. 2,

right to annual products, § 567, vol. 2.

changing use of land, § 568, vol. 2.

injury to buildings, § 569, vol. 2.

detaching fixtures, 569, vol. 2.

cutting doorway in partition, § 569, vol. 2.
who may sue for, § 570, vol. 2.

tenant for life, § 570, p. 1098, vol. 2.

reversioner, remainderman, § 570, p. 1098, vol. 2.

lessor, 570, p. 1098, vol. 2.

tenant in common, § 570, p. 1098, vol. 2.

mortgagee, 510, p. 1098, vol. 2.

vendor retaining lien, § 570, p. 1098, vol. 2.

who may be held for, § 570, vol. 2.

cotenant, § 570, vol. 2.

accounting for minerals taken, § 572, p. 1100, vol. 2.
mortgagor, 572, p. 1101, vol. 2,

vendor retaining possession of land, § 572, p. 1101, vol. 2.
tenants at will or sufferance, § 571, p. 1102, vol. 2.
lessee, 571, p. 1102, vol. 2.

the form of the action for, § 571a.

Watercourse. See Nuisance.

Wife. See Husband and Wife.

Wild Animals. See Animals.


action by wife for alienation of affections denied, § 447, p. 864,


vol. 2.

mere, not assault, § 195, vol. 1.


specific, with force, § 190, vol. 1.

Wrongs With or Without Force.

original distinction discussed, § 14, vol. 1,

Wrongs Affecting Domestic Relations. See Domestic Relations;
Husband and Wife; Parent and Child; Guardian and Ward; Mas-
ter and Servant.

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