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It was found that for transmitting and receiving purposes, two types of tube were sufficient. The tube for receiving purposes was designated as VTI by the Signal Corps and as the CW933 by the navy. A transmitting tube capable of delivering a moderate amount of power-say from 3 to 5 watts high-frequency output-was known as the VT2 by the Signal Corps and as the CW931 by the navy. Vacuum tubes are defined, as far as electrical characteristics in normal operation are concerned, by plate and filament voltages, plate current with normal plate voltage and zero grid voltage, normal filament current, filament life at this current, and by what is known as the amplification constant, which is approximately the ratio, u, of that change in plate voltage which produces a given change in plate current to the change in grid voltage to produce the same change in plate current.

As indicating some of the problems involved in the commercial production of this entirely new type of equipment, it is interesting to note that prior to August, 1917, the total output of commercial vacuum tubes of this general type was approximately 200 per week, their use being practically confined to long-distance wire telephony and to radio detection purposes. On November 11, 1918, deliveries were being made at the rate of 25,000 per week. This involved the organization of equipment and personnel to do a class of work for which there was practically no experienced talent available and the situation in many features was analogous to that in connection with airplane production.

Apparatus. Tests of the first standardized sets for Signal Corps use were made at Langley Field on October 6. These sets operated very successfully and official demonstrations of two-way communication were made. This set was made up of a combined control panel and receiver with two stages of amplification and a separate transmitting set, the electrical connections being made by flexible cords. By means of the multicontact manual switch located on the control panel, the operator can receive or transmit as desired. The receiver consists of a single tuned circuit of the very simplest type and the amplifier is made adjustable for the convenience of the observer.

While the original requirement was that communication should be maintained at a distance of 2000 yards, all of the tests indicated that successful communication could be obtained at much greater distances. On October 16 an official distance test was made, and communication between planes was maintained at a distance of 23 miles, and from plane to ground, 45 miles. The conditions under which these tests were made were extremely favorable, and are noted merely to show the possibilities of this particular equipment. The figure that was finally established as being representative of what would be required in service was three miles.

A number of sets were immediately constructed, and complete equipment sent overseas with Signal Corps Officers, where they were submitted for the criticism of our military forces.

Several more demonstrations of this apparatus were made, culminating in the official trials at Dayton, Ohio, on December 2, 1917. There were present members of the Aircraft Production Board and the joint Army and Navy Technical Board, and various Signal Corps officers. The demonstration consisted of a three-cornered conversation between two planes in the air and a ground station. At the ground station a loudspeaking receiver was connected to the radio, set in such a way that the entire party of about thirty could overhear the conversation between the fliers and also the speech between the planes and the ground. Under orders transmitted from the ground station, the fliers performed various evolutions in the air, and the observers could see these orders carried out and hear the acknowledgments. In these tests the pilot and observer in each plane were also connected, so that there were five people in constant communication. The maximum distance of the planes from the ground

station was about eight miles, at which distance they were invisible. These tests so conclusively demonstrated the possibilities of the successful use of this apparatus, that quantity orders were immediately placed by the Signal Corps.

The time elements were very short and the problem of adapting the designs to commercial quantity manufacture were many and intricate. This probably is the first instance on record in which the production of radio apparatus, either telephone or telegraph, has been put on a manufacturing basis, in quantities comparable with that obtaining in ordinary lines of electrical manufacture.

The apparatus represents not what would be designed and built under normal conditions with time available for proper study of all the technical features involved, but the best compromise, bringing in such factors as the use of standard parts, available manufacturing facilities and finally the imperative need of haste.

Information from abroad was at times conflicting and inadequate, so that the Signal Corps officers in Washington were often required to render decisions on important points under exceedingly difficult circumstances. We are greatly indebted to Lt. Col. N. H. Slaughter and other officers of the Signal Corps for their effective cooperation in the solution of difficult problems arising from all these causes.

The final standardized form of two-way airplane set is known by the Signal Corps as the SCR-68 set. The elements are so arranged that they can be mounted in the space available in various parts of the machine The main set, however, necessitates being accessible to the operator.

The switch box shown in the center is to provide for communication between pilot and observer by means of the same helmets and microphones as are used for radio communication. This is one of the interesting by-products resulting from the radio development. Heretofore the only practicable means of communication between pilot and observer was by means of manual signals. With the telephone equipment, satisfactory intercommunication could be provided at all times. This has been found very useful in connection with the training of fliers as well as in military operations.

The transmitting and receiving set proper is approximately 17 by 10 by 7 inches in dimensions, and weighs 21 pounds.

The generator is usually mounted in the slip stream of the propeller on one of the struts of the landing gear.

The weight of the complete equipment, including generator and two operators' sets, is approximately 58 pounds.

When receiving only is required, the transmitting portion is omitted, and power is supplied to the filaments by a small storage battery.

Modifications of the SCR-68 sets adapted to different classes of service were developed and manufactured, one of the principal adaptations being a combination transmitting and receiving set for use on the ground. This set was employed principally for training purposes. With this means of communication at hand, the performance of the student could be observed in the air and his faults could be corrected by the instructor on the ground, thus greatly accelerating this training work. Energy for this set was provided by storage batteries, a dynamotor being operated by the storage battery to supply the plate potential.

Up to the time of the signing of the armistice, many thousands of these sets had been manufactured and delivered.

Short Wave Type.-Since the first experiments the trailing wire antenna had been employed and wave lengths of from 200 to 500 meters were used. It was realized that a long trailing wire antenna was not well adapted for use on military airplanes for tactical reasons, and it would be very desirable to limit the physical dimensions of the radiating system. This, of course, implies a corresponding reduction in the length of wave radiated

if an efficient system is to be used, and steps were taken to design such a set. There is no difficulty in securing extremely short waves with the vacuum tube oscillator, but there is some difficulty in designing a very compact set, with wave length adjustable over a considerable range and containing amplifiers and modulators, and at the same time avoiding excessive losses. In October, 1917, some laboratory sets were made for wave lengths of the order of 70 to 150 meters, and early in 1918 the Signal Corps requested the development of a short wave set. This was built in April and was electrically essentially the same as the longer wave sets except for minor changes due to the use of higher frequencies of the order of 4,000,000 cycles.

Trials of this system were made at Camp Alfred Vail at wave lengths of 60 meters and above. The antenna first used was a very short structure on the top of the plane with two wires extending to the tail. This antenna had a natural wave length of 32 meters and a resistance of only one ohm. To increase the radiating qualities the rear portion of the antenna was raised and the resistance thereby brought up to nearly three ohms at 75 meters. This structure did not materially increase the head resistance of the plane and did not interfere with its operation. As described later, this form of antenna was soon replaced by another.

The use of short wave lengths brings forward prominently the problem of location of component parts of the set in the plane, for a few unnecessary feet of connecting wire carrying these high frequency currents may cause the failure of the set. For this reason considerable thought was given to the question of location of transmitter and control box.

Radiating Systems.-The whole subject of proper radiating systems for use on planes was one to which more time should have been applied than was available at the time of development and manufacture of the first apparatus. A considerable amount of work, however, was carried on and valuable data obtained. This work was started in the summer of 1917 at Langley Field, and was later transferred to Camp Alfred Vail, N. J. The work was in charge of Mr. A. A. Oswald, of the Western Electric Co., under the direction of the Signal Corps, and resulted in the accumulation of a considerable amount of useful data on many types of antenna. There are three important conditions to be met in designing an antenna for use on airplanes.

1. It must be an efficient radiator.

2. It must not be directive.

3. It must not interfere with complicated evolutions of the plane.

The third condition practically prohibits the use of a long trailing wire with a weight, because of the danger of fouling the propeller. This type of antenna is also quite directive.

The details of this antenna investigation should properly be covered in a separate paper. It may be well to state, however, that the best system, all things considered, was found to consist of two short unweighted wires, one from each wing tip. The two wires were joined in parallel above the fuselage, and worked against the conducting portions of the plane as a counterpoise. It was found that the use of one such wire as antenna and the other as counterpoise was not good.

Ignition Interference.-Another problem arose when sets began to be installed. This was that of noise in the receiving sets due to the engine ignition, and was very serious in some cases. Its solution was complicated by the fact that it was not allowable to alter the plane equipment in any way, for instance by changing the position of one magneto to secure greater shielding, but it was found that by covering the ignition wires with a flexible conducting tube grounded at intervals this trouble could be practically eliminated.

It was found that in some cases the ignition spark started in the ignition system high-frequency oscillations which were of proper frequency to

affect the receiver. This happened on the submarine chasers, which are driven by gasoline engines, and the trouble was remedied by inserting small iron core choke coils in the ignition leads to change the frequency of the oscillations. It is obvious that the "radio signals sent out by the ignition spark are many millions of times more intense than those to be received, and it is remarkable that they do not entirely prevent reception. As a matter of fact, successful airplane telegraphy has been carried on in an experimental way, by using the ignition magneto as a radio transmitter.

Submarine Chaser Equipment.-During the war important use has been made of the wireless telephone in connection with naval work. Small 110-foot craft had been largely employed in connection with anti-submarine operations. In order to make the most effective use of the various listening devices, and to co-ordinate the operations of the various units, it is very necessary that instantaneous and direct communication be established at all times. Under the direction of the Special Submarine Board of the Navy Department, modified forms of radio telephone equipment were developed for this purpose. Early in November, 1917, the first practical trials were made, and satisfactory operation between chasers approximately five miles apart was obtained. These trials demonstrated the extreme value of this means of communication and sample equipments were immediately dispatched overseas for further trials under actual war conditions.

The circuits of this set are practically the same as the airplane equipment, except that power is obtained from small dynamotors operated from the 30-volt storage batteries with which the chasers are equipped. The set itself was located in the radio room, where it could be attended to by the regular radio operator. A telephone transmitter and receiver is, however, located in the pilot house so that the commanding officer can holl direct conversation with other vessels. The radio operator monitors the conversation and performs all tuning operations, thus leaving the commanding officer free to use the radio telephone as an ordinary wire line, except that he must press a button located at the side of the telephone when talking. The ordinary telephone head set is supplemented by a loud-speaking telephone receiver, which makes it possible for incoming signals to be heard without the use of head gear. To provide sufficient energy for operating the loud-speaking receiver a three-stage amplifier connected to the output side of the radio set is required. It is possible to connect the receiving portion of the radio set to either the ordinary head receiver or to the amplifier with its loud speaker.

This equipment has an effective operating range of about ten miles when used on the 110-foot submarine chasers. One feature not incorporated in the airplane sets consists of a wave length control gear by means of which the set can be operated on any one of five different wave lengths, ranging from 250 to 600 meters. This permits of a certain amount of selective operation within a chaser squadron.

A number of problems were met with in connection with this particular application not the least of which was the suppression of electrical disturbances in the antenna system due to the ignition system of the three propelling engines. Several thousand of these sets have been produced, and practically all submarine chasers sent overseas have been equipped with this apparatus. This apparatus is also being used for short range work on other types of naval vessels, with eminently satisfactory results. Modifications of the airplane type of equipment have also been made for use on naval seaplanes. For some classes of service the demand for longer range work has made necessary the employment of more powerful types of vacuum tubes.

The foregoing covers the most extensive application of vacuum tube radio telephony, the same general type of circuit and apparatus being used for short range telephony and telegraphy on land and water and in

the air. For reasons already mentioned, quantity production has been limited to the earlier models, in spite of the fact that investigations carried on during production have indicated many changes which would improve the electrical and mechanical efficiency of the apparatus.

The Future of Radio-Telephony.-The possibility of communication by speech between any two individuals in the civilized world is one of the most desirable ends for which engineering can strive. For this reason it is particularly desirable to form some opinion of the part which radio telephony may play in securing this universal service. It is clear that the elimination of the Morse operator, which is accomplished by the use of radio telephony rather than radio telegraphy, is necessary for universal and direct communication.

Radio telephony and wire telephony offer several sharp contrasts. The latter requires fixed channels of communication whose construction and maintenance necessitates an accessible path between stations, but the results obtained include secrecy, power efficiency, selection of a desired station and freedom from interference. A large item of expense is the line. On the other hand radio telephony requires neither fixed nor accessible channels and no cost at all for line construction and maintenance, but it is non-secret in the practical sense of the word, its power efficiency is low, selection is at present not practicable except in a limited way by wave length, and freedom from interference is not at present an attained fact. Thus while the two systems may be contrasted, they are not comparable, but each is useful in its own field. It is easy to see that radio telephony can never compete with wire telephony in densely populated districts, while wire telephony is a physical impossibility at sea and in the air. Fortunately, however, the connection of a wire system to a radio system is no more complicated than connecting two wire lines by means of a repeater, and, therefore, these two fields, although distinct, are adjacent. Leaving aside for the moment the particular methods by which radio telephone communication is to be carried on, it is clear that the establishment of communication between two given individuals will be most efficiently realized through the use of a combination of wire transmission on a network extending over perhaps 99 per cent of the stations and radio transmission to those relatively few stations to which it is either impossible or impracticable to build lines. These stations will be of two kinds:

1. Moving, such as ships, airplanes, trains, trucks.

2. Fixed but inaccessible, such as on islands, in deserts and in very sparsely settled regions.

A third class of service is that which is concerned, not with single individuals, but with groups; such service as the broadcasting of news, time and weather signals, and warnings. In some cases one objection to radio telephony would be an advantage in this class of service.

The choice of the particular kind of transmitting apparatus which will ultimately be used in thus extending the range of communication will involve careful consideration of costs and other engineering factors; its feasibility has, however, been conclusively demonstrated.-Radio Telephony. By E. B. Craft and E. H. Colpits. (Presented before A. I. E. E.)

NAVY RADIO COMPASS STATIONS.-In addition to the 33 United States Navy radio compass stations already established on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, the Navy Department has authorized the establishment of 19 such stations on the Pacific coast. These are to be located to cover the entrances of Puget Sound, the Columbia River, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, which is to be equipped with four stations. The Atlantic coast stations are located at Cross Island, Bar Harbor, Damiscove Island and Appledore Island, Me., Gloucester, Deer Island, Fourth Watch Hill, R. I.; Montauk Point, Fire Island and Rockaway Beach, N. Y.;

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