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October, 1921



GERMANY-GREAT BRITAIN. Germany gave notice that agreement of Dec. 31, 1920 (ratified Oct. 6, 1921) for execution of Sec. IV, Art. X of Treaty of Versailles, should include New Zealand despite the protocol. British government gave notice on Mar. 12, 1921 that India would be included in this agreement. Reichs G., Oct. 28, 1921, p. 1309.

FRANCE HUNGARY. In accordance with Art. 224 of the Treaty of Trianon, France notified Hungary of the coming into force of the extradition conventions of Nov. 13, 1855 and Feb. 12, 1869, and the declaration of Aug. 29, 1892, concerning transmission of documents relating to civil status. J. O., Dec. 29, 1921, p. 14191.

29 to Nov. 23

Central European States Economic Conference. Held at Portorose, Italy, with representatives of Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia and Italy in attendance. Agreements reached on commercial relations, transportation, postal service, etc. Commerce repts., Jan. 23, 1922, p. 35, 173. Protocol of commercial agreement signed Nov. 23, 1921. List of other agreements: B. I. I. I., Jan. 1922, p. 173.

November, 1921



CHINA-UNITED STATES. Treaty of Oct. 20, 1920 confirming appli-
cation of a 5 per cent ad valorem rate of duty on importation of Amer-
ican goods into China by citizens of the United States proclaimed
by President Harding. Text: U. S. Treaty ser., no. 657.
Belgium-GERMANY. Ratifications exchanged at Aix-la-Chapelle of
the treaty concluded Apr. 23, 1920, concerning the transition of
administration of justice in the Eupen and Malmedy zones. Reichs
G. Dec. 13, 1921, p. 1532.

December, 1921



GERMANY-POLAND. Ratifications exchanged in Warsaw of the treaty of Feb. 12, 1921 concerning interned persons. Reichs G., 1921, no. 114, p. 1540.

CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC-ITALY. Treaty of commerce and navigation of Mar. 23, 1921 ratified by Italy. Summary of treaty: Bd. of Trade J., Feb. 16, 1922, p. 183.

15(?) POSTAL RATES. Changes effective Jan. 1, 1922, made by the Universal postal congress held in Madrid, Oct.-Nov. 1920, made public. U.S. Off. Postal Guide, Dec. 1921, p. 23.


AUSTRIA CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC. Political agreement to last five years concluded at Prague. N. Y. Times, Dec. 19, 1921, p. 3; Summary: Times, Dec. 22, 1921, p. 9. Text: Europe, Jan. 7, 1922, p. 25; Nation (N. Y.) Mar. 1, 1922, p. 273. Trade agreement signed

December, 1921

at Prague (at same time political agreement was signed). Nation (N. Y.) Mar. 1, 1922, p. 274.

16 to Feb. 2, 1922 IRISH TREATY.



Ratified on Dec. 16 by British Parliament by vote of 401-58 in Commons and 167-47 in Lords. Times, Dec. 17, 1921, p. 10. Ratified by Dail Eireann on Jan. 7, 1922, by vote of 64 to 57. N. Y. Times, Jan. 8, 1922, p. 1; Cur. Hist., Feb. 1922, 15: 851. Ratified by Southern Parliament, convened by President Griffith, and provisional government established on Jan. 14. Times, Feb. 16, 1922, p. 10. Dublin Castle occupied by Provisional Government on Jan. 16. Times, Jan. 17, 1922, p. 10; Cur. Hist., Feb. 1922, 15: 851. At a conference in London on Jan. 20, the Ulster Premier, Sir James Craig and Michael Collins reached an agreement on procedure for settlement of boundary question, Belfast boycott and railroad dispute. On Feb. 2, a deadlock occurred in the negotiations between Sir James Craig and Michael Collins. Naval Inst. Proc., Mar. 1922, p. 511.

BURGENLAND PLEBISCITE. Result showed 15,343 votes for Hungary and 8,277 for Austria. Times, Dec. 19, 1921, p. 10.

WILHELM II, EX-EMPEROR OF GERMANY. Letter of Von Hindenburg of Mar. 30, 1921 and Kaiser's reply of Apr. 5, concerning Germany's war guilt made public. Text of letters: N. Y. Times, Dec. 9, 1921, p. 1, 6.

19(?) GERMANY-SERB, CROAT, SLOVENE STATE. Commercial treaty, relative to tariffs signed [at Belgrade?] Commerce repts., Feb. 13, 1922, p. 395.

19 SPAIN SWITZERLAND. Spain denounced commercial agreement of July 11-12, 1921, effective Jan. 19, 1922. Ga. de Madrid, Dec. 30, 1921, p. 1098.

19-24 INTERNATIONAL AERONAUTICAL LAW CONGRESS. Fourth congress held under patronage of the Prince of Monaco. Clunet, Nov. 1921, p. 1020.

20 ALAND ISLANDS. Finland ratified convention of Oct. 20, 1921 for neutralization of the Islands. Temps, Dec. 22, 1921, p. 1.




FINLAND FRANCE. Commercial treaty signed at Paris, July 3, 1921,
ratified by Finland. Temps, Dec. 22, 1921, p. 1.

GERMANY-SPAIN. Spain denounced treaty of Feb. 12, 1899 regulating
commercial relations, effective Dec. 20, 1922. Ga. de Madrid,
Dec. 28, 1921, p. 1072; Commerce repts., Feb. 20, 1922, p. 474.
HUNGARY-UNITED STATES. Peace treaty proclaimed by President
Harding. Ratifications exchanged at Budapest, Dec. 17, 1921.
U. S. Treaty series, no. 660.

December, 1921

20 to Feb. 17, 1922 LITHUANIA-POLAND.

Lithuania and Poland, the former by a note of Dec. 20, 1921, the latter by verbal declarations of its representative at League Council on Sept. 20, 1921, refused to accept final recommendation of Council for settlement of dispute in regard to Vilna district. On Jan. 12, 1922, both renewed refusal to abide by League's solution. On Jan. 13, Council adopted resolution stating that these refusals put an end to procedure of conciliation of Council, instituted by its resolution of Mar. 3, 1921, and that its Military Commission of Control would therefore be withdrawn; invited the two governments to confide their interests to friendly powers for supervision of measures in interests of peace; affirmed duty of League of Nations to protect minorities in both countries; requested reply to resolution within ten days. L. N. O. J., Feb. 1922, p. 99, 135. Lithuania's reply of Jan. 21 and Poland's reply of Jan. 23 were conciliatory in tone. Summary: On Feb. 17, Military Commission of Control was withdrawn from territories concerned. L. N. M. S., Feb. 1922, p. 38.

20 to Jan. 19, 1922 TACNA-ARICA QUESTION. Chile's answer of Dec. 20 to Peru's proposal of Dec. 18 for arbitration invited continuance of direct negotiations. Wash. Post. Dec. 21, 1921, p. 2. On Dec. 22 Bolivia sent note to Chile and Peru approving Peruvian proposal to submit problem to the arbitration of the United States. Wash. Post, Dec. 23, 1921, p. 1. On Dec. 25 Peru replied to Bolivia's note agreeing to an arbitration conference in Washington. Chile sent note to Peru accepting proposal for Washington conference. Wash. Post, Dec. 27-28, 1921, p. 2, 3. On Dec. 28, Peru urged Chile to abandon proposal of direct negotiation and submit controversy to arbitration of United States. Times, Dec. 30, 1921, p. 7. Identic notes sent by Secretary Hughes to Chile and Peru on Jan. 17 inviting them to send representatives to Washington for settlement of question arising from Treaty of Ancón (Tacna Arica dispute). On Jan. 18, Chile accepted invitation. Text of American note: Wash. Post, Jan. 19, 1922, p. 5. On Jan. 19, Peru accepted the invitation. Partial text: Wash. Post, Jan. 20, 1922, p. 1. See article by John Barrett on coming conference [in April]. Text: N. Y. Times, Feb. 15, 1922, p. 12.


BELGIUM SPAIN. Agreement reached by an exchange of notes concerning tariff regulations. Ga. de Madrid, Dec. 31, 1921, p. 1108: Monit., Jan. 21, 1922, p. 672.

21 to Feb. 28, 1922 GERMAN REPARATIONS. French and British governments in London conference on Dec. 21, 1921, drew up a list of "suggestions" on German declaration concerning reparations, as basis for Cannes discussions. On failure of Cannes conference to

December, 1921

take final action, the Interallied Reparations commission on Jan. 13 called on Germany to present program of reparation deliveries. German reply of Jan. 27 was transmitted to Allied governments. Texts: Europe, Feb. 4, 1922, p. 147; Temps, Jan. 31, 1922, p. 1. On Feb. 28, it was announced that a provisional agreement had been reached between Reparations Commission and German government for payments in cash and in kind. Wash. Post, Mar. 1, 1922, p. 1. 21(?) PERSIA-SOVIET RUSSIA. Political treaty signed at Moscow, Feb. 26, 1921, ratified by Persia. Temps, Dec. 23, 1921, p. 1. COLOMBIA-PANAMA. Independence of Panama was recognized by Colombia, when ratification of the treaty of April 6, 1914 was approved by Chamber of Deputies at Bogota. Cur. Hist., Feb. 1922, 15:872.







COLOMBIA-UNITED STATES. Treaty of Apr. 6, 1914 reimbursing
Colombia for territorial losses sustained through the setting up of
the Republic of Panama, ratified by Colombia. N. Y. Times,
Dec. 25, 1921, p. 4; P. A. U., Feb. 1922, p. 186.

BOLIVIA-PERU. Peru sent note to Bolivia offering to co-operate in
bringing about arbitration, provided controversy between Peru and
Chile is settled by arbitration. Cur. Hist., Feb., 1922, 15: 873.
GUATEMALA. Ratified pact of Central American union "in principle."
Wash. Post, Dec. 27, 1921, p. 6.

ITALY-SOVIET RUSSIA. Commercial treaty signed. Text: Europe,
Jan. 7, 1922, p. 23; Russian information, Feb. 1, 1922, p. 210; Cur.
Hist., Mar. 1922, 15: 1034.

ITALY UKRAINE. Commercial treaty signed. Commerce repts., Jan.
9, 1922, p. 99.


Held at Reval to discuss economic questions and agree upon common plan for resumption of commercial relations with Soviet Russia. Cur. Hist., Mar. 1922, 15: 1052.

30 CAUCASUS FEDERATION. Sponsored by the Russian Soviet government, the so-called republics Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Ajaristan, and the District of Nakitchevan, formed a federation under Russian rule, with political center at Baku. Note from Chicherin to Angora government signalized the change. Cur. Hist., Feb.Mar. 1922, 15: 864, 1048.

30 to Jan. 5-6, 1922 NETHERLANDS SPAIN. Agreement reached concerning tariff regulations, by exchange of notes. Ga. de Madrid, Jan. 13, 1922, p. 231.

30-31 RUSSIAN CONSORTIUM. Allied financiers held conference in Paris and adopted resolutions on financial matters to be submitted to the Supreme Council at Cannes. Temps, Jan. 1, 1922, p. 1.

December, 1921

31(?) DANZIG-POLAND. Economic agreement [of Oct. 25, 1921] ratified by Danzig Diet. Temps, Jan. 2/3, 1922, p. 1; Commerce repts., Dec. 19, 1921, p. 981.


GERMANY-UNITED STATES. Diplomatic relations officially renewed.
N. Y. Times, Jan. 1, 1922, p. 3.

January, 1922

2-10 TURKEY UKRAINE. Treaty of friendship signed at Angora on Jan. 2, 1922. Wash. Post, Jan. 6, 1922, p. 1. Ratified by Turkey on Jan. 10. Wash. Post, Jan. 12, 1922, p. 6.



PERSIA. Assented to membership in League of Nations. Wash.
Post, Jan. 7, 1922, p. 6.

GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICE. Announced that it will publish all docu-
ments in its archives relating to the foreign policies of all the Euro-
pean cabinets from 1871 to 1914. Wash. Post, Jan. 6, 1922, p. 1;
Times, Jan. 6, 1922, p. 9.

6-12 CANNES CONFERENCE. Premiers of Great Britain, France and Italy, with representatives of other nations and Ambassador Harvey present in advisory capacity for the United States, met at Cannes. Chief accomplishment was an agreement to issue invitation to all European nations and the United States to attend a conference for economic reconstruction of Central and Eastern Europe. The fall of the Briand ministry brought the conference to a close. Proceedings of conference, text of resolution, etc. Europe, Jan. 21, 1922, p. 75.


Supreme Council issued resolution on Jan. 6, calling for general economic conference of all European states including Germany, Austria, Hungary and Russia. Text: Times, Jan. 7, 1922, p. 10. Invitation to United States received at State Department on Jan. 17. Text: Wash. Post, Jan. 18, 1922, p. 9. On Jan. 19 the program of the conference was made public. Summary: Europe, Mar. 4, 1922, p. 278; Times, Jan. 27, 1922, p. 9. On Feb. 9 France sent note to Powers asking postponement of Conference and criticizing agenda. Summary: Times, Feb. 10, 1922, p. 10. Official communiqué issued on Feb. 25 after conference at Boulogne between Lloyd George and Poincaré, stating that conference had been postponed to April 10. Europe, Mar. 4, 1922, p. 281. 7(?) ESTHONIA-FRANCE. Signing of a commercial treaty announced, granting most-favored nation treatment to France and minimum tariff on certain goods to Esthonia. Cur. Hist., Mar. 1922; 15: 1052. 8 VILNA PLEBISCITE. Resulted in majority of votes in favor of Poland. Wash. Post, Jan. 11, 1922, p. 5; Temps, Jan. 13, 1922, p. 2.

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