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Abbreviations: American Bar Association Journal (Amer. Bar Ass. J.); American Law Review (Amer. L. R.); American Political Science Review (Amer. Pol. Sc. R.); Archiv. des öffentlichen Rechts (Arch. d. offentl. Rechts); British Year Book (Br. Y. Book); Canadian Law Times (Can. L. T.); Harvard Law Review (Harvard L. R.); Hispanic American Historical Review (Hispanic Amer. Hist. R.); Juridical Review (Jur. R.); North American Review (N. Amer. R.); Revue de Droit International et de Législation Comparée (R. Dr. Inter. et Légis. Comp.); Revue de Droit International Privé et de Droit Penal International (R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter.); Revue Générale de Droit International Public (R. Gén. de Dr. Inter. Public); University of Pennsylvania Law Review (Pa. U. L. R.); Yale Law Journal (Yale L. J.).

Alien enemy property. Les Biens et intérêts français d'avant guerre en Allemagne. Jean Teyssaire. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17:20.

Alsace-Lorraine. De le condition actuelle des Étrangers et des Personnes morales étrangères en Alsace et en Lorraine. J. P. Niboyet. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 337.

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Les Conflits entre la loi française et la loi allemande applicable en Alsace-Lorraine en matière de statut personnel. Eugene Audinet. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17:393.

Canada. International Treaties in Relation to Legislative Power. J. D. Cameron. Can. L. T. Jan. 1922. 42: 10.


Exterritoriality in-and the question of its abolition. M. T. Z. Tyau. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 133.

Commercial Letters of Credit. Wm. E. McCurdy. Harvard L. R. Mar. 1922. 35: 539.

Conflict of Laws. Les Transports Rhénans et les Conflicts de lois. J. P. Niboyet. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 203.

Freedom of Navigation on the Rhine.

Eugene Borel. Br. Y.

Book. 1921-22. 2:75.
Dantzig. Le Règlement de la question de. Charles de Lannoy. R. Dr.
Inter. et Légis. Comp. 1921. 3rd series. 2: 436.

Divorce. L'exclusion du divorce entrainte-t-elle l'interdiction d'épouser des étrangers divorcés? J. Champcommunal. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17:41.

1 (Limited to articles published in the periodicals exchanged with the American Journal of International Law.)

Divorce. Les rapports Franco-Suisses relatifs à la compétence des Tribunaux respectifs en matière de questions d'Etat et spécialement de divorce et de séparation de corp. Camille Jordan. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17:356.

Extradition. A. E. Popple. Can. L. T. Feb. 1922. 42: 122.

Extraterritoriality. Le mariage purement religieux célébré dans la Chapelle d'une Ambassade ou Légation étrangère. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 161.

Genoa Conference. The. Alfred L. P. Dennis. N. Amer. R. Mar. 1922. 215: 289.

Government succession: Les Gouvernements de Fait. F. Larnaude. R. Gén. de Dr. Inter. Public. Sept.-Oct. 1921. 28: 457.

International Court. A Challenge to American Lawyers. Manley O. Hudson. Amer. Bar Ass. J. Feb. 1922. 8: 83.

International Justice. John W. Davis. Amer. Bar Ass. J. Feb. 1922. 8: 77.

The Jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Sir Erle Richards. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 1.

The Permanent Court of International Justice. Manley O. Hudson. Harvard L. R. Jan. 1922. 85: 245.

The Permanent Court of International Justice and Compulsory Jurisdiction. Dr. B. C. J. Loder. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 1.

The Permanent Court of International Justice. W. J. Curtis.

Amer. Bar Ass. J. Mar. 1922. 8: 158.

International Law. La doctrine idéaliste du droit des Gens, proclamée par la révolution française et par le philosophe Emmanuel Kant. Robert Redslob. R. Gén. de Dr. Inter. Public. Sept.-Oct. 1921. 28: 441.

La reconstitution du droit international.

R. Gén. de Dr. Inter. Public. Sept.-Oct. 1921. 28: 413.

James W. Garner.

International Law Association. Le XXX Congrès de L'Association de Droit International. W. A. Rutgers. R. Dr. Inter. et Légis. Comp. 1921. 3rd series. 2:456.

International Law Institute. La Session de Rome de l'Institut de Droit International. (Octobre 1921.) Ch. De Visscher. R. Dr. Inter. et Légis. Comp. 1921. 3rd series. 2: 488.

International Private Law. Le Droit International Privé dans l'introduction au code Brésilien de 1916. (Parts 2 and 3.) Clovis Bevilaqua.

R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 172, 379.

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La Protection Internationale des appellations d'origine. Jean Ch. Leroy. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 183.

League of Nations. The Ter Meulen Credit Plan. W. F. Gephart. N. Amer. R. Mar. 1922. 215: 338.

2: 150.

The Work of. Reginald Berkeley. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22.

Mandates. Mandated Territories: Palestine and Mesopotamia (Iraq). Norman Bentwich. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 48.

Protectorates and. T. Baty. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 109. Maris Angliae. The Roll de Superioritate. T. C. Wade. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 99.

Mexican Constitution of 1917. Confiscatory Phases of. R. B. Gaither. Amer. L. R. Jan.-Feb. 1922. 56: 39.

Nationality. Les Questions de Nationalité dans les Traités de Paix avec l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Bulgarie, la Hongrie, et la Turquie. Julien Pillant. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal. Inter. 1921. 17: 1.

Citizenship of Corporations. Cleveland Cabler. Amer. L. R. Jan.-Feb. 1922. 56:85.

Prize Court Procedure. E. S. Roscoe. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2: 90. Recognition. Judicial Recognition of States and Governments and the Immunity of Public Ships. Arnold D. McNair. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2:57.

Russia. Democratic Forces in. Manya Gordon Strunsky. N. Amer. R. Feb. 1922. 215: 155.

Self-Determination. Nationalités et États. (Part 2) Louis Le Fur. R. Dr. Inter. et Légis. Comp. 1921. 3rd series. 2: 385.

Sevres Treaty. Le Traité de Sevrés (10 Aôut 1920) et les principales questions internationales qui s'y rapportent. Andrea Rapisardi-Mirabelli. R. Dr. Inter. et Légis. Comp. 1921. 3rd series. 2: 415.

Sovereignty. W. R. Bisschop. Br. Y. Book.

1921-22. 2: 122.

Submarine Cables and International Law. A. Pearce Higgins. Br. Y. Book. 1921-22. 2:27.

Treaties. Effect of War on. Cecil J. B. Hurst. Br. Y. Book. 192122. 2:37.

Versailles Treaty. Les clauses des Traités de Paix de 1919-1920 concernant les matières judiciaires la représentation et la protection diplomatique et consulaire. R. Dr. Inter. Privé et Dr. Penal Inter. 1921. 17: 192. Washington Conference. Disarmament Conference in Washington. Walter George Smith. Amer. Bar Ass. J. Feb. 1922. 8: 71.





Secretary of State of the United States

It is my purpose to present to you some aspects of the work of the Department of State. In view of the nature and scope of the discussions at this meeting I do not need to emphasize the extraordinary importance of our international relations at this time. But I feel that such discussions, despite their wide range, would be inadequate unless they also served to bring about a better understanding on the part of the business men of the country of the essential instrumentality through which intercourse with foreign governments is conducted.

It is impossible to have a correct appreciation of the most important activities of the Department of State without taking account of its constitutional background. The President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, has the power to make treaties and to appoint ambassadors and other public ministers and consuls. To the President is confided the authority to receive ambassadors and other public ministers. By virtue of this constitutional relation to the conduct of foreign affairs, the correspondence and negotiations with foreign powers are exclusively in the hands of the President. At the outset, Mr. Jefferson, the first Secretary of State, advised President Washington: "The transaction of business with foreign nations is Executive altogether. It belongs then to the Head of that Department, except as to such portions of it as are especially submitted to the Senate." The power of the President to receive ambassadors and ministers vests in him exclusively the authority to determine what governments are entitled to recognition, and the accredited medium for friendly intercourse. That high prerogative was not for his aggrandizement but because the vital interests of the nation were believed to demand this concentration of power. It was not deemed advisable to entrust it to the Congress and for its exercise the President is accountable "only to his country and his own conscience." The Congress, of course, controls the purse, but in the case of the constitutional authority of the Executive, as in that of the Supreme Court exercising the judicial power, the duty of the Congress to furnish the money needed for the essential equipment to exercise the authority has always been recognized. The Department of State is the instrumentality through which 1 Address before the Chamber of Commerce of the United States at Convention held in Washington, D. C., on Thursday evening, May 18, 1922, at 8.30 o'clock.

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