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The Greta involving the carriage of belligerent troops by a neutral transport. Two pages are devoted to a digest of cases dealing with international law decided by the English courts during the past year. A department of book reviews notices some of the leading works on international law issued during the year; a summary of events entered by countries and subjects is given, with references, for the period June 1, 1921 to April 30, 1922; and the volume closes with a bibliography covering the same period of books, periodicals and official publications dealing with international law and related subjects. The volume contains an adequate index.

Grotius Annuaire International pour 1921-1922. La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 1922. pp. viii, 308. 12 fl.

This issue of the Grotius Annuaire International is prefaced by an appreciation of the services of Jonkheer H. A. van Karnebeek, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, written by Dr. Loder, President of the Permanent Court of International Justice.

The volume is printed chiefly in French, and the principal contributions are on the following subjects:

"Some observations on the rôle of states of the second rank in the concert of powers: Holland and international cooperation", by J. A. van Hamel; "Commission and Bureau of Maritime War Damages", by K. Jansma. Annexed to the foregoing article is a summary of the maritime damages suffered by Holland during the war, showing a total of 5,184 claims, amounting to 91,749,005.79 florins. These claims are made against Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, the United States, and some are unidentified. The principal items are, in round numbers, 50,000,000 fl. against Germany, 15,000,000 against Great Britain, and 25,000,000 unidentified.

The volume also contains a summary of international events of a juridical character, a brief account of the Royal Dutch Commission on Private International Law, by D. Josephus Jitta; a summary of Dutch jurisprudence in matters of private international law during 1920-1921, by M. J. van der Flier; a long account of the accession of Holland to the League of Nations, including the textual reproduction of the documents relating to the subject; an account of Holland and the International Labor Organization, by A. M. Joekes; and an account, accompanied by the text of documents, of the interpretation of Art. 389 of the Treaty of Versailles concerning the nomination of non-national delegates to the International Labor Conferences. The text of the following prize decisions involving Dutch boats and cargoes are reproduced; The Bernisse and Elve, decided by the English Privy Council; the Midsland and the Gelderland, decided by the Belgian Council of Prizes. An interesting account is given of the organization of the Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague, and its opening session in that city

on Jan. 30, 1922. A list of the members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague is printed, corrected up to May 1, 1922. The text of the decision of that court in the French claims against Peru, decided Oct. 11, 1921, and of the report of the International Commission of Inquiry in the case of Tubantia are also reproduced.

The volume closes with a list of international institutions, having their headquarters in Holland, a list of Dutch institutions having an internanational object, and a bibliography of publications published in Holland on international law and international relations.

The Big Four and Others of the Peace Conference. By Robert Lansing. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1921. pp. 213. $2.50.

This is a personal sketch by former Secretary of State, Hon. Robert Lansing, a member of the American Delegation to the Peace Conference, of Messrs. Clemenceau, Wilson, Lloyd George and Orlando, who are termed "The Big Four", together with impressions of M. Venizelos, Emir Feisul, General Botha and M. Paderewski. A photograph of each of the gentlemen mentioned accompanies the sketch of his activities at the Peace Conference.

Souveraineté et Liberté.

By Leon Duguit, Dean of the Law Faculty of Bor

deaux. Paris: Felix Alcan. 1922. pp. 208. 8 francs net.

This small French volume contains the lectures delivered by the author at Columbia University, New York City, in the months of December, 1920, and January and February, 1921. There are 13 lectures in all, entitled as follows: 1. Les notions de souveraineté nationale et de liberté individuelle; 2. Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? 3. Quels groupements sociaux sont aujourd'hui des nations? 4. La nation française et la nation allemande; 5. Qu'estce que la souveraineté? 6. La nation titulaire originaire de la souveraineté; 7. La souveraineté nationale dans les relations extérieures; 8. La Ligue des Nations; 9. La souveraineté nationale a l'intérieur.-La liberté de l'individu; 10. La conception solidariste de la liberté; 11. Les principales conséquences de la conception solidariste de la liberté; 12. La liberté d'association et le syndicalisme; 13. L'organisation de l'Etat moderne et la liberté de l'individu.

Traité de Versailles 1919. Paris: Berger-Levrault. 1921. pp. 242. 3 fr. 50.

This is a small French volume containing the text of the Treaty of Versailles, an extract from the Journal des Débats, giving an account of the meeting on May 7, 1919, when the treaty was delivered by Mr. Clemenceau to Count Brockdorff-Rantzau, an extract from Le Figaro of June 29, 1919,

giving an account of the signature of the treaty, and an extract from Le Temps of July 2, 1919, giving an account of the deposit of the treaty in the French Chamber of Deputies by M. Clemenceau, and the remarks on that occasion of President Deschanel and M. Clemenceau.

Books Received 1

Ausweisung und Internierung Feindlicher Staatsangehöriger. By J. Spiropulos. Leipzig: Rossberg'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1922. pp. 148. Annual Report on Reforms and Progress in Chosen (1918-21). Compiled by Government-General of Chosen. Keijo: December, 1921. pp. ix, ii, 232.

American Foreign Trade. By Wm. F. Notz and Richard S. Harvey. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1921. pp. xv, 593.

The British Empire and World Peace. By Newton W. Rowell. New York:
Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1922. pp. xxiii, 307. $3.50.
China, the United States and the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. By G. Zay Wood.
New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1921. pp. viii, 176. $2.00 net.
The Chino-Japanese Treaties of May 25, 1915. By G. Zay Wood. New
York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1921. pp. 151. $2.00 net.
Leading Cases on International Law, Vol. 1. Peace. By Pitt Cobbett.
London: Sweet and Maxwell, Ltd., 1922. pp. xxiv, 374. 16s. net.

O Commercio Maritimo no Direito Internacional Privado. By Sergio Loreto
Filho. Recife: Imprensa Industrial, 1919. pp. vii, 462.

The Control of American Foreign Relations. By Quincy Wright. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1922. pp. xxvi, 412.

Democracy's International Law. By Jackson H. Ralston. Washington: Byrne & Co., 1922. pp. 165.

Foreign Governments at Work. By Herman Finer. New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1921. pp. 82.

Die Folgen der Mark-Entwertung für uns und die andern. By Henry Behnsen und Werner Genzmer. Leipzig: Verlag von Felix Meiner. pp. x, 127. 15 mk.

By George G. Wilson. Boston: $1.25 net.

By Frances Kellor. New York: $.50.

The First Year of the League of Nations.
Little, Brown & Co., 1921. pp. xi, 94.
The Federal Administration and the Alien.
George H. Doran Co., 1921. pp. vii, 80.
Diplomatic Relations of the United States with Sweden and Norway. (Uni-
versity of Iowa Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol. VII, No. 4.) By
Brynjolf J. Hovde. Iowa City: University of Iowa, January 15, 1921.
pp. 70. $.75.

1 Mention here does not preclude an extended notice in a later issue of the JOURNAL.

Deutschland und das Völkerrecht. By O. Nippold. Zurich: Art. Institut Orell Füssli, 1920.

Part I. Die Grundsätze der Deutschen Kriegführung. pp. 69. 4 fr. 50.

Part II. Die Verletzung der Neutralität Luxemburgs und Belgiens. pp. 114. 6 fr.

The Foreign Relations of China. By Mingchien Joshua Bau. New York and London: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1922. pp. xii, 541; revised ed. $4.00 net.

Grundriss des Versailler Friedensvertrages. By Karl Strupp. Berlin: Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte, 1921. pp. 50. 8 mk.

Die Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit im Volkerbunde. By Géza v. Magyary. Berlin: Verlag von Otto Liebmann, 1922. pp. 176. International Law. By L. Oppenheim. Vol. II. War and Neutrality. 3rd ed. Edited by Ronald F. Roxburgh. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1921. pp. xiv, 671. $12.50 net.

Internationales Verwaltungsrecht. By Karl Neumeyer. Vol. II. Innere Verwaltung. Berlin: J. Schweitzer Verlag (Arthur Sellier), 1922. pp. viii, 741.

Der Internationale Rechtshof. By Edwin Katz. Berlin and Leipzig: Verlag Dr. Walter Rothschild, 1919. pp. 97. International Maritime Committee.

Bulletins of Conferences, Nos. 47, 48, 49 and 50. Antwerp: J. E. Buschmann, Rempart de la Porte de Rhin. Antwerp Conference, July, 1921.

Bulletin No. 47 (including Bulletins Nos. 41 to 46). pp. xxxvi, 364.
I. International Conventions on Collision and Salvage.

II. Limitation of Shipowners' Liability.

III. Maritime Liens and Mortgages.

IV. International Code on Affreightment. Exonerating Clauses in

London Conference, 1922.

Bulletin No. 48.

(pp. 12.) Hon. Mr. Justice Hill. A note on immunity of Sovereign States in respect of proceedings against Maritime Property.

Bulletin No. 49. (pp. 36.) International Code of Affreightment, by
Mr. Georges Marais, Court of Appeals, Paris, and Report on the
Adaptation of Maritime Law Regulations to the Carriage by Parcel
Post, by Mr. Emile Audouin.

Bulletin No. 50. (pp. 20.) Great Britain-Immunity of Sovereign
States as Regards Martime Property, by Mr. W. R. Bisschop;
Norway-Code of Affreightment-Hague Rules-Immunity of
Sovereign States, by Mr. Johan Bredal.

International Law Documents: The Treaties of Peace with Austria and with Hungary and Protocols and Declarations annexed thereto. Publication of the United States Naval War College. Washington, D. C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1920. pp. 263.

Japan and the United States 1853-1921. By Payson J. Treat. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1921. pp. 283. $2.00.

The League of Nations and the New International Law. By John Eugene
Harley. New York: Oxford University Press, 1921. pp. vii, 127.
League of Nations. By Sir Frederick Pollock. 2d. ed. London: Stevens
& Sons, Ltd., 1922. pp. xvi, 266. 16s. net.
Der Luftraum. Integrierender Teil des Staatsgebietes. By J. Spiropulos.
Leipzig: Arthur Rossberg, 1921. pp. xii, 130.

Compiled by the Government-General

The New Administration in Chosen.
of Chosen, July, 1921. pp. iv, 76, xxx.

De la Notion de Souveraineté et de Son Evolution. By Michel G. Georgantas. Lausanne: Imprimeries Réunies S.A., 1921. pp. 85.

Les Origines de la Guerre. By Raymond Poincare. Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie, 1921. pp. 282. 10 fr.

Les Origines et les Responsabilités de la Grande Guerre. By E. Bourgeois
and G. Pagès. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1921. pp. vii, 499. 25 fr.
L'Organisation de la Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale.
Morellet. Paris: A. Pedone, 1921. pp. 153.

By Jean

Political Ideas of the American Revolution. By Randolph G. Adams. Durham, N. C.: Trinity College Press, 1922. pp. 207. $2.00.

Der Präsident in den Bereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, in Frank-Reich und im Deutschen Reiche. By Hermann Wandersleb. Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1922. pp. 120. $.84.

Privateigentum im Besetzten und Unbesetzten Feindesland. By Franz Scholz. Berlin: Verlag von Otto Liebmann, 1919. pp. xiv, 309. 25 mk. Problems in Pan Americanism. By Samuel Guy Inman. New York: Doran Co., 1921. pp. 415. $2.00 net.

Die Rechtsnatur des Volkerbundes: Eine rechtswissenschaftliche Untersuchung.
By Heinrich Körling. Bigge (Krs. Brilon, Westfalen): Verlag der
Josefs-Druckerei, 1922. pp. 98.

Répertoire Général de Législation et de Jurisprudence en Matière de Dommages
de Guerre. By René Roman. 2d. ed. Paris: Editions de la Revue des
Dommages de Guerre, 1921. pp. 374. 30 frs.
Recollections of a Foreign Minister.

Memoirs of Alexander Iswolsky.

Translated by Charles Louis Seeger. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1921. pp. xv, 303. $2.50 net.

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