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Ackermann, Carl W., cited, 138
Acquired territory, German plans
to exterminate alien cultures
in, 322

Adams, Charles Francis, cited on
British feeling toward America,
396; cited, 314
Addams, Jane, an ardent pacifist,
Agadir, crisis of, 18; incident, 51
Alabama claims, 395

Albert, King of Belgium, his
appeal to King George, 41;
receives confidence concerning
German plot, 70
Algeciras Conference, 18
Alldeutscher Verband, see Pan-
German Union

wrested from
France, 9; future not foreseen,
118; should be restored to
France, 96; protest of deputies
from, on leaving French Cham-
ber, 331, 352; German propa-
ganda concerning, 342; necessity
of restoring to France, 342;
culture of, 346; under the Holy
Roman Empire, 346; French
rule in, 348; during French Re-
volution, 348; the Strasbourg
address, 349; in Franco-Prus-
sian War, 350; declaration of
the deputies from, in 1871, 351;
valedictory of the deputies
from, in 1871, 352; the emigrés
from, 353; in world war, 353;
government of by Germany,
354; election of ".
by, 354; German propaganda
concerning, 356; a union of
provinces with differences of
speech, 381

Altschul, Charles, cited, 128
America, tardy awakening of, 91
American Bar Association Journal
cited, 288

American Civil War, cost of,

American Defense Society, work
of, 222; requests the President
to publish reports on defense,
"American Embargo Conference,"
"American Independence Union,"
organized to prevent shipment
of munitions, 205

American Journal of International
Law cited, 248, 250

American religious leaders against
a false peace, 287

American Rights League, work of,
222; cited, 249, 288
American Truth Society, an Irish
organization, 207

American wife of titled German,
cited, 110, 127; cited on insults
of soldiers, 112; cited on the
place of German women, 113;
cited on German prohibitions,


Americanization, pioneer work in,


Anderson, William, cited, 19
Andler, Ch., cited, 84, 184
Angell, Norman, apostle of paci-

fism, his baneful influence, 158
Anglo-Saxon stock largely exter-
minated in Germany, 114
Archer, William, cited on German
attitude toward Belgium, 40;
cited, 20, 24, 46, 85

Army, German, undemocratic,
108; exalted social position of its
officers, 112; tyranny of drill
sergeants, 125

Army, United States, General
Staff's report published, 228,
229; delay in participating in
the war, 241

Arndt, Professor Paul, cited, 14
Arnim, Countess von, see Russell,
Mary Annette

Asia Minor will probably remain
Turkish, 337

Atrocities, German, under system,

163; under pretext of reprisals,
167; in relation to success of
campaigns, 168; ordered by
High Command, 168, 174; evi-
dence from soldiers' diaries, 170;
summary of, for Belgium, 172;
threat of, given to Belgium, 174;
system in, shown by times and
places, 174, 175; in Belgium,
three stages of, 176; uniformity
of system, 179; special devices
of destruction, 180; against
women and children, reason for,
181; effect on the children, 181;
in Armenia, 181; types of, 183;
in Belgium, dates of, 216
Australia, peaceful penetration in,

Austria, secret investigation of
assassins, 23; ultimatum to
Serbia, 23; declares war on
Serbia, 29; consents to discuss
matters with Russia, 30; ultima-
tum to Serbia, advance know-
ledge of, in Berlin, 68
Autocracy in government, 408


Baeyer, Professor Adolph von,
cited, 124

Bagdad Railway, state of comple-
tion of, 361

Baker, Newton D., Secretary of
War, opposes attacks on Hearst,
140; pacifist, made Secretary of
War, 230; fails to keep promise
concerning troops sent to France
245; announced "miracle" of
transport as American achieve-
ment, 246; disseminates mis-
leading information, 411; cited,
Balance of power of democratic
nations, advantages of, 380

Balkans must not be absorbed by
Germany, 337

Ballou, Sidney, cited, 251
Balzac, Honoré de, cited on Ger-

man conception of liberty, 356
Banca Commerciale Italiana, its
part in peaceful penetration,
134; methods of, 135; its use of
spies, 146; its control of Gio-
litti, 159, 160

Bang, J. B., cited, 85
Barber, Major H. A., cited on
German plans, 55

Barbusse, Henri, defeatist book
by, 269; edits internationalist
newspaper, 269; cited, 271
Barry, Richard, cited, 417
Bashford, J. L., cited, 366
Bastille Day, an American holi-
day, 87

Bates, Mrs. Lindon W., cited, 248
Battle of Bladensburg, a stain in

our military record, 392
Battle song, German, 163
Beaufort, J. M., cited, 128
Beck, James M., cited on uncon-
stitutional rule of Mr. Wilson,
231; his comments on Peace
without Victory note, 281; on
phrases of Mr. Wilson, 285;
proposed to cancel loans to
Allies, 341; cited, 24, 46, 249,
250, 288, 366

[ocr errors]


Becker, Carl L., cited, 366
Becker Steel Company of West
Virginia, a German institution,
Bédier, Joseph, cited on German
atrocities, 170; cited, 183
Beer, George Louis, cited
common characteristics of Eng-
lish-speaking peoples, 367; cited,
249, 250, 384
Beethoven's sonata, Universal
Edition" of, 116
Belgium, reply to German ulti-
matum, 39; neutrality guaran-
teed, 40; government not moved
by German threat of atroci-
ties, 174; period of spoliation
of, 176; invasion of, Ameri-
can attitude toward, 215; neu-
trality of, traditional British
policy to defend, 300; its spolia-
tion by Germany a preparation

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for next war, 320; its despolia-
tion inspired by plan of future
economic control, 321; Ger-
many's plans of future annexa-
tion, 321

Below, Herr von, German Am-
bassador to Belgium, cited, 39,


Benedict XV., His Holiness, his
peace overture, 278; receives
peace note from Central Powers,
279; issues peace program for
the Central Powers, 286
Bennett, Arnold, his pacifist pro-
paganda, 334; cited, 363
Bennett, James O'Donnell, Ger-
manized press correspondent,

Bennett Law in Wisconsin, 196
Benson, E. F., cited, 148
Bentwich, Norman, cited, 314
Berchtold, Count, Austrian For-
eign Minister, cited, 46
Bernardiston, Colonel, conversa-

tion with General Ducarne, 43
Bernhardi, General F. von, cited
on relations with England, 45;
his campaign to prepare Ger-
man people for the war, 58;
revealed Germany's plans in his
writings, 256; cited, 19, 22, 46,
82, 83

Bernstein, Hermann, cited on
secret correspondence, 55; cited,
Bernstorff, Count Johann von,
comparison with Count For-
gach, 26; German Ambassador
at Washington, interview after
Potsdam War Council of July
5, 1914, 77; his bribing of news-
paper men, 138; starts first
peace balloon, 225; relations
with Oswald Garrison Villard,
264; makes speeches for "free-
dom of the seas," 307, 308
Bethmann-Hollweg, Herr von,
German Chancellor, his con-
fession in Reichstag, 42; his
'scrap of paper" declaration,
44; his policy as Chancellor, 45;
his complicity in German plot,
66; his attitude on Zabern affair,



[blocks in formation]

Otto von, wields power through
King William of Prussia, 4;
against democracy, 5; struggle
with King William at Nikols-
burg, 6; falsification of Ems
telegram, 7; imposed punitive
war indemnity on France, 9;
tries to provoke France to war
in 1875, 10; policies approved
by German people, 10; policy
after 1871, 11; fails to foresee
future of Alsace-Lorraine, 11;
dismissed by Kaiser, 16; gave
Germany a camouflage of free
government, 99; German con-
stitution written under his
direction, 100; governs Prussia
without constitution, 103; re-
moves democratic phases of
constitution, 107; celebration of
birthday of, at Ann Arbor,
Mich., 154; cited on anticipating
Providence, 161; reveals main-
springs of German policy, 255;
demands of France Alsace-
Lorraine, 351; his brutal repres-
sion of Alsace-Lorraine, 354;
cited, 19, 50

Bissing, Governor-General von,
reprimanded for leniency, 177;
cited on plan of German de-
portations, 177; cited on Bel-
gium with reference to a future
war, 317, 318; significance of his
program for Belgium, 320
Blumenthal, Daniel, cited, 364
Bohn, Frank, cited, 128
Bolshevism, its spread from
Russia, 270; its menace, 418;
aided by Mr. Wilson's delay to
join with Allies in intervening
in Russia, 419

Bosnia placed under tutelage of
Austria in 1878, 17

Botany Worsted Mills, of Passaic,
N. J., a German institution, 143

Boy-Ed, Captain, German At-
taché at Washington, manager
of German conspiracies, 202
Breck, Edward, cited, 416
Briey-Longwy, iron basin, 12;
iron district, seized by Ger-
many before declaring war, 82
Britain, attitude toward American
colonies, 93

British Foreign Office cited, 84,

British Palestine Committee cited,

Bryan, William Jennings, as Ger-
many's tool, 157; pacifist barn-
stormer, 261; cited on inter-
national police, 379; cited, 271
Bryce, Viscount James, cited, 184,
185, 385

Buelow, Prince von, Germany's

envoy to keep Italy neutral, 160;
cited, 19

Bulgaria, secret treaty with Ger-
many, 73

Bundesrat, character of, 100; real
seat of legislation, 101; really
controlled by Kaiser, 105
Bunsen, Sir Maurice de, British
Ambassador at Vienna, cited, 26
Bureaucracy, German, 107
Burgess, Prof. John W., makes
un-American statements, 257;
cited, 271

Burgfrieden, in Germany, 81;
state of siege, declared in Ger-
many, 106


Cabot, Richard, cited, 249
Caillaux, French politician, as
Germany's tool, 157, 158; on
trial for high treason, 159
Cambon, M. Jean, French Am-

bassador at London, reports on
support of Britain in war, 298,
299, 300
Cambon, M. Jules, French Am-
bassador at Berlin, cited, 33;
reports secret German mobiliza-
tion, 79
Cammaerts, Émile, cited, 184
Canby, H. S., cited, 385
Canfield, George F., cited, 249

"Cannon fodder," its conservation

in Germany, 113; see Man-
power, German
Caprivi, Count von, Imperial
German Chancellor, cited on
German influence in Alsace, 356
Cartel, its use in peaceful penetra-
tion, 136, 142; aids German
shipping in competition with
Britain, 291

Casablanca, crisis of, in 1911, 15
Cass, General Lewis, resigns from

Buchanan's Cabinet because of
Buchanan's pusillanimity, 237
Causes of the war, ultimate vs.
proximate, I

Chadbourne, Philip Hemenway,
cited, 128


cited as exponent of Kultur, 118
Chamberlin, T. C., cited, 385
Chancellor, German, direct repre-

sentative of the Kaiser, 106
Chapman, John Jay, cited, 85
Charlemagne, dreamer of world
empire, 4

Chéradame, André, cited on paci-
fism, 48; cited on France's
future in relation to the peace,
331; cited, 83, 249, 272, 288,
364, 366

Cheyney, Prof. Edward P., tries
to defeat compulsory military
training, 257

Chichester, British Admiral, sup-
ports Dewey at Manila, 54, 191
Chinese boycott of American
goods a German trick, 146
Cholmondeley, Alice (pen-name),
cited, 128

Church, Samuel Harden, cited,
248, 249

Church schools, German, in United

States promote disloyalty, 200
Churchill, Winston, First Lord of
the British Admiralty, acts to
guard Entente, 297, 298; cited,

Clark, Victor S., cited, 128
Claudel, Paul, cited on European
trade route on 45th parallel, 362
Clemenceau, Georges,


France to put down defeatism,
158; view of his organ on ad-
mitting Germany to League of

Nations, 383; declares himself
against Freedom of the Seas and
Universal League of Nations,

Coal, in relation to German
development, II; German sup-
plies of, necessary to rehabilita-
tion of France, 96; German
production of, 131; poverty of
France in, 343; German, pos-
sible disposition of, 343
Coar, John F., cited on German

conspiracies, 194; cited, 211
Cobb, Irvin S., cited on German
system in atrocities, 175; cited,

Committee on Public Information
cited, 252

Concert of Powers, effect of, 380
Conference Committee on Na-
tional Preparedness, 222, 249
Congressional Record cited, 247,
248, 249

Conscription during American
Civil War, 394
Conspiracies, German, see German

Constantine, King of Greece, as
Heidelberg Corps student, 156
"Continuous Voyage," principle
of, 217

Conversation, on Belgian defense,
falsification of, by Germany, 43
Cook, Sir Edward, cited, 20
Cook, Sir Theodore A., cited, 184
Corbett, Sir Julian, cited, 314
Cornish, Vaughan, cited, 365
Coudert, Frederic R., cited, 249
Coulanger, de, French historian,

cited on effect of French Revo-
lution in Alsace, 349
Coulton, G. G., cited, 248
Cramb, J. A., his warning to
Britain, 259; cited, 19
Creel, George, endorses work of
propaganda hostile to the Allies,
215, 241; advocate of Freedom
of the Seas, 303; gives out
through his official news bureau
misleading information, 410;
proclaimed his pride in lack of
preparation for war, 410; cited,
246, 253

Curtin, D. Thomas, cited, 127, 147

Cvijic, Jovan, cited, 365
Czar Nicholas of Russia, reply to
Kaiser's telegram, 31
Czecho-Slovaks, importance of
their rise as independent state,
328; should become indepen-
dent state, 335


Daniels, Josephus, declares Amer-
ica must accept Mr. Wilson's
plan or have "biggest navy,"


Danish question, 5

Darwin, Charles, cited on British
opinion during American Civil
War, 396

Davies, J. E., Mr. Wilson's candi-
date for United States Senator
in Wisconsin, 409.

Davignon, Henri, cited, 184
Davis, Arthur N., cited, 277, 288
Davis, William Stearns, cited, 19
Davison, Charles Stewart, cited,

Dawson, Lt. Coningsby, cited, 183
Defeatism in France, 158
Defense Societies, American, their
efforts to arouse the nation to its
peril, 221, 222

Deland, Mrs. Margaret, cited on
internationalism, 370; cited, 384
Delbrück, Professor, his law of
dual allegiance, 152, 153; cited
on control of the German army,
315; cited on former German
colonies, 339

Delcassé, M., French Foreign
Minister, his resignation forced
by Germany, 57; brings about
Entente Cordiale, 57

Deltas of rivers, their rôle in
human economy, 359
Denis, E., cited, 84

Deportations, French and Belgian,
plan of, 177

Dernberg, Dr. Bernard, effect of
his campaign of propaganda,
201; cited on failure of his
propaganda campaign, 233;
preaches Freedom of the Seas,
in American propaganda, 307,

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