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with the institution. Since the commencement of the school in September, 1822, one hundred and forty-one children have been admitted, viz. 76 boys and 65 girls; of which number 18 have left the village, 15 from various causes have been withdrawn, one has been removed by death, and 107 still remain on the register. Of these, 54 may be said to be regular in attendance, ten are connected with the branch school, and the remainder are absentees, for whose absence no other reasons can be given, than the want of inclination in the scholars, and the inefficiency of parental authority to compel their attendance. The average number present through the year is forty.

I have not been gratified by seeing so large a number present at school through the summer, as I expected: my own inability to attend to its duties was a serious injury to it; but if a re gular system of visiting the absentees could be kept up, I am confident the school would appear in a more flourishing condition. I cannot devote so much time to the performance of this important duty as it demands, or the appeal would not be made for the assistance of others.

We have had to mourn the departure of one of the lambs of our little fold; but there is reason to believe that our loss is her eternal gain, and that she has joined that blessed company which surrounds the throne of God and the Lamb. Since the commencement 9429 verses of scripture have been recited by the scholars from memory: the amount is greater, but in consequence of my absence from the school in May and June, no account of the recitations was kept during those months: also 250 verses of hymns from the Book of Common Prayer: and several scholars have been through both the scripture catechism and the enlarged one.

Six Bibles, 17 Testaments, and 10 Prayer Books, with a considerable number of tracts, have been given to the scholars during the past year.

Some of the children having been prevented during the winter from attending school, one of the ladies connected with the society undertook to teach them at her own house on SaturVOL. VII.

day afternoons, from February to May: these children, ten in number, recited 1602 verses of scripture. Much praise is due to this individual for her exemplary conduct and diligent attention to the spiritual wants of this necessitous part of our community. An attempt will be made to continue the branch school under the charge of its former teacher.

Among the donations made to the school, the presentation of 12 Prayer Books from the Auxiliary Bible and Common Prayer Book Society is acknowledged and remembered with gratitude; and the thanks of the Sunday school society are tendered to those gentlemen for the same.

You have thus, presented to you a brief account of the labours of the past year. It has been with us but as the "day of small things," but cannot on that account be disregarded without slighting the injunctions of holy writ.. To those whose affections are engrossed by the objects of time and sense, whose portion is in this world, the simple narrative will pass unheeded; but to the Christian who regards the eternal welfare of the rising generation, it will be viewed as a pledge of the approach of that happy period, when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the mighty deep" when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ;" for he considers that the object the Sunday school has in view is to be an instrument in the hands of God, of promoting the salvation of that immortal spirit, "compared with whose worth the sun is a bauble, and time itself but the twinkling of an eye;" to bring children to a knowledge of that God, whom truly to know is everlasting. life, that they may be prepared for that "inheritance which is incorruptible and undefiled, that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for" them that love him. Is it considered an object of much importance to warn the sinner of more mature years of his danger, while in a state of enmity against God? and shall no kind hand be stretched out to lead children to that all-gracious Redeemer, who purchased them by his blood, and who has given the charge to his disci


ples," Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven ?"

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The church, valuing as she does the everlasting welfare of all her members, views the younger part of her fold with the most earnest solicitude, and has made the most ample provision for their instruction. The Sunday school is viewed by her as one of the outer courts in which her tender charge are to be fitted for her instruction, and finally for the church in heaven.

If the brief review of our labours in this sacred cause shall be the means of stimulating any of our brethren to more active exertions, or draw any one into the cause, who has hitherto stood afar off, our time will not have been spent in vain..

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the school, J. L. HARRISON, Superint. New-Rochelle, September 29, 1823. Rev. LEWIS P. BAYARD, president

of the Sunday school society of Trinity church, New-Rochelle.

Bible and Common Prayer Book Society of the central Part of the State of New-York.

THE third anniversary of the Bible and Common Prayer Book Society of the central Part of the State of NewYork, was celebrated on Wednesday the 24th of September, at St. Paul's church, in the village of Oxford, Chenango county. Morning prayer was conducted by the Rev. Henry Anthon, rector of Trinity church, Utica; and a sermon adapted to the occasion delivered by the Rev. Lucius Smith, rector of St. James's church, Batavia, Genesee county. After the celebration of divine service the society met, and the president of the society, the Hon. M. S. Miller, being absent, the first vice-president, the Rev. L. Smith, took the chair.

The following report of the proceedings of the board of managers for the past year was laid before the society.

"The third year since the formation of the Bible and Common Prayer Book Society of the central Part of the State of New-York being closed, the board of managers beg leave to make a brief report of their proceedings during that

period. In compliance with a resolution of the board, passed at their last annual meeting, 1000 copies of the constitution of the society have been printed under the direction of the secretary, about 300 of which have been circulated in the different counties composing our union. Since the last anniversary, 38 Bibles and 424 Prayer Books have been distributed; making the whole amount of distribution since July, 1820, when the society was formed, 1162 volumes, and leaving for distribution from the purchases of the last year, 32 Bibles and 176 Prayer Books. The board has seen flt to extend the assistance of the society to other counties besides those in union with us. Books have been sold at a reduced price, or distributed this year, in the counties of Cayuga, Onondaga, Madison, Oneida, Otsego, Tompkins, Jefferson, Oswego, and Herkimer. The disproportion in distributions of Bibles and Prayer Books can occasion no surprise to those who are in the least degree acquainted with the wants of the western part of this state. Owing to the zealous exertions of other insti

tutions, in holding forth the word of life, there is here felt a less want of Bibles than of Prayer Books. The board has always stood ready to distribute one or both volumes, as need required, or occasion was given, within the sphere of its exertions, It has thus far distributed more copies of the Prayer Book than of the Bible, simply because the demand for the former, especially on the part of the members of our own household, who have the first claim on our bounty and assistance, has been greater and more pressing. At the last annual meeting of the society, the formation of auxiliary associations in the different counties in union with the society, was recommended. Shortly after that meeting the board received the gratifying intelligence of the formation of the Female Bible and Prayer Book Society of Zion Church, Butternutts, Otsego county, auxiliary to this society. From this source the treasurer has received $43 25, and will soon receive an additional sum of between 20 and 30 dollars; a fair proof of the value and efficiency of its aid, and a noble example for the imitation of the sister churches.


It is hoped it may rouse the zeal and emulation of those members of the society in particular, who have done nothing since the last anniversary to promote the interesting and important objects for which we associated, and to which we pledged our support. The board have the satisfaction to state, that grant of $500 has been made to this society," in aid of its permanent fund, on condition that the same sum be raised, for the same object, by the society." An opportunity is now afforded us, of establishing the society on a firm foundation; and the board confidently trust that the members will cordially cooperate with them in securing this munificent grant, and in effecting so desirable an object. On the whole, the past year cannot be reviewed by us, without our feeling abundant cause of thankfulness to the Great Head of the church, for his favour towards the society's designs. Your board would embrace the opportunity, of calling on all the members of our association, to charge on their consciences the duty of vigorous and unremitted efforts to unite in gratitude to Him, who hath redeemed us by his own most precious blood, and in humbly and earnestly imploring his grace and blessing.

"Respectfully submitted,

"H. ANTHON, sec'ry. The officers and managers for the ensuing year were then elected.

Resolved, on motion, that the next annual meeting of the society be holden at Trinity church,Utica, Oneida county, The board of managers have appointed an agent to visit the different counties in union with the society, for the purpose of collecting the funds necessary to secure the grant of $500, mentioned in the above report.

From the Churchman's Magazine. Abstract of the Journals of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the diocese of Connecticut, held at Meriden, June 4th, 1823. THE Convention was attended by the Right Rev. Dr. Brownell, about forty clergymen, and 45 lay delegates.

The Rev. B. G. Noble declined being considered a candidate for reelection to the office of secretary. The Rev. Men

zies Rayner was elected secretary, and John Lawrence Lewis, Esq. assistant; secretary.

The Rev. B. G. Noble, from the committee on the constitution, reported, that certificates of its adoption had been received from 48 parishes.

Agreeably to the 45th canon of the General Convention, the Right Rev. T. C. Brownell delivered his annual address.*

The fifth annual Report of the Board of Direction of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge. The board of direction of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge beg leave to report:

That since the last annual meeting of the convention, their funds have been exclusively devoted to the support of missionaries in such parts of the diocese as seemed to require the aid of their la bours. These have been employed chiefly in the eastern and western sections of the state, and have been' already successful in reviving parishes which were in a state of temporary depression, and in gathering new congregations where none had hitherto been formed. With a view of extending the benefits of their labours, the board think it advisable still to confine their appropriations to missionary objects, unless it be a small sum for Prayer Books, to be put into the hands of the missionaries for the use of new or destitute congregations. It will appear by the report of the treasurer, herewith presented, that the contributions for the society have been more general than at any former period, and that much aid has been received from the auxiliary societies which have been formed in many parishes. While the board express the ardent hope, that these contributions may continue to increase, they would earnestly urge a farther extension of the auxiliary societies; for to these, composed in many cases of the young and active members of the church, they confidently believe they may look for a steady and regular income, which, in time, will be sufficient to meet the important objects of the institution.

The subject of the constitution was

*See Christian Journal for August, p. 249.

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referred to the Rev. Dr. Bronson, and the Rev. B. G. Noble.

The consideration of the canons reported in 1821, was deferred until the next convention.

The committee appointed to provide funds for printing the journals of the State and General Conventions, made the following report:

That they find the sum to be raised, is about $200, and that no measure seemed to them so equitable as that of assessing each parish, according to its ability, to be estimated by the salary given to its rector or minister. They therefore recommend, that each parish be assessed at the rate of fifty cents on every $100, which said parish pays its rector, and that the clergyman, or in case of vacancy, the wardens of each parish, be requested to transmit to a treasurer, to be appointed by this convention, the sums thus assessed on their respective parishes.

The committee appointed to settle with the parishes in the diocese which had not paid their assessment for the bishop's fund,

Report, That in pursuance of the authority given them at the last convention, to appoint an agent to visit the parishes, and to make a settlement of the arrearages of said assessments, they appointed the Rev. Stephen Jewett to attend to the business. Discretionary orders were given to the agent, to make an equitable settlement under the present circumstances of the parishes, and he has been indefatigable in his negociations, by letters and repeated visits. The result of his exertions, and those of the committee, is as follows: In notes from several parishes, $215; in cash, $647. The whole amounts to the sum of $862, which will be accounted for with the treasurer of the bishop's fund. The agent is in a train of negociation with several of the remaining parishes, and with the approbation of the convention, the committee will continue their exertions to complete the settlement.-Respectfully submitted. PHILO SHELTON, ASHBEL BALDWIN, S. W. JOHNSON,


The Rev. T. Bronson, D.D. the Rev. Asa Cornwall, and the Rev. Harry

Croswell, were appointed the standing committee for the ensuing year.

No report was received from the treasurer of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge; but it is understood that the disposable fund for the ensuing year is about $600.

Bishop Ravenscroft's Pastoral Letter. To the Clergy and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of North-Carolina.

Raleigh, July 12, 1823. DESIROUS as I am, my brethren, of extending to all parts of the diocese, as early as possible, the ministration of that sacred character, with which, at your call, I have been invested, I am nevertheless constrained, by various but imperious circumstances, to put off, for a short season, the continuation of my present journey.

It is my purpose, however, with the divine permission, to return as early in the month of August as my other affairs will permit, and extend my visit to the western part of the state,so as to embrace as many of the congregations in that quarter as possible, together with such others in the south-western section as the necessary preparations for my removal to this place, as my permanent residence, will permit.

My anxiety for a personal knowledge of you, my brethren, is very great.My sense of the awful responsibility of my station, precludes all minor considerations of personal ease or interest; and the pressing demands of the churches stimulate me to every exertion for the general satisfaction, and for the advancement of our Zion. Under the united influence of these motives, you may rest assured of my most speedy and zealous cooperation in every measure calculated to promote the great, because eternal, interests committed to our trust. Considered in this light, the cause, in defence of which we are set, is divested of every character of a party question, or of an interest separate from the great interest of the present and everlasting welfare of all our kind—while it is not divested of the influence and effect of those outward institutions which, as they are coeval with Christian hope, so

are they, by divine appointment, the ground on which we must rest for assurance in the entertainment of it.

Invested with this heavenly `character, let us, my brethren, cherish its holy comforts in our hearts, and adorn it in our lives, that we may be a "living epistle of Christ, to be read of all men." Thus shall we "adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour," and best recommend our holy religion to the consideration and adoption of all around us. Thus shall the vital interests of the church of Christ be promoted, and the fruit being unto holiness, the end be everlasting life. Such information as may aid in the application of my labours to the interests of the church, is respectfully requested from the clergy generally, and from such of the laity as feel an interest in the spread of pure and undefiled religion in the waste places of our Zion. I shall fix myself in this city as early as I can get possession of the house which I have rented; which will be some time in the month of December next.-Direct, for the present, to Boydton, Mecklenburg county, Va. or to Salisbury, N. C. to be left till called for.

Your affectionate friend and pastor,

To the Publishers of the Christian Journal.


Ir was my happiness to be one of the clergy who accompanied our beloved diocesan to the ship, on his late departure for Europe. Although in the account of the proceedings on that occasion which was published in the NewYork Evening Post, and subsequently in your Journal, it is stated that all the episcopal clergy of the city who were not prevented were present, I understand an erroneous impression has gone abroad relative to some of my brethren whose names do not appear: I deem it a duty which I owe to them to declare my knowledge of the fact, that every clergyman of the city who was not with us, was prevented either by his own indisposition, by sickness in his family, or by absence from the city; except one, who arrived at the dock a few minutes after the steam-boat had left it.

Your's, &c.

Convention of New-York.

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The thirty-seventh convention of the diocese of New-York met in Trinity church, in this city, on Tuesday the 21st of October, 1823. About 55 clerical, and 60 or 70 lay members attended. In the absence of the bishop, the Rev. William Harris, D. D. was chosen president. Several new churches were received into union. The missionary and parochial reports evinced an encouraging progress of the church, and of piety within its communion. The bishop's address, which he had prepared previously to his departure, was read; and a resolution passed, expressive of the interest taken by the convention in the successful issue of the design-the recovery of his healthfor which the bishop has gone abroad; arising out of strong personal respect and affection, and a high sense of the value of his services. The business was conducted with much harmony and unanimity; and the convention adjourned on Wednesday evening the 22d.

-When the journal is published, our usual abstract will be given: the address of the bishop will, we expect, appear in our number for December.


On Sunday the 24th of August,1823, in Christ church, Philadelphia, Mr. Bowman,of Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, was admitted by the Right Rev. Bishop White to the holy order of deacons. And on the 22d Sunday after Trinity, Oct. 26, in the same church, the Rev. Thomas Jackson, late a minister of the Presbyterian denomination, was admitted to the like order by the same right reverend prelate.

On Friday the 24th of October, 1823, in Christ church,New-Brunswick, NewJersey, the Right Rev. Bishop Croes, acting for the absent bishop of the diocese of New-York, admitted the following deacons of that diocese to the holy order of priests, viz. the Rev. Moses Burt, missionary at Granville, Washington county, and parts adjacent; the Rev. Algernon S. Hollister, missionary at Trenton, Oneida county, and parts adjacent; the Rev. Thomas K. Peck, missionary at Onondaga, Onondaga county, and parts adjacent; the Rev.

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