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Vessels so inet with, or found as aforesaid; and shall also be suffered to bring the said Prizes into any Port, Road, or Harbour, of the Kingdom of Tunis; and to dispose of the whole or any part thereof, or otherwise to depart with such Captures, without the least hindrance or molestation whatsoever.

IV. And lastly, it is agreed that if at any time hereafter, His Britannic Majesty shall be at War with any Mahometan Prince or State, and any Ships or Vessels belonging to Subjects of such Prince or State shall be met with by any of His Britannic Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, or by any Ships or Vessels of His Majesty's Subjects, within sight of any part of the Coast of the Kingdom of Tunis, that they shall be suffered to pass free and unmolested.

Confirmed and sealed in the Palace of Bardo, near Tunis, in the presence of Almighty God, the 22d day of June, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1762, and in the year of the Hegira, 1175, and the last day of the moon Zilcade.

(L.S.) ARCH. clevland.

(5.)—TREATY of Commerce between Great Britain and Tunis.— Signed at Bardo, 2d May, 1812.

In the Name of the All-Powerful God.

His Most Serene Highness Hamuda, Bashaw Bey, Prince of the Princes of Tunis, the well-guarded City and the abode of happiness; and Thomas Francis Freemantle, Esq., Rear-Admiral of the Blue, in the service of His Britannic Majesty, furnished with Full Powers:

Being mutually animated with the desire of putting an end to the recent reiterated complaints, made in consequence of various violations committed by private Ships of War, against the rights of the Neutrality of this Regency, and being also desirous of giving reciprocal proofs of the harmony and good faith which happily subsist between the Government of His Britannic Majesty and that of His Higliness the Bashaw Bey, have agreed on and established that which follows:


ART. I. The private Ships of War of the Belligerent Powers, by reason of bad weather or want of provisions, or in consequence being chased by an Enemy, shall be permitted to take refuge in Tunis, or in any other Port of the Kingdom whatsoever.-- Being provided with the necessary provisions, the affairs and accounts which they may in consequence have being settled, and the danger apprehended from the Enemy having ceased, they shall be obliged to depart without the least delay. Neither shall they be able, under whatsoever pretext it may be, to augment the number of their Crews, arms, and other ammunition with which they shall have entered, nor in any way be permitted to disturb the free and secure access of

Ships, of any Nation whatever, to the Ports, Bays, and Coasts of the Regency.

II. The private Ships of War of the Belligerent Powers shall not make sail from any Port, place, or part of the Coast belonging to the Regency, until 24 hours after the departure of all Vessels belonging to Powers with which they may be in War. Nor shall they depart, even after that period of time, if any Ship should be in sight of a Port, Bay, or Shore of this Regency, detained by calms, contrary wind, or any other inevitable circumstance.

III. And lastly, it is agreed and established, in virtue of the present Treaty, that His Most Serene Highness Hamuda, Bashaw Bey, being desirous to maintain inviolably the Neutrality of His Kingdom, shall not permit, nor tolerate, in any part of the Dominions of the Regency of Tunis, the sale of any prize or merchandise of any prize whatsoever, which shall have belonged, or may belong to the French or to the English.

Done in duplicate, and signed by both Parties, at the Palace of Bardo, the 20th day of the moon Rebia Jeni, of the year of the Hegira, 1227, and the 2d day of the month of May, 1812, of the Christian Era.


(6.)-ADDITIONAL ARTICLE between Great Britain and Tunis-Signed at Bardo, 16th October, 1813.

ADDITIONAL Article to the Treaties of Peace and Friendship at present subsisting between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Regency of Tunis, concluded between His Most Serene Highness Hamuda Bassa, Bey of Tunis, on one part, and His Excellency Sir W. A'Court, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty, on the other.

Inasmuch as the Islands, commonly known under the name of the Seven Islands, or the Ionian Islands, (with the exception alone of Corfu,) have been placed under the special protection of Great Britain, it is established by the present Convention, that the same respect shall be shown to the persons and properties of the Inhabitants of these Islands as is shown to the properties and persons of the Native Subjects of His Britannic Majesty, and all the immunities, rights, and privileges, enjoyed by the latter, in the Ports of the Kingdom of Tunis, shall, from henceforward, without limitation, be conceded to the Inhabitants of the said Islands, and to their Ships, carrying the British Flag, and furnished with English Passports. It being well understood, however, that the said Islands, their Inhabitants, Traders, and Ships shall be equally, and without the slightest restriction and exception, acknowledged by the 2 other Regencies of Algiers and

Tripoli, and that if they should not be so acknowledged by them, the Regency of Tunis shall not be obliged or bound so to do.

In testimony whereof, we, the Bassa Bey of Tunis aforesaid, and W. A'Court, Esq. have signed the present Article, in the Palace of Bardo, the 21st of the moon Schiavel, of the year of the Hegira, 1228, and the 16th day of October, 1813, of the Christian Æra. (L.S.) W. A'COURT.


TREATIES of Commerce between Great Britain and Turkey; subsisting between the 2 Powers in 1814.

(1.)-CAPITULATIONS AND ARTICLES OF PEACE between Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire, as agreed upon, augmented, and altered at different periods, [beginning in 1675,] and finally confirmed by the Treaty of Peace concluded at the Dardanelles in 1809 *.

SULTAN MEHEMED, May hE LIVE FOR EVER! "LET every thing be observed in conformity to these Capitulations, and contrary thereto let nothing be done."

The command, under the sublime and lofty Signet, which imparts sublimity to every place, and under the imperial and noble Cypher, whose glory is renowned throughout all the World, by the Emperor and Conqueror of the Earth, achieved with the assistance of the Omnipotent, and by the special grace of God, is this:

We, who by Divine grace, assistance, will and benevolence, now are the King of Kings of the World, the Prince of Emperors of every age, the Dispenser of Crowns to Monarchs, and the Champion Sultan Mehemed, Son of Sultan Ibrahim Chan, Son of Sultan Ahmed Chan, Son of Sultan Mahomet Chan, Son of Sultan Murad Chan, Son of Sultan Selim Chan, Son of Sultan Solyman Chan, Son of Sultan Selim Chan.

The most glorious amongst the great Princes professing the faith of Jesus, and the most conspicuous amongst the Potentates of the Nation of the Messiah, and the Umpire of public differences that exist between Christian Nations, clothed with the mantle of magnificence and majesty, Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland (whose end terminate in bliss!) having sent an Ambassador to the Sublime Porte in the time of our Grandfather Sultan Murad (whose tomb be ever resplendent!) of glorious memory and full of Divine mercy and pity, with professions of friendship, sincerity, devotion, partiality and benevolence, and demanding that his Subjects might be at liberty to come and go into these parts, which permission

As published by the Levant Company, 1816.

was granted to them in the Reign of the Monarch aforesaid, in addition to various other special commands, to the end that on coming and going, either by land or sea, in their way, passage and lodging, they might not experience any molestation or hindrance from any one.

He represented, in the Reign of our Grandfather Sultan Mehemed Chan (whose tomb be ever resplendent!) to our just and overshadowing Porte, his cordial esteem, alliance, sincere friendship and partiality thereto. As such privilege, therefore, had been granted to the Kings and Sovereigns of France, Venice and Poland, who profess the most profound devotion for our most eminent Throne, and to others between whom and the Sublime Porte there exists a sincere amity and good understanding, so was the same, through friendship, in like manner granted to the said King; and it was granted him that his Subjects and their Interpreters might safely and securely come and trade in these our sacred Dominions.

The Capitulations of sublime dignity and our noble commands having been, through friendship, thus granted to the Kings aforesaid, and the Queen of the above-mentioned Kingdoms having heretofore also sent a noble Personage with presents to this victorious Porte, which is the refuge and retreat of the Kings of the World, the most exalted place, and the asylum of the Emperors of the Universe (which gifts were graciously accepted), and she having earnestly implored the privilege in question, her entreaties were acceded to, and these our high commands conceded to her.

ART. I. That the English Nation and Merchants, and all other Merchants sailing under the English Flag, with their Ships and Vessels, and merchandise of all descriptions, shall and may pass safely by sea, and go and come into our Dominions, without any the least prejudice or molestation being given to their persons, property or effects by any Person whatsoever, but that they shall be left in the undisturbed enjoyment of their privileges, and be at liberty to attend to their affairs.

II. That if any of the English coming into our Dominions by land be molested or detained, such Persons shall be instantly released, without any further obstruction being given to them.

III. That English Ships and Vessels entering the Ports and Harbours of our Dominions shall and may at all times safely and securely abide and remain therein, and at their free will and pleasure depart therefrom, without any opposition or hindrance from any one.

IV. That if it shall happen that any of their Ships suffer by stress of weather, and not be provided with necessary stores and requisites, they shall be assisted by all who happen to be present, whether the Crews of our Imperial Ships or others, both by sea and land.

V. That being come into the Ports and Harbours of our Dominions, they shall and may be at liberty to purchase at their pleasure,

with their own money, provisions and all other necessary articles, and to provide themselves with water, without interruption or hindrance from any one.

VI. That if any of their Ships be wrecked upon any of the coasts of our Dominions, all Beys, Cadis, Governors, Commandants, and others our Servants, who may be near or present, shall give them all help, protection and assistance, and restore to them whatsoever goods and effects may be driven ashore; and in the event of any plunder being committed, they shall make diligent search and inquiry to find out the property, which, when recovered, shall be wholly restored by them.

VII. That the Merchants, Interpreters, Brokers, and others of the said Nation, shall and may, both by sea and land, come into our Dominions, and there trade with the most perfect security; and in coming and going neither they nor their Attendants shall receive any the least obstruction, molestation or injury, either in their persons or property, from the Beys, Cadis, Sea-Captains, Soldiers, and others our Slaves.

VIII. That if an Englishman, either for his own debt, or as Surety for another, shall abscond or become bankrupt, the debt shall be demanded from the real Debtor only; and unless the Creditor be in possession of some security given by another, such Person shall not be arrested, nor the payment of such debt be demanded of him.

IX. That in all transactions, matters and business occurring between the English and Merchants of the Countries to them subject, their Attendants, Interpreters and Brokers, and any other Persons in our Dominions, with regard to sales and purchases, credits, traffic or security, and all other legal matters, they shall be at liberty to repair to the Judge, and there make a hoget, or public authentic act, with Witness, and register the suit, to the end that if in future any difference or dispute shall arise, they may both observe the said register and hoget; and when the suit shall be found conformable thereto, it shall be observed accordingly.

Should no such hoget, however, have been obtained from the Judge, and false Witnesses only are produced, their suit shall not be listened to, but justice be always administered according to the legal hoget.

X. That if any shall calumniate an Englishman, by asserting that he hath been injured by him, and producing false Witnesses against him, our Judges shall not give ear unto them, but the cause shall be referred to his Ambassador, in order to his deciding the same, and that he may always have recourse to his protection.

XI. That if an Englishman, having committed an offence, shall make his escape, no other Englishman, not being security for him, shall, under such pretext, be taken or molested.

XII. That if an Englishman or Subject of England be found

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