Careless Husband, a comedy born within the theatre is Cato, a beauty in his character.. Celibacy, a great evil to a nation... Roman and British censors compared Chair, (elbow) for what purpose.. Caught in a garret.. Charles, the toyman, his great genius in canes and snuff-boxes... Chastity, its value instanced in Scipio...... den gained by all his writings Castabella, an eminent prude.... 240 196 112 195 161 261 267 444 169 156 180 178 147 266 95 191 134 955 72 69 142 192 148 15- 201 + Bisset, (brigadier) his good office to Mr. Steele ac- knowledged.. 271 Christmas Eve.. 111 Black-horse ordinary in Holborn, an adventure there 135 Church, indecent and irregular behaviour at, reproved 140 Bladder and string, modern music applied 153 Church mutes censured. 2+1 Blaregnies, victory of. Blindness cured by Mr. Grant, story of. 55 Blockheads apt to admire one another.. 196 Cibber, (Colley) a celebrated comedian 104 Blunder, (major) buys muskets without touch-holes. 61 Circumspection water, Bickerstaff's wonderful effects of it 2,34 eaten.. Bodily wits.... Bombardiers, who to be accounted such 88 Shower poetically described.. 968 Books, how to be valued. 80 Clarinda makes an ill choice of a lover 247 Booksellers, their complaint against parson Plagius.. 269 king after a battle.. 77 Bourignon, (madam de) foundress of the pietists, her Clergyman, character for a good one.. 72, 114 extraordinary gifts and talents 126 Respect due to them... Bracegirdle, (Mrs.) an excellent player. Deficient.. 66, 68, 70, 71 7 94 Breeding, (fine) often mistaken... 215 Bribery, reflections on, with coals 73 A notable expedient to prevent it at elections.. 73 Wherem their discourses may receive addition.... 66 powdered wigs 270 An essay and poem on it 42 Clerk of a church reproved.. 69 A solicitor in the temple of avarice.... 193 The term explained... 72 Bridget Howd'ye, her lady's advertisement concern- Clidemira, a woman of distinction 34 ing her 245 Coaches, vanity of riding in them exposed.. 144 Brisk, (sir Liberal) saved from sharpers... 73 Why they should be taxed, and ought to be called 259 in..... 144 Brunette, (colonel) a very pretty fellow Brussels Postcript, remarks on that poem. Buckley, (Mr.) a drawcansir.. Bullock and Penkethman, parallel between them... To attend Mr. Bickerstaff's funeral. But, the particle, used too frequently. CADAROQUE, meaning of that word 'To whom applied by the Indian kings 24 Coach-painting, a method to make it useful. 144 134 his pride 197 57 Colchester, corporation of, their offer to Mr. Bicker- Flatterers, true meaning of the word, few good ones. 208 Flattery grateful to human nature His widow desires Mr. Bickerstaff's friendship. 69 Glass, state-weather 214 139 Glory, true, inseparable from merit... 177 69 Gluttony, modern..... 205 Goatham petition 14 145 Goldsmiths distinguished from coppersmiths 61 I11 consequence o of flattering women... Force of it in Don Quixote Flavia, a truly fine woman. A coquette, her interview with Myrtillo A young lady rival to her mother 206 Good breeding... 5, 30 |