And Embellished with elegant Engravings on Steel, Comprising in only 5 Octavo Vols., the whole 45 Vols. of other Editions, and at prices Comprising in 5 Vols. 8vo., the 45 Vols. of other Editions, and presenting vast saving of expense, both in the works and binding. 44. Esculapius in Love with Hebe-Sale of the 45. Story of Teraminta-Puppet-shows-Scene Senecio 20. Complaint of a Lady Dramatic News and Criticism......... Continental Intelligence.. 21. Characters of a Gentleman and a Pretty Fel- low-The Fox-Dramatic Writers of the last and present Age-Letter on Mr. Bick- erstaff's Prophecy of his Death-Witch- craft-Continental Intelligence . Cynthia in Love-Lindamira's Lovers-Cave Rake 23. Cure for Fits in Married Ladies-Letter to the French King-Continental Intelligence Steele. Addison. 46. Character and Gallantries of Aurengezebe- 47. Character of Sir Taffety Trippet-Cure for the Spleen-Passions expressed by Shak- speare... 48. Shades of Conscience and Honour-Genius of Credit 49. Love and Lust-Florio and Limberham- - 51. History of Orlando, Chap. 2-Pantomime 52. Use of Delamira's Fan-On Modesty-Cha- racters of Nestor and Varillus-The mo- dest Man and the modest Fellow....... 53. The civil Husband-Dramatic Criticism- 54. The Government of Affection-The Wife and the Mistress-Complaint against Stentor- 55. Story of a Cure performed on a blind young Man-Continental Intelligence........ 56. On Sharpers-Instances of Longevity in France-Notices to Correspondents 57. Emilia, a Woman too humble-Sharping Ex- tortioners-Satire on the French, applied 58. Continence of Scipio-Grammatical Pedantry -Continental Intelligence....... 61. Men of Fire described-Use of Satire-Dis- tinction between Goldsmiths and Copper- smiths-Stentor-Education and Beauty of Women-Letter from the Artillery Ground 62. Sharpers described as a Pack of Dogs-On Wit-Women the best Speakers-Sallust A Dancing-master practising by Book ..... Addison. ✓ 89. Letter to the Author-His History of his Life-Evil of unreasonable Visits-Players saying more than is set down to them.... Steele. 90. Unity of Sentiment in treating the Passion of Love-Its allegorical History.......... Addison. 191. Maria's Visit-A Case of Love and Envy- 63. Of the Enjoyment of Life with regard to others-Use of Ridicule.. Madonella's Platonic College... Addison. 64. Continental Intelligence an Allegory 65. Character of a Battle-Critic-Conduct of the Tendency of Poetry... Steele. Continental Intelligence-Skill of Transi- Notices.. Steele. holders 107. Case of a Lover tormented by a Coquette... 108. Degradation of the Stage-Dignity of Human Nature-Errors of the French Writers... Addison. 109. Fashionable Visiting-Notice from the Up- 110. Court of Judicature of the Dead in Reason Steele. Addison and Steele. 111. On the Prevalence of Irreligious Principles Addison and Steele. 112. Amusements and Relaxations of great Men -Misfortune of Idleness.. Steele. 113. Inventory of a Beau... Hughes. Petition of William Jingle, Coach-maker- Steele. 114. Death-bed Scene... Addison and Steele. 15. Squire Nicolini-Taste for Puppet-Shows- 82. Story of the Cornish Lovers Of a Lover who Steele. 116. Court of Judicature on the Petticoat....... Addison. 117. On the Pleasure derived from the Deliver- ance of the Good from Danger-The Au- thor's Dream.. 118. Irregular Conduct of the Dead-Letters from Partridge, &c.-Petition of Penelope Prim Steele. 119. Discoveries of the Microscope-A Dream.. Addison. 120. Vision of the Three Roads of Human Life- Dogget's Benefit.. 121. Consultation on the Sickness of a Lady's Lap-Dog-Fondness for Animals... 122. The Author's Appearance at Dogget's Bene- fit-Virtuous feelings of an Athenian Au- dience...... 123. Continuation of the Vision of the Three Roads of Life... 124. On Expectations from the Lottery.......... Steele. their Wits 125. Proposals for a Receptacle for Persons out of Fardingal.. 136. History of Tom Varnish-Petitioners for the 127 Various abuses of Speech-Swearing-De- 138. Deference to the Opinion of the World -Gyges' Ring-Actions of Public Spirits 139. Women more improveable than Men-On Courtship-The Author's Discoveries by 140. Letters on a charitable Provision for poor Boys Cicero's Defence of Archias-Use of the Term, Madam - Indecorums at Church-From an Inquisitive Lady.. 141. Education of Girls - Whetters - Noisy Neighbours-Letter from a Valentine- Petition of the Inhabitants of Gotham.. 142. Political Anxiety-Recommendation of 145/Sister Jenny appears in her own Chariot- The Author's Letter to her Husband- 144. Prevalence of Extravagance and Show- 46. Various Cases of Complainers-Dream of Ju- piter and the Destinies.. - Addison. Trial of Wine.. 134. Virgil's Allegory and Ideas of a future State- tician... 165. Decay of Public Spirit-Character of Regulus 184. On Marriage, and the customary Ceremo- 185. Cruelty of Parents thwarting the Inclina- tions of their Children in love-Story of 186. Characteristics of Vanity, Pride, and Ambi- tion-Correspondents' Neglect of Postage 187. Pasquin of Rome, his Letters to the Author 188. Letter on a Green-house-From Rustic- Character of Desdemona-Of Bullock and 189. An example of judicious Education-Cha- racter of Sam Bickerstaff and his Family. 190. Party writing-Answer to Pasquin's Letter- A Law Case-Letter to the king of France. 167. Funeral and Character of Mr. Betterton the Actor 168. Characters of Impudence and Absurdity- Education of the Jesuits-Petition of Sarah Lovely.. 169. On the Evils of Drinking-Character of a Country Gentleman - Letter from F. Bickerstaff.. 170. Vicissitudes of human Life-Visit to the Lottery Office-Advertisement of a Heart lost. 171. Origin of Honour and Title-Behaviour of 194. Passage from Spenser transposed.. 195. Letter on the Author's Politics-Orders to Quacks Letter to Amanda.... 196. On the Behaviour of Patrons to their Depen- dents.. 197. Account of Epistolæ obscurorum virorum -Passion for being thought a Scholar 198. History of Cælia..... 199. Remarks on the same On Marriage Settle- ments-Specinien of a Contract...... 200. Letter from a Lady in Doubt between two Lovers Plan for raising the Fortunes of Ten young Ladies.... 201. Faults of the Women attributable to the Men-Letters from Lovers-Benefit Plays -Advertisement from the Trumpet...... 202. On unreasonable Expectations-On Heroic Actions in private Life-Lottery... 203. Account of the Drawing of the Lottery- Letter from the Owner of a Green-house. 204. Improper manner of Address-Character of Tom Courtly..... Fuller. 205. On Drunkenness 206. On Esteem-Character of Jack Gainly, and his Sister Gatty-Of Flavia and Lucia..... Steele. 207. Conduct of the Author's three Nephews to a Female Visitor-Character of a Gentle- man-Letter from a Lottery Adventurer.. 208. On injudicious civil People-Character of the most agreeable Companion..... 209. Scene between Alexander the Great and his Physician proposed to a Historical Painter 210. Visit to a Censorious Lady of Quality-Let- ter from an old maid-Continental Intel- ligence... 211. Uses of Sunday-On Devotion 212. On Simplicity of Ornament-Letters on an Ass in the Lion's Skin-From a Virgin, &c. 213. On Dissimulation and Simulation-Tom Trueman, a Hero in Domestic Life....... 214. On the Rigid and the Supple-Account of a 215. Account of a Flatterer-And a common Jes- ter-Case of a Widow - Petition of the Linen Drapers. political Barometer.... 216 Taste of the Virtuosi-Legacy of a Virtuoso -Death of Mr. Partridge Addison. |