Monday-Last day on which theses of candidates Friday to Monday, both inclusive-Easter Holi- Tuesday-Davis Prize Speaking. Monday-Last day on which theses of candidates for the Doctorate degree at the Commencement may be presented. Monday-Last day on which theses of candidates for the Engineering and Master's degrees at the Commencement may be presented. Wednesday-Final examinations, Department of Arts and Sciences, begin. Tuesday-Doctorate Disputation. Thursday-Annual meeting of the Board of Sunday-Baccalaureate Sermon. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOWARD LINCOLN HODGKINS, Ph. D., Sc. D. President of the University 1923 *JOHN JOY EDSON, LL.B., 1324 Sixteenth Street. WILLIAM JAMES FLATHER, Riggs National Bank. *JOHN B. LARNER, LL.B., LL.D., Washington Loan & Trust Bldg. ABRAM LISNER, A.M., 1723 Massachusetts Avenue. DOUGLAS PUTnam Birnie, 1711 19th Street. WALTER RUPERT TUCKERMAN, A.B., LL.B., Bethesda, Md. 1924 *N. LANDON BURCHELL, A.M., LL.M., 1325 F Street. 1925 CHARLES I. CORBY, Rockville Pike, Md. LOUIS HERTLE, Gunston Hall, near Lorton, Va. ARCHIBALD HOPKINS, A.M., LL.B., 1826 Massachusetts Avenue. THOMAS SNELL HOPKINS, LL.B., Hibbs Building. *WILLIAM BRUCE KING, A.M., LL.M., 1822 Wyoming Avenue. MARTIN AUGUSTINE KNAPP, A.M., LL.D., Southern Building. CHARLES CARROLL GLOVER, JR., M.A., LL.B., 737 Fifteenth Street. * ERNEST LAWTON THURSTON, C.E., A.M., 1414 Madison Street. HARRY WARDMAN, 1430 K Street. Chairman of the Board of Trusees JOHN B. LARNER Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees *Nominated by the Alumni. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive. THE PRESIDENT, H. C. DAVIS, W. J. FLATHER, A. HopKINS, T. S., HOPKINS, W. B. KING, Á. LISNER. Finance.-J. J. EDSON, H. C. DAVIS, W. J. FLATHER, W. R. TUCKERMAN, N. L. BURCHELL. Honorary Degrees.-THE PRESIDENT, A. HOPKINS, H. WHITE, G. GROSVENOR, M. A. KNAPP, D. P. BIRNIE. Columbian College.—H. C. Davis, W. B. KING, T. W. NOYES, N. L. BURCHELL. Engineering.-H. C. PERKINS, E. L. THURSTON, T. S. HOPKINS, Graduate School.—A. HOPKins, G. GrosvENOR, T. W. NOYES. Medicine, Pharmacy and Hospital.-J. B. LARNER, J. B. PAYNE, C. I. CORBY, W. S. WASHBURN, D. P. BIRNIE, C. H. WOODHULL. Law.-J. B. LARNER, M. A. KNAPP, W. B. KING, L. HERTLE. Counsel.-CLEPHANE AND LATIMER. THE UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Isabel Anderson, Litt.D., (Mrs. Larz Anderson), Washington. Mr. Frederic Atherton, Washington. Joseph S. Auerbach, Litt.D., New York City. Hon. Perry Belmont, A.B., LL.B., Washington. Mabel T. Boardman, LL.D., Washington. Admiral Willard Brownson, U. S. N., LL.D., Washington. Mr. William P. Eno, Washington, Mr. Joshua Evans, Jr., Washington. Mrs. James Carroll Frazer, Washington. Mr. William T. Galliher, Washington. Hon. Frank H. Hitchcock, LL.M., New York City. Mr. Coleman Jennings, Washington. Mr. F. M. Kirby, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Rev. James S. Lemon, Ph.D., Gardner, Mass. Mr. James Parmelee, Washington. Rev. Herbert F. Randolph, D.D., Washington. Mr. William M. Ritter, Washington. Mr. Albert Ruddock, Washington. Rev. Canon J. Townsend Russell, D.D., Washington. Miss Nellie P. Sedgely, Washington. Miss Mary A. Sharpe, Washington. Mary B. Temple, A.B., Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. Corcoran Thom, LL.M., Washington. Hon. James W. Wadsworth, Jr., LL.D., U. S. Senate. Mr. Morris Williams, Philadelphia, Pa. The President of the University, Chairman ex officio. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Howard Lincoln Hodgkins, Ph.D., Sc.D., President Department of Arts and Sciences Howard Lincoln Hodgkins, Ph.D., Sc.D., Dean Anna Lorette Rose, A.B., Registrar and Dean of Women Columbian College William Allen Wilbur, A.M., Litt.D., Dean College of Engineering Howard Lincoln Hodgkins, Ph.D., Sc.D., Dean Teachers College William Cline Borden, M.D., Dean School of Graduate Studies George Neely Henning, A.M., Litt.D., Dean. Department of Medicine and Pharmacy William Cline Borden, M. D., Dean. Oscar Benwood Hunter, A.B., M.D., Assistant Dean Medical School William Cline Borden, M.D., Dean College of Pharmacy Henry E. Kalusowski, M.D., Phar.D., Dean Law School Merton Leroy Ferson, A.M., LL.M., Dean Joseph Abner Jordan, Secretary University Library Buildings and Grounds Alfred Francis William Schmidt, A.M., Librarian. Elmer Schatz, Superintendent |