PAGE NO 188 CXCI The Editor in this and in other instances has risked the addition (or the change) of a Title, that the aim of the verses following may be grasped more clearly and immediately. 194 CXCVIII Nature's Eremite: like a solitary thing in Nature. -This beautiful Sonnet was the last word of a poet deserving the title 'marvellous boy' in a much higher sense than Chatterton. If the fulfilment may ever safely be prophesied from the promise, England appears to have lost in Keats one whose gifts in Poetry have rarely been surpassed. Shakespeare, Milton, and Wordsworth, had their lives been closed at twenty-five, would (so far as we know) have left poems of less excellence and hope than the youth who, from the petty school and the London surgery, passed at once to a place with them of 'high collateral glory.' 196 CCI - CCII It is impossible not to regret that Moore has written 206 CCIX Bonnivard, a Genevese, was imprisoned by the Duke of Savoy in Chillon on the lake of Geneva for his courageous defence of his country against the tyranny with which Piedmont threatened it during the first half of the seventeenth century.-This noble Sonnet is worthy to stand near Milton's on the Vaudois massacre. CCX Switzerland was usurped by the French under 209 CCXV This battle was fought Dec. 2, 1800, between the Hohen 212 ccxvIII After the capture of Madrid by Napoleon, Sir J. Moore retreated before Soult and Ney to Corunna, and was killed whilst covering the embarcation of his troops. His tomb, built by Ney, bears this inscription-'John Moore, leader of the English armies, slain in battle, 1809.' 225 CCXXIX The Mermaid was the club-house of Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and other choice spirits of that age. 226 ccxxx Maisie: Mary. Scott has given us nothing more complete and lovely than this little song, which unites simplicity and dramatic power to a wildwood music of the rarest quality. No moral is drawn, far less any conscious analysis of feeling attempted :the pathetic meaning is left to be suggested by the Y PAGE NO mere presentment of the situation. Inexperienced 231 CCXXXIV correi: covert on a hillside. 252 CCLII interlunar swoon: interval of the Moon's invisibility. 257 CCLVI Calpe: Gibraltar. Lofoden: the Maelstrom whirlpool off the N. W. coast of Norway. 259 CCLVII This lovely poem refers here and there to a ballad by Hamilton on the subject better treated in CXXVII and CXXVIII. 271 CCLXVIII Arcturi: seemingly used for northern stars.-And wild roses &c. Our language has no line modulated with more subtle sweetness. A good poet might have written And roses wild:-yet this slight change would disenchant the verse of its peculiar beauty. 275 CCLXX Ceres' daughter: Proserpine. God of Torment: Pluto. CCLXXI This impassioned address expresses Shelley's most rapt imaginations, and is the direct modern representative of the feeling which led the Greeks to the worship of Nature. 284 CCLXXIV The leading idea of this beautiful description of a day's landscape in Italy is expressed with an obscurity not unfrequent with its author. It appears to be,-On the voyage of life are many moments of pleasure, given by the sight of Nature, who has power to heal even the worldliness and the uncharity of man. 285 286 1. 24 Amphitrite was daughter to Ocean. 1. 1 Sungirt City: It is difficult not to believe that the correct reading is Seagirt. Many of Shelley's poems appear to have been printed in England during his residence abroad: others were printed from his manuscripts after his death. Hence probably the text of no English Poet after 1660 contains so many errors. See the Note on No. IX. 289 CCLXXV 1. 21 Maenad: a frenzied Nymph, attendant on Dionysus in the Greek mythology. 290 CCLXXV 1. 4 Plants under water sympathize with the seasons of the land, and hence with the winds which affect them. 291 CCLXXVI Written soon after the death, by shipwreck, of Wordsworth's brother John. This Poem should be compared with Shelley's following it. Each is the most complete expression of the innermost spirit of his art given by these great Poets:-of that Idea which, as in the case of the true Painter, (to quote the words of Reynolds,) subsists only in the mind: The sight never beheld it, nor has the hand expressed it; it is an idea residing in the breast of the artist, which he is always labouring to impart, and which he dies at last without imparting.' 292 the Kind: the human race. 293 CCLXXVIII Proteus represented the everlasting changes, united with ever-recurrent sameness, of the Sea. CCLXXIX the Royal Saint: Henry VI. INDEX OF WRITERS WITH DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH ALEXANDER, William (1580-1640) XXII BACON, Francis (1561-1626) LVII BEAUMONT, Francis (1586-1616) LXVII BURNS, Robert (1759-1796) CXXV, CXXXII, CXXXIX, CXLIV, BYRON, George Gordon Noel (1788-1824) CLXIX, CLXXI, CAMPBELL, Thomas (1777-1844) CLXXXI, CLXXXIII, CLXXXVII, CAREY, Henry (- -1743) CXXXI CIBBER, Colley (1671-1757) cxix COLERIDGE, Hartley (1796-1849) CLXXV COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834) CLXVIII, CCLXXX COLLINS, William (1720-1756) CXXIV, CXLI, CXLVI COLLINS, (18th Century) CLXIV CONSTABLE, Henry (156--?-1604?) xv COWLEY, Abraham (1618-1667) CI COWPER, William (1731-1800) CXXIX, CXXXIV, CXLIII, CLX, CLXI, CLXII CRASHAW, Richard (1615 ?-1652) LXXIX CUNNINGHAM, Allan (1784-1842) ccv DANIEL, Samuel (1562-1619) xxxv DEKKER, Thomas -1638?) LIV DRAYTON, Michael (1563-1631) XXXVII DRUMMOND, William (1585-1649) II, XXXVIII, XLIII, LV, LVIII, LIX, LXI DRYDEN, John (1631-1700) LXIII, CXVI ELLIOTT, Jane (18th Century) cxxvi FLETCHER, John (1576-1625) CIV GAY, John (1688-1732) cxxX GOLDSMITH, Oliver (1728-1774) CXXXVIII GRAHAM, (1785-1797) oXXXIII GRAY, Thomas (1716-1771) CXVII, CXX, CXXIII, CXL, CXLII, HERBERT, George (1593-1632) LXXIV HERRICK, Robert (1591-1674?) LXXXII, LXXXVIII, XCII, XCIII, XCVI, CIX, CX HEYWOOD, Thomas ( 1649?) LII HOOD, Thomas (1798-1845) ccxxiv, CCXXXI, CCXXXV JONSON, Ben (1574-1637) LXXIII, LXXVIII, XC KEATS, John (1795-1821) CLXVI, CLXVII, CXCI, CXCIII, CXCVIII, CXCIX, CCXXIX, CCXLIV, CCLV, CCLXX, CCLXXXIV LAMB, Charles (1775-1835) CCXX, CCXXXIII, CCXXXVII LINDSAY, Anne (1750-1825) CLII LODGE, Thomas (1556-1625) XVI LOGAN, John (1748-1788) cXXVII LOVELACE, Richard (1618-1658) LXXXIII, XCIX, C LYLYE, John (1554-1600) LI MARLOWE, Christopher (1562-1593) v MARVELL, Andrew (1620-1678) LXV, CXI, CXIV MICKLE, William Julius (1734-1788) CLIV MILTON, John (1608-1674) LXII, LXIV, LXVI, LXX, LXXJ, LXXVI, LXXVII, LXXXV, CXII, CXIII, CXV MOORE, Thomas (1780-1852) CLXXXV, CCI, CCXVII, CCXXI, CCXXV NAIRN, Carolina (1766-1845) CLVII PHILIPS, Ambrose (1671-1749) CXXI ROGERS, Samuel (1762-1855) CXXXV, CXLV SCOTT, Walter (1771-1832) cv, CLXX, CLXXXII, CLXXXVI, CXCII, CXCIV, CXCVI, CCIV, CCXXX, CCXXXIV, CCXXXVI, CCXXXIX, CCLXIII SEDLEY, Charles (1639-1701) LXXXI, XCVIII SEWELL, George ( -1726) CLXIII SHAKESPEARE, William (1564-1616) III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI, SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822) CLXXII, CLXXVI, CLXXXIV, SHIRLEY, James (1596-1666) LXVIII, LXIX SIDNEY, Philip (1554-1586) XXIV SOUTHEY, Robert (1774-1843) ccxvi, CCXXVIII SPENSER, Edmund (1553-1598-9) LIII SUCKLING, John (1608-9-1641) CI SYLVESTER, Joshua (1563-1618) xxv |