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(Five articles follow, Nos. 7 to 11, similar to Articles 3 to 7 of the Convention for the Recovery of Contract Debts.)


Not signed by the United States Delegates. Ratification not advised by the Senate.

The Contracting Powers (see Final Act), considering that it is desirable, in view of the incorporation in time of war of merchant-ships in the fighting fleet, to define the conditions subject to which this operation may be effected;

Whereas, however, the Contracting Powers have been unable to come to an agreement on the question whether the conversion of a merchant-ship into a war-ship may take place upon the high seas, it is understood that the question of the place where such conversion is effected remains outside the scope of this Agreement and is in no way affected by the following rules;

Being desirous of concluding a Convention to this effect, have appointed the following as their Plenipotentiaries:

[For names of Plenipotentiaries, see Final Act.]

Who, after having deposited their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following provisions:

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(Five articles follow, Nos. 8 to 12, similar to Articles 3 to 7 of the Convention for the Recovery of Contract Debts.)


Signed by the United States Delegates. Ratification not advised by the Senate.

The Contracting Powers (see Final Act), animated by the desire to settle in an equitable manner the differences which sometimes arise in the course of a naval war in connection with the decisions of National Prize Courts;

Considering that, if these Courts are to continue to exercise their functions in the manner determined by national legislation it is desirable that in certain cases an appeal should be provided, under conditions conciliating, as far as possible, the public and private interests involved in matters of prize;

Whereas, moreover, the institution of an International Court, whose jurisdiction and procedure would be carefully defined, has seemed to be the best method of attaining this object;

Convinced, finally, that in this manner the hardships consequent on naval war would be mitigated; that, in particular, good relations will be more easily maintained between belligerents and neutrals and peace better assured;

Desirous of concluding a Convention to this effect, have appointed the following as their Plenipotentiaries:

[For names of Plenipotentiaries see Final Act.]

Who, after depositing their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following provisions:

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2. When the judgment affects enemy property and relates to

(a) Cargo on board a neutral ship;

(b) An enemy ship captured in the territorial waters of a neutral Power, when that Power has not made the capture the subject of a diplomatic claim;

(c) A claim based upon the allegation that the seizure has been effected in violation, either of the provisions of a Convention in force between the belligerent Powers, or of an enactment issued by the belligerent captor.

The appeal against the judgment of the National Court can be based on the ground that the judgment was wrong either in fact or in law.


An appeal may be brought

1. By a neutral Power, if the judgment of the National Tribunals injuriously affects its property or the property of its nationals (Article 3 (1) ), or if the capture of an enemy vessel is alleged to have taken place in the territorial waters of that Power (Article 3 (2) (b));

2. By a neutral individual, if the judgment of the National Court injuriously affects his property (Article 3 (1) ), subject, however, to the reservation that the Power to which he belongs may forbid him to bring the case before the Court, or may itself undertake the proceedings in his place;

3. By an individual subject or citizen of an enemy Power, if the

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2o lorsque ladite décision concerne des propriétés ennemies et qu'il s'agit:

(a) de marchandises chargées sur un navire neutre,

(b) d'un navire ennemi, qui aurait été capturé dans les eaux territoriales d'une Puissance neutre, dans le cas où cette Puissance n'aurait pas fait de cette capture l'objet d'une réclamation diplomatique,

(c) d'une réclamation fondée sur l'allégation que la capture aurait été effectuée en violation, soit d'une disposition conventionnelle en vigueur entre les Puissances belligérantes, soit d'une disposition légale édictée par le belligérant capteur.

Le recours contre la décision des tribunaux nationaux peut être fondé sur ce que cette décision ne serait pas justifiée, soit en fait, soit en droit.


Le recours peut être exercé:

1o par une Puissance neutre, si la décision des tribunaux nationaux a porté atteinte à ses propriétés ou à celles de ses ressortissants (article 3, 1o) ou s'il est allégué que la capture d'un navire ennemi a eu lieu dans les eaux territoriales de cette Puissance (article 3, 2° (b));

2o par un particulier neutre, si la décision des tribunaux nationaux a porté atteinte à ses propriétés (article 3, 1o), sous réserve toutefois du droit de la Puissance dont il relève de lui interdire l'accès de la Cour ou d'y agir ellemême en ses lieu et place;

3o par un particulier relevant de la Puissance ennemie, si la dé

judgment of the National Court injuriously affects his property in the cases referred to in Article 3 (2), except that mentioned in paragraph (b).


An appeal may also be brought on the same conditions as in the preceding Article, by persons belonging either to neutral States or to the enemy, deriving their rights from and entitled to represent an individual qualified to appeal, and who have taken part in the proceedings before the National Court. Persons so entitled may appeal separately to the extent of their interest.

The same rule applies in the case of persons belonging either to neutral States or to the enemy who derive their rights from and are entitled to represent a neutral Power whose property was the subject of the decision.


When, in accordance with the above Article 3, the International Court has jurisdiction, the National Courts cannot deal with a case in more than two instances. The municipal law of the belligerent captor shall decide whether the case may be brought before the International Court after judgment has been given in first instance or only after an appeal.

If the National Courts fail to give final judgment within two years from the date of capture, the case may be carried direct to the International Court.

cision des tribunaux nationaux a porté atteinte à ses propriétés dans les conditions visées à l'article 3, 2o, à l'exception du cas prévu par l'alinéa (b).


Le recours peut aussi être exercé, dans les mêmes conditions qu'à l'article pécédent, par les ayantsdroit, neutres ou ennemis, du particulier auquel le recours est accordé, et qui sont intervenus devant la juridiction nationale. Ces ayants-droit peuvent exercer individuellement le recours dans la mesure de leur intérêt.

Il en est de même des ayantsdroit, neutres ou ennemis, de la Puissance neutre dont la propriété est en cause.


Lorsque, conformément à l'article 3 ci-dessus, la Cour internationale est compétente, le droit de juridiction des tribunaux nationaux ne peut être exercé à plus de deux degrés. Il appartient à la législation du belligérant capteur de décider si le recours est ouvert après la décision rendue en premier ressort ou seulement après la décision rendue en appel ou en cassation.

Faute par les tribunaux nationaux d'avoir rendu une décision définitive dans les deux ans à compter du jour de la capture, la Cour peut être saisie directement.

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