Remarks of D-Cady Herrick in presenting report of Sub- Committee of Committee of Fifteen to Investigate the Causes Underlying the Dissatisfaction with our Judicial Report of Committee to Investigate the Causes Underlying the Dissatisfaction with our Judicial System.. Appendix A., prepared by William D. Guthrie. EVENING SESSION, January 24, 1913... Introduction of Governor Hadley by President Nottingham. Remarks by Governor Hadley in presenting annual address. MORNING SESSION, January 25, 1913.. Report of Committee on the Revision of the Civil Practice.. Act authorizing Board of Statutory Consolidation to Report a Plan for the Classification, Consolidation and Simplifica- Message of Governor Sulzer to the Legislature with reference to the Revision of the Civil Practice... Resolution presented by Henry A. Forster approving plan for simplification of procedure and continuing Committee on Report of Committee to Suggest a Remedy for the Congested Remarks of Ansley Wilcox in presenting report of Committee Remarks of Ledyard P. Hale in presenting report of Committee on the Selection of Candidates for Judicial Office..... Report of Committee of Thirteen to the Joint Judicial Committee, Resolutions adopted by Bar Associations favoring bi-partisan nominations of Judges of the Court of Appeals..... Resolution presented by Ledyard P. Hale relative to bi-partisan Remarks of Adelbert Moot in presenting report of Committee to Aid in Securing Suitable Accommodations for the Court Report of Committee to Aid in Securing Suitable Accommoda- tions for the Court of Appeals..... resolution relative thereto, presented by William Vanamee.. Resolution presented by Samuel P. Goldman relative to the appointment of a Committee on Increase of Membership, Motion empowering Committee on Publication of Legal Notices Resolution relative to appointment of Committee to Digest and Summarize Matters Presented at Annual Meeting and Suggest Appropriate Action Thereon.. Resolution relative to appointment of Committee to Suggest Matters to be Brought to the Attention of the Constitu- Report of Committee on Law Reform. Resolution referring to Law Reform Committee Questions Rela- Letter received from Judge Gray in response.. Remarks of Frederick B. Campbell in presenting Report of Com- mittee on Workmen's Compensation... Discussion on Report of Committee on Workmen's Compen- sation by Charles A. Boston........612, 623, 624, 625, 633, Resolution relative to appointment Committee to Consider Pos- LAWS OF NEW YORK-1877 CHAPTER 210. "AN ACT to incorporate the New York State Bar Association." PASSED May 2, 1877. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The members of the voluntary association, which was formed in the city of Albany, November twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, under the name of the New York State Bar Association, of which association John K. Porter, of the first judicial district, is president, and Charles W. Sanford, of the first judicial district; John J. Armstrong, of the second judicial district; Samuel Hand, of the third judicial district; Platt Potter, of the fourth judicial district; William C. Ruger, of the fifth judicial district; Horatio Ballard, of the sixth judicial district; James L. Angle, of the seventh judicial district. and Myron H. Peck, of the eighth judicial district, are vice-presidents, and of which the judges of the United States Courts, residing in this State, the judges of the Court of Appeals, and justices of the Supreme Court of this State are honorary members, and all persons who shall hereafter be associated with them are hereby created a body corporate, under the name of the "New York State Bar Association." And the said association is formed to cultivate the science of jurisprudence, to promote reform in the law, to facilitate the administration of justice, to elevate the standard of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession, and to cherish the spirit of brotherhood among the members thereof. SEC. 2. Said corporation shall have power to acquire by lease or purchase, suitable buildings, library and furniture for the use of the corporation; to borrow money for such purposes and issue bonds therefor, and to secure the same by mortgage, and generally to acquire and take by purchase, gift, devise, bequest, subject to the provisions of law relating to devises and bequests by last will and testament or otherwise, and to hold, transfer and convey all or any such real and personal property as may be necessary for attaining the objects, and carrying into effect the purposes of such corporation. SEC. 3. The constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations originally adopted by said voluntary association shall be the constitution, by-laws, President of the United States, Vice-President of the United States, members of the President's Cabinet, United States Senators from this State, Governor of this State, Attorney-General of this State, Envoy or Minister of the United States to any foreign country, member appointed on the part of the United States of any international tribunal, and that the Secretary is directed to enroll them accordingly. IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the Association shall be a President, nine VicePresidents, one to be chosen from each judicial district, an Executive Committee, a Committee on Admissions, a Committee on Grievances, a Committee on Law Reform, a Committee on Prizes, a Committee on Legal Biography, a Committee on the Selection of Candidates for Judicial Office, a Secretary and a Treasurer, all of whom shall (for the period until the 1st day of January, 1878) be elected at the meeting at which this Constitution is adopted. And thereafter they shall be elected in the manner hereinafter prescribed. (Amended January 21, 1902; amended January 24, 1908; amended January 29, 1909.) The President, or (in his absence) one of the Vice-Presidents, or (in the absence of all of them) one of the members shall preside at all meetings of the Association. The President shall be ex officio a member of the Executive Committee. VI. — EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of twenty-seven members, of whom three shall reside in, and be selected from each judicial district, and shall compose a District Executive Committee thereof. The Secretary and Treasurer of the Association shall be, ex-officio, members of the Executive Committee. (Amended January 24, 1908; amended January 29, 1909; amended January 19, 1911.) This Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and By-laws, and shall be vested with the title to all its property, as Trustee thereof, until the Association shall be incorporated, and when incorporated shall have power to accept the act of incorporation for and on behalf of the Association and all its members. By-laws may be adopted at any annual meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present, and the Executive Committee may make By-laws for the Association, subject to amendment by the Association. (Amended January 21, 1902.) At meetings of this Committee, the member or members in attendance from each judicial district shall be entitled to three votes, to be cast by him or them, separately or together, as he or they may deter |