Omnibus motion, New York practice... 165 tice Production of documents, English prac tice 166 154 Summons for direction, English practice. 165 Preliminary reference; New Jersey practice. 166 Preparations for trial... Preliminary questions Omnibus motion... Procedure Supervision of Systems of Process and pleading. English practice New Jersey practice... Production of documents. .12, 152 .12, 153 .13, 165 8, 23, 29, 55 .9, 55 8, 23, 29 11, 119 119 120 154 Proposed act to authorize preparation of new practice act..... Recommendations contained in report: PAGE 17 Changes in existing practice...... .9, 83 Service of papers; substituted.. Sham defenses; summary judgment. ... 8, 26 .8, 170 .8, 26 170 .13, 169 Connecticut, General statutes, Revision 39 Delaware; Revised Code, ch. 106, § 1.. 38 New Jersey Practice Act; see that title. § 130 ... 53 Laws 1848, ch. 379, Pt: 2, Tit. 1, § 62. 103 Laws 1904, ch. 664... 17 213 .. 85, 86, 165, 168 140 $$ 863-866 U. S. Federal Statutes Annotated, vol. 3, Virginia Code, 1904, § 3112... Statutory idea of regulating practice. .9, 23, Submission of cause to jury... 158 39 29 .14, 174 |